------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- An inductive definition of the sublist relation with respect to a -- setoid. This is a generalisation of what is commonly known as Order -- Preserving Embeddings (OPE). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-} {-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections #-} open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel) open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid) module Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Setoid {c ℓ} (S : Setoid c ℓ) where open import Level using (_⊔_) open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_) import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