
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Definitions.
Require Import Step.
Require Import Misc.
Require Import ListRelations.
Require Import StructuralProperties.
Require Import OperationProperties.

Definition and Properties of Kernel D<:

This file defines Kernel D<: and examines its properties.

Reserved Notation "[ L ] G ⊢k S <⦂ U" (at level 70).
Inductive subtykn : vars -> env -> typ -> typ -> Prop :=
――――――――――――――― K-VRefl
G k x.A <: x.A
| snf_vrefl : forall L G x,
    [ L ] G k typ_sel x <: typ_sel x
――――――――――― K-Top
G k T <:
| snf_top : forall L G T,
    [ L ] G k T <: typ_top
――――――――――― K-Bot
G k <: T
| snf_bot : forall L G T,
    [ L ] G k typ_bot <: T
G k S <: T1
G k T2 <: U
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― K-Bnd
G k {A : T1 .. T2} <: {A : S .. U}
| snf_bnd : forall L G S T1 T2 U,
    [ L ] G k S <: T1 ->
    [ L ] G k T2 <: U ->
    [ L ] G k typ_bnd T1 T2 <: typ_bnd S U
G ; x : T k U1 <: U2
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― K-All
G k ∀(x : T)U1 <: ∀(x : T)U2
| snf_all : forall L G T U1 U2 x,
    x `notin` union (fv G)
      (union (fv T) (union (fv U1) (union (fv U2) L))) ->
    [ union L (union (singleton x) (fv T)) ]
      x ~ T ++ G k open x U1 <: open x U2 ->
    [ L ] G k typ_all T U1 <: typ_all T U2
G k G(x) <: {A : S .. ⊤}
――――――――――――――――――――――――― K-Sel1
G k S <: x.A
| snf_sel1 : forall L G x T S,
    binds x T G ->
    [ L ] G k T <: typ_bnd S typ_top ->
    [ L ] G k S <: (typ_sel $ avar_f x)
G k G(x) <: {A : .. U}
――――――――――――――――――――――――― K-Sel2
G k x.A <: U
| snf_sel2 : forall L G x T U,
    binds x T G ->
    [ L ] G k T <: typ_bnd typ_bot U ->
    [ L ] G k typ_sel $ avar_f x <: U
where "[ L ] G ⊢k S <⦂ U" := (subtykn L G S U).
Hint Constructors subtykn.

Program Fixpoint subtykn_refl T {measure (typ_struct_measure T)} :
  forall L G,
    [ L ] G k T <: T := _.
Next Obligation.
  destruct T; eauto.
  - pick_fresh x. econstructor; eauto.
    apply subtykn_refl. autorewrite with measures.
    simpl; lia.
  - constructor; apply subtykn_refl; simpl; lia.

Lemma subtykn_sound : forall L G S U,
    [ L ] G k S <: U ->
    uniq G ->
    G S <: U.
  induction on subtykn; routine.
  - eapply st_all; trivial.
    apply open_subst_subty with (x := x); auto.
  - eauto using ty_sub.
  - eauto using ty_sub.

Lemma weaken_subtykn_gen : forall L' G1 G2 S U,
    [ L' ] G1 ++ G2 k S <: U ->
    forall L G,
      L' [=] L `union` fv G ->
      [ L ] G1 ++ G ++ G2 k S <: U.
  dep induction on subtykn; eroutine.
  - instantiate (1 := x). rewrite H2 in *.
    change (union (dom (H0 ++ H1)) (fv_values fv_typ (H0 ++ H1)))
      with (fv (H0 ++ H1)) in H.
    change (union (dom G) (fv_values fv_typ G)) with (fv G) in H.
    repeat rewrite fv_union in *.
    fold_cls. fsetdec.
  - reassoc 4 with 3.
    eapply IHsubtykn; auto.
    rewrite H2.
    change (union (dom G) (fv_values fv_typ G)) with (fv G).
    clear H. fold_cls.

Lemma weaken_subtykn : forall L G G' S U,
    [ L `union` fv G' ] G k S <: U -> [ L ] G' ++ G k S <: U.
  intros. reassoc 2 with 0.
  eapply weaken_subtykn_gen; eauto.
Local Hint Resolve weaken_subtykn.

Lack of Transitivity

Despite that Kernel D<: has no transitivity, it is still possible to show that Kernel D<: is transitivity on and .

Fixpoint bnd_layer (T : typ) (Ts : list typ) : typ :=
  match Ts with
  | nil => T
  | cons T' Ts =>
    typ_bnd T' (bnd_layer T Ts)

Lemma trans_on_top : forall L G T,
    [ L ] G k typ_top <: T ->
    forall S,
      [ L ] G k S <: T
with layered_top_trans : forall L G T l U,
    [ L ] G k T <: bnd_layer (typ_bnd typ_top U) l ->
    forall S,
      [ L ] G k T <: bnd_layer (typ_bnd S U) l.
  - clear trans_on_top.
    dep induction on subtykn; eroutine.
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply layered_top_trans with (l := nil).

