------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- Properties of functions, such as associativity and commutativity ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The contents of this module should be accessed via `Algebra`, unless -- you want to parameterise it via the equality relation. {-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-} open import Relation.Binary.Core open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_) module Algebra.Definitions {a ℓ} {A : Set a} -- The underlying set (_≈_ : Rel A ℓ) -- The underlying equality where open import Algebra.Core open import Data.Product open import Data.Sum.Base ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Properties of operations Congruent₁ : Op₁ A → Set _ Congruent₁ f = f Preserves _≈_ ⟶ _≈_ Congruent₂ : Op₂ A → Set _ Congruent₂ ∙ = ∙ Preserves₂ _≈_ ⟶ _≈_ ⟶ _≈_ LeftCongruent : Op₂ A → Set _ LeftCongruent _∙_ = ∀ {x} → (x ∙_) Preserves _≈_ ⟶ _≈_ RightCongruent : Op₂ A → Set _ RightCongruent _∙_ = ∀ {x} → (_∙ x) Preserves _≈_ ⟶ _≈_ Associative : Op₂ A → Set _ Associative _∙_ = ∀ x y z → ((x ∙ y) ∙ z) ≈ (x ∙ (y ∙ z)) Commutative : Op₂ A → Set _ Commutative _∙_ = ∀ x y → (x ∙ y) ≈ (y ∙ x) LeftIdentity : A → Op₂ A → Set _ LeftIdentity e _∙_ = ∀ x → (e ∙ x) ≈ x RightIdentity : A → Op₂ A → Set _ RightIdentity e _∙_ = ∀ x → (x ∙ e) ≈ x Identity : A → Op₂ A → Set _ Identity e ∙ = (LeftIdentity e ∙) × (RightIdentity e ∙) LeftZero : A → Op₂ A → Set _ LeftZero z _∙_ = ∀ x → (z ∙ x) ≈ z RightZero : A → Op₂ A → Set _ RightZero z _∙_ = ∀ x → (x ∙ z) ≈ z Zero : A → Op₂ A → Set _ Zero z ∙ = (LeftZero z ∙) × (RightZero z ∙) LeftInverse : A → Op₁ A → Op₂ A → Set _ LeftInverse e _⁻¹ _∙_ = ∀ x → ((x ⁻¹) ∙ x) ≈ e RightInverse : A → Op₁ A → Op₂ A → Set _ RightInverse e _⁻¹ _∙_ = ∀ x → (x ∙ (x ⁻¹)) ≈ e Inverse : A → Op₁ A → Op₂ A → Set _ Inverse e ⁻¹ ∙ = (LeftInverse e ⁻¹) ∙ × (RightInverse e ⁻¹ ∙) LeftConical : A → Op₂ A → Set _ LeftConical e _∙_ = ∀ x y → (x ∙ y) ≈ e → x ≈ e RightConical : A → Op₂ A → Set _ RightConical e _∙_ = ∀ x y → (x ∙ y) ≈ e → y ≈ e Conical : A → Op₂ A → Set _ Conical e ∙ = (LeftConical e ∙) × (RightConical e ∙) _DistributesOverˡ_ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ _*_ DistributesOverˡ _+_ = ∀ x y z → (x * (y + z)) ≈ ((x * y) + (x * z)) _DistributesOverʳ_ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ _*_ DistributesOverʳ _+_ = ∀ x y z → ((y + z) * x) ≈ ((y * x) + (z * x)) _DistributesOver_ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ * DistributesOver + = (* DistributesOverˡ +) × (* DistributesOverʳ +) _IdempotentOn_ : Op₂ A → A → Set _ _∙_ IdempotentOn x = (x ∙ x) ≈ x Idempotent : Op₂ A → Set _ Idempotent ∙ = ∀ x → ∙ IdempotentOn x IdempotentFun : Op₁ A → Set _ IdempotentFun f = ∀ x → f (f x) ≈ f x Selective : Op₂ A → Set _ Selective _∙_ = ∀ x y → (x ∙ y) ≈ x ⊎ (x ∙ y) ≈ y _Absorbs_ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ _∙_ Absorbs _∘_ = ∀ x y → (x ∙ (x ∘ y)) ≈ x Absorptive : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ Absorptive ∙ ∘ = (∙ Absorbs ∘) × (∘ Absorbs ∙) Involutive : Op₁ A → Set _ Involutive f = ∀ x → f (f x) ≈ x LeftCancellative : Op₂ A → Set _ LeftCancellative _•_ = ∀ x {y z} → (x • y) ≈ (x • z) → y ≈ z RightCancellative : Op₂ A → Set _ RightCancellative _•_ = ∀ {x} y z → (y • x) ≈ (z • x) → y ≈ z Cancellative : Op₂ A → Set _ Cancellative _•_ = (LeftCancellative _•_) × (RightCancellative _•_) AlmostLeftCancellative : A → Op₂ A → Set _ AlmostLeftCancellative e _•_ = ∀ {x} y z → ¬ x ≈ e → (x • y) ≈ (x • z) → y ≈ z AlmostRightCancellative : A → Op₂ A → Set _ AlmostRightCancellative e _•_ = ∀ {x} y z → ¬ x ≈ e → (y • x) ≈ (z • x) → y ≈ z AlmostCancellative : A → Op₂ A → Set _ AlmostCancellative e _•_ = AlmostLeftCancellative e _•_ × AlmostRightCancellative e _•_ Interchangable : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ Interchangable _∘_ _∙_ = ∀ w x y z → ((w ∙ x) ∘ (y ∙ z)) ≈ ((w ∘ y) ∙ (x ∘ z)) LeftDividesˡ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ LeftDividesˡ _∙_ _\\_ = ∀ x y → (x ∙ (x \\ y)) ≈ y LeftDividesʳ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ LeftDividesʳ _∙_ _\\_ = ∀ x y → (x \\ (x ∙ y)) ≈ y RightDividesˡ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ RightDividesˡ _∙_ _//_ = ∀ x y → ((y // x) ∙ x) ≈ y RightDividesʳ : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ RightDividesʳ _∙_ _//_ = ∀ x y → ((y ∙ x) // x) ≈ y LeftDivides : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ LeftDivides ∙ \\ = (LeftDividesˡ ∙ \\) × (LeftDividesʳ ∙ \\) RightDivides : Op₂ A → Op₂ A → Set _ RightDivides ∙ // = (RightDividesˡ ∙ //) × (RightDividesʳ ∙ //)