------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- Surjections ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-} -- Note: use of the standard function hierarchy is encouraged. The -- module `Function` re-exports `Surjective`, `IsSurjection` and -- `Surjection`. The alternative definitions found in this file will -- eventually be deprecated. module Function.Surjection where open import Level open import Function.Equality as F using (_⟶_) renaming (_∘_ to _⟪∘⟫_) open import Function.Equivalence using (Equivalence) open import Function.Injection hiding (id; _∘_; injection) open import Function.LeftInverse as Left hiding (id; _∘_) open import Data.Product open import Relation.Binary open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Surjective functions. record Surjective {f₁ f₂ t₁ t₂} {From : Setoid f₁ f₂} {To : Setoid t₁ t₂} (to : From ⟶ To) : Set (f₁ ⊔ f₂ ⊔ t₁ ⊔ t₂) where field from : To ⟶ From right-inverse-of : from RightInverseOf to ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The set of all surjections from one setoid to another. record Surjection {f₁ f₂ t₁ t₂} (From : Setoid f₁ f₂) (To : Setoid t₁ t₂) : Set (f₁ ⊔ f₂ ⊔ t₁ ⊔ t₂) where field to : From ⟶ To surjective : Surjective to open Surjective surjective public right-inverse : RightInverse From To right-inverse = record { to = from ; from = to ; left-inverse-of = right-inverse-of } open LeftInverse right-inverse public using () renaming (to-from to from-to) injective : Injective from injective = LeftInverse.injective right-inverse injection : Injection To From injection = LeftInverse.injection right-inverse equivalence : Equivalence From To equivalence = record { to = to ; from = from } -- Right inverses can be turned into surjections. fromRightInverse : ∀ {f₁ f₂ t₁ t₂} {From : Setoid f₁ f₂} {To : Setoid t₁ t₂} → RightInverse From To → Surjection From To fromRightInverse r = record { to = from ; surjective = record { from = to ; right-inverse-of = left-inverse-of } } where open LeftInverse r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The set of all surjections from one set to another (i.e. sujections -- with propositional equality) infix 3 _↠_ _↠_ : ∀ {f t} → Set f → Set t → Set _ From ↠ To = Surjection (P.setoid From) (P.setoid To) surjection : ∀ {f t} {From : Set f} {To : Set t} → (to : From → To) (from : To → From) → (∀ x → to (from x) ≡ x) → From ↠ To surjection to from surjective = record { to = P.→-to-⟶ to ; surjective = record { from = P.→-to-⟶ from ; right-inverse-of = surjective } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Identity and composition. id : ∀ {s₁ s₂} {S : Setoid s₁ s₂} → Surjection S S id {S = S} = record { to = F.id ; surjective = record { from = LeftInverse.to id′ ; right-inverse-of = LeftInverse.left-inverse-of id′ } } where id′ = Left.id {S = S} infixr 9 _∘_ _∘_ : ∀ {f₁ f₂ m₁ m₂ t₁ t₂} {F : Setoid f₁ f₂} {M : Setoid m₁ m₂} {T : Setoid t₁ t₂} → Surjection M T → Surjection F M → Surjection F T f ∘ g = record { to = to f ⟪∘⟫ to g ; surjective = record { from = LeftInverse.to g∘f ; right-inverse-of = LeftInverse.left-inverse-of g∘f } } where open Surjection g∘f = Left._∘_ (right-inverse g) (right-inverse f)