  - clear layered_top_trans.
    intros. gen S. dependent induction H; intros; eauto.
    1-5:induction l; eroutine.

    econstructor; eauto.
    specialize (IHsubtykn (cons typ_bot l) U eq_refl).
    simpl in IHsubtykn. auto.
Local Hint Resolve trans_on_top.

Lemma trans_on_bot : forall L G T,
    [ L ] G k T <: typ_bot ->
    forall U,
      [ L ] G k T <: U
with layered_bot_trans : forall L G T l S,
    [ L ] G k T <: bnd_layer (typ_bnd S typ_bot) l ->
    forall U,
      [ L ] G k T <: bnd_layer (typ_bnd S U) l.
  - clear trans_on_bot.
    dep induction on subtykn; eroutine.
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply layered_bot_trans with (l := nil).

  - clear layered_bot_trans.
    intros. gen U.
    dependent induction H; intros; eauto.
    1-5:induction l; eroutine.

    econstructor; eauto.
    specialize (IHsubtykn (cons typ_bot l) S eq_refl).
    simpl in IHsubtykn. auto.
Local Hint Resolve trans_on_bot.

Soundness and Completeness of Step Subtyping w.r.t. Kernel D<:

Recall that there is an alternative definition of Exposure, which is used here to serve as an intermediate setup to show the soundness theorem of kernel D<:.
Theorem exposure'_to_subtykn : forall G S U,
    exposure' G S U ->
    forall L U',
      [ L ] G k U <: U' ->
      [ L ] G k S <: U'.
  induction on exposure'.
  econstructor; try eassumption.

The soundness theorem

Theorem stp_subty_to_subtykn : forall L G S U,
    [ L ] G s S <: U ->
    [ L ] G k S <: U.
  induction on stp_subty; routine.
  - destruct H; eauto.
    + econstructor. eauto.
      apply exposure_weakening with (G' := G2 ++ x ~ T) in H.
      rewrite app_assoc in H.
      apply exposure_to_exposure' in H.
      eapply exposure'_to_subtykn; eauto.
    + econstructor; eauto.
      apply exposure_weakening with (G' := G2 ++ x ~ T) in H.
      rewrite app_assoc in H.
      apply exposure_to_exposure' in H.
      eapply exposure'_to_subtykn; eauto.

  - destruct H; eauto.
    + econstructor. eauto.
      apply exposure_weakening with (G' := G2 ++ x ~ T) in H.
      rewrite app_assoc in H.
      apply exposure_to_exposure' in H.
      eapply exposure'_to_subtykn; eauto.
    + econstructor; eauto.
      apply exposure_weakening with (G' := G2 ++ x ~ T) in H.
      rewrite app_assoc in H.
      apply exposure_to_exposure' in H.
      eapply exposure'_to_subtykn; eauto.

  - eauto.

The completeness theorem

Similar to Exposure, there is also a need to define alternative definitions of Upcast and Downcast.
Inductive upcast_e' : env -> avar -> typ -> Prop :=
| ue_top : forall G x,
    upcast_e' G x typ_top
| ue_bot : forall G x T,
    binds x T G ->
    exposure' G T typ_bot ->
    upcast_e' G (avar_f x) typ_bot
| ue_bnd : forall G x T L U,
    binds x T G ->
    exposure' G T (typ_bnd L U) ->
    upcast_e' G (avar_f x) U.
Local Hint Constructors upcast_e'.

Inductive downcast_e' : env -> avar -> typ -> Prop :=
| de_bot : forall G x,
    downcast_e' G x typ_bot
| de_top : forall G x T,
    binds x T G ->
    exposure' G T typ_bot ->
    downcast_e' G (avar_f x) typ_top
| de_bnd : forall G x T L U,
    binds x T G ->
    exposure' G T (typ_bnd L U) ->
    downcast_e' G (avar_f x) L.
Local Hint Constructors downcast_e'.

Finally, we define a definition of step subtyping where the contexts are not truncated. This is an intermediate setup to show completeness.
Inductive stp_subty' : vars -> env -> typ -> typ -> Prop :=
| ss'_top : forall L G T, stp_subty' L G T typ_top
| ss'_bot : forall L G T, stp_subty' L G typ_bot T
| ss'_sel_refl : forall L G x,
    stp_subty' L G (typ_sel x) (typ_sel x)
| ss'_sel_left : forall L G x T U,
    upcast_e' G x T ->
    stp_subty' L G T U ->
    stp_subty' L G (typ_sel x) U
| ss'_sel_right : forall L G x T U,
    downcast_e' G x T ->
    stp_subty' L G U T ->
    stp_subty' L G U (typ_sel x)
| ss'_bnd : forall L G S1 U1 S2 U2,
    stp_subty' L G S2 S1 ->
    stp_subty' L G U1 U2 ->
    stp_subty' L G (typ_bnd S1 U1) (typ_bnd S2 U2)
| ss'_all : forall L G T U1 U2 x,
    x `notin` fv G `union` fv T
      `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` L ->
    stp_subty' (L `union` singleton x `union` fv T)
              (x ~ T ++ G) (open x U1) (open x U2) ->
    stp_subty' L G (typ_all T U1) (typ_all T U2).
Local Hint Constructors stp_subty' exposure'.

Program Fixpoint stp_subty'_refl T {measure (typ_struct_measure T)}
  : forall L G,
    stp_subty' L G T T := _.
Next Obligation.
  destruct T; eroutine.
  - pick_fresh x.
    + instantiate (1 := x).
    + apply stp_subty'_refl.
      rewrite open_typ_same_measure.
  - constructor.
    all:apply stp_subty'_refl; lia.
Local Hint Resolve stp_subty'_refl.

The following definition is a special definition of kernel D<:, where the steps of derivations are accounted for as part of the judgments. Let us call this form "step-enriched". This is necessary as we (mistakenly) define judgments in Prop, which cannot be eliminated into Set or Type. The steps of derivations are eventually used in the well-foundness induction in the completeness theorem.
Inductive subtykn' : vars -> env -> typ -> typ -> nat -> Prop :=
| snf'_refl : forall L G x, subtykn' L G (typ_sel x) (typ_sel x) 1
| snf'_top : forall L G T, subtykn' L G T typ_top 1
| snf'_bot : forall L G T, subtykn' L G typ_bot T 1
| snf'_bnd : forall L G S T1 T2 U n1 n2,
    subtykn' L G S T1 n1 -> subtykn' L G T2 U n2 ->
    subtykn' L G (typ_bnd T1 T2) (typ_bnd S U) (1 + n1 + n2)
| snf'_all : forall L G T U1 U2 x n,
    x `notin` union (fv G)
      (union (fv T) (union (fv U1) (union (fv U2) L))) ->
    subtykn' (union L (union (singleton x) (fv T)))
            (x ~ T ++ G) (open x U1) (open x U2) n ->
    subtykn' L G (typ_all T U1) (typ_all T U2) (1 + n)
| snf'_sel1 : forall L G x T S n,
    binds x T G ->
    subtykn' L G T (typ_bnd S typ_top) n ->
    subtykn' L G S (typ_sel $ avar_f x) (1 + n)
| snf'_sel2 : forall L G x T U n,
    binds x T G ->
    subtykn' L G T (typ_bnd typ_bot U) n ->
    subtykn' L G (typ_sel $ avar_f x) U (1 + n).
Hint Constructors subtykn'.
Notation "[ L , n ] G ⊢k S <⦂ U" := (subtykn' L G S U n) (at level 70).

Lemma subtykn_to_subtykn' : forall L G S U,
    [ L ] G k S <: U ->
    exists n, [ L , n ] G k S <: U.
  induction on subtykn; eroutine.

Lemma subtykn'_to_subtykn : forall L G S U n,
    [ L , n ] G k S <: U ->
    [ L ] G k S <: U.
  induction on subtykn'; eroutine.

It is quite straightforward to show the equivalence of kernel D<: and this "step-enriched" definition of kernel D<:.
Lemma subtykn_equiv_subtykn' : forall L G S U,
    [ L ] G k S <: U <->
    exists n, [ L , n ] G k S <: U.
  split; auto using subtykn_to_subtykn'.
  intros. tidy_up.
  eauto using subtykn'_to_subtykn.

Local Hint Extern 1 (_ <= _) => lia.

This is the auxiliary lemma of completeness theorem.
Program Fixpoint subtykn'_conversions n {measure n} : forall L G S U,
    [ L , n ] G k S <: U ->
    stp_subty' L G S U /\
    (forall T1 T2,
        U = typ_bnd T1 T2 ->
        exists S', exposure' G S S' /\
              (S' = typ_bot \/
               exists T1' T2' n',
                 S' = typ_bnd T1' T2' /\
                 stp_subty' L G T1 T1' /\
                 ([ L , n' ] G k T2' <: T2) /\ n' <= n))
  := _.
Next Obligation.
  split; intros.
  - induction H; routine.
    + eapply ss'_all with x; auto.
    + clear IHsubtykn'.
      apply subtykn'_conversions in H0; auto.
      specialize (H1 _ _ eq_refl).
      tidy_up; eauto 10.
    + clear IHsubtykn'.
      apply subtykn'_conversions in H0; auto.
      specialize (H1 _ _ eq_refl).
      tidy_up; eauto.

      apply subtykn'_conversions in H8; auto.
      tidy_up. eauto.

  - destruct H; subst; progressive_inversions.
    + eroutine at 14.
    + eexists. split; [apply ex_stop; auto |].
      right. repeat eexists; try eassumption; auto.
      eapply subtykn'_conversions; try eassumption.
    + apply subtykn'_conversions in H1; try lia.
      specialize (H1 _ _ eq_refl).
      tidy_up; eauto.

      apply subtykn'_conversions in H8; try lia.
      specialize (H6 _ _ eq_refl).
      tidy_up; eauto 14.

At this step, we show that step subtyping is complete w.r.t. kernel D<: if contexts are not truncated. The final step is to show that step subtyping performs the same with and without the contexts truncated.
Theorem subtykn_to_stp_subty' : forall L G S U,
    [ L ] G k S <: U ->
    stp_subty' L G S U.
  rewrite subtykn_equiv_subtykn' in *.
  eapply subtykn'_conversions.

Local Hint Constructors stp_subty upcast_e downcast_e.
Local Hint Resolve exposure'_to_exposure.

Local Ltac wf_env :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | H : wf_env (_ ++ _) ⊢ _ => apply wf_deapp in H; invert H; subst

Lemma upcast_e'_to_upcast_e : forall G x T,
    upcast_e' G x T ->
    wf_env G ->
    upcast_e G x T.
  destr on upcast_e'; eroutine.
  all:apply binds_app in H; tidy_up;
    pose proof H1; wf_env.

  - eapply uce_bot.
    apply exposure_strengthening with (G2 := (H ++ x ~ T));
      try rewrite app_assoc in *; eauto.
  - eapply uce_bnd.
    apply exposure_strengthening with (G2 := (H ++ x ~ T));
      try rewrite app_assoc in *; eauto.

Lemma downcast_e'_to_downcast_e : forall G x T,
    downcast_e' G x T ->
    wf_env G ->
    downcast_e G x T.
  destr on downcast_e'; eroutine.
  all:apply binds_app in H; tidy_up;
    pose proof H1; wf_env.

  - eapply dce_top.
    apply exposure_strengthening with (G2 := (H ++ x ~ T));
      try rewrite app_assoc in *; eauto.
  - eapply dce_bnd.
    apply exposure_strengthening with (G2 := (H ++ x ~ T));
      try rewrite app_assoc in *; eauto.

Local Hint Resolve upcast_e_preserves_wf upcast_e_preserves_lc upcast_e'_to_upcast_e.
Local Hint Resolve downcast_e_preserves_wf
      downcast_e_preserves_lc downcast_e'_to_downcast_e.

Lemma stp_subty'_to_stp_subty : forall L G S U,
    stp_subty' L G S U ->
    wf_env G ->
    fv S dom G -> lc S ->
    fv U dom G -> lc U ->
    [ L ] G s S <: U.
  induction on stp_subty'; intros; eauto.
  - econstructor.
    + apply upcast_e'_to_upcast_e; eassumption.
    + progressive_inversions.
      apply IHstp_subty'; eauto.
  - econstructor.
    + apply downcast_e'_to_downcast_e; eassumption.
    + progressive_inversions.
      apply IHstp_subty'; eauto.
  - progressive_inversions. simpl in *.
    fold_cls. auto 10.
  - progressive_inversions. simpl in *.
    invert H2; subst. fold_cls.
    apply ss_all with x; auto.
    apply IHstp_subty'.
    all:try apply open_lc_typ; trivial.
    + constructor; auto.
    + pose proof (fv_open_typ U1 x 0).
      etransitivity; [ eassumption |].
      set solve.
    + pose proof (fv_open_typ U2 x 0).
      etransitivity; [ eassumption |].
      set solve.

The completeness theorem is thus established.
Theorem subtykn_to_stp_subty : forall L G S U,
    [ L ] G k S <: U ->
    wf_env G ->
    fv S dom G -> lc S ->
    fv U dom G -> lc U ->
    [ L ] G s S <: U.
  auto using subtykn_to_stp_subty', stp_subty'_to_stp_subty.

Theorem subtykn_equiv_stp_subty : forall L G S U,
    wf_env G ->
    fv S dom G -> lc S ->
    fv U dom G -> lc U ->
    [ L ] G k S <: U <->
    [ L ] G s S <: U.
  split; auto using subtykn_to_stp_subty, stp_subty_to_subtykn.