------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- Primitive IO: simple bindings to Haskell types and functions -- manipulating potentially infinite objects ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# OPTIONS --without-K --guardedness #-} module IO.Primitive.Infinite where -- NOTE: the contents of this module should be accessed via `IO` or -- `IO.Infinite`. open import Codata.Musical.Costring open import Agda.Builtin.String open import Agda.Builtin.Unit renaming (⊤ to Unit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The IO monad open import Agda.Builtin.IO public using (IO) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Simple lazy IO -- Note that the functions below produce commands which, when -- executed, may raise exceptions. -- Note also that the semantics of these functions depends on the -- version of the Haskell base library. If the version is (or -- later?), then the functions use the character encoding specified by -- the locale. For older versions of the library (going back to at -- least version 3) the functions use ISO-8859-1. postulate getContents : IO Costring readFile : String → IO Costring writeFile : String → Costring → IO Unit appendFile : String → Costring → IO Unit putStr : Costring → IO Unit putStrLn : Costring → IO Unit {-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified Data.Text #-} {-# FOREIGN GHC fromColist :: MAlonzo.Code.Codata.Musical.Colist.Base.AgdaColist a -> [a] fromColist MAlonzo.Code.Codata.Musical.Colist.Base.Nil = [] fromColist (MAlonzo.Code.Codata.Musical.Colist.Base.Cons x xs) = x : fromColist (MAlonzo.RTE.flat xs) toColist :: [a] -> MAlonzo.Code.Codata.Musical.Colist.Base.AgdaColist a toColist [] = MAlonzo.Code.Codata.Musical.Colist.Base.Nil toColist (x : xs) = MAlonzo.Code.Codata.Musical.Colist.Base.Cons x (MAlonzo.RTE.Sharp (toColist xs)) #-} {-# COMPILE GHC getContents = fmap toColist getContents #-} {-# COMPILE GHC readFile = fmap toColist . readFile . Data.Text.unpack #-} {-# COMPILE GHC writeFile = \x -> writeFile (Data.Text.unpack x) . fromColist #-} {-# COMPILE GHC appendFile = \x -> appendFile (Data.Text.unpack x) . fromColist #-} {-# COMPILE GHC putStr = putStr . fromColist #-} {-# COMPILE GHC putStrLn = putStrLn . fromColist #-} {-# COMPILE UHC getContents = UHC.Agda.Builtins.primGetContents #-} {-# COMPILE UHC readFile = UHC.Agda.Builtins.primReadFile #-} {-# COMPILE UHC writeFile = UHC.Agda.Builtins.primWriteFile #-} {-# COMPILE UHC appendFile = UHC.Agda.Builtins.primAppendFile #-} {-# COMPILE UHC putStr = UHC.Agda.Builtins.primPutStr #-} {-# COMPILE UHC putStrLn = UHC.Agda.Builtins.primPutStrLn #-}