Layered Modal Type Theory: Where Meta-programming Meets Intensional Analysis

This artifact contains the Agda mechanization of a presheaf model of the simply typed layered modal type theory appearing at ESOP 2024. This artifact is self-contained, provided an Agda installation. The mechanization is tested to work with Agda 2.6.3.

Technical Report

A full technical report for this artifact is available here.


This artifact type-checks in safe Agda, i.e. with the following flags:

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

so that it ensures the mechanization is constructed in a consistent environment and is complete.

The artifact also depends on agda-stdlib which is included as a submodule or distributed in lib/.

You can either load src/README.agda in Emacs, or run

agda src/README.agda

in the console.

See a compiled web version here.

Agda Installation

It is recommended to build Agda from source. To do so, one would need to install stack. This can be done via

curl -sSL | sh

Then the following script will use stack to install Agda in ~/.local/bin/.

git clone
cd agda
git checkout release-2.6.3
cp stack-8.8.4.yaml stack.yaml # choose your favourite Haskell version
stack install # it is going to take a while
cp ~/.local/bin/agda ~/.local/bin/agda-2.6.3
cp ~/.local/bin/agda-mode ~/.local/bin/agda-mode-2.6.3

If Agda does not run, please check to make sure it is in your PATH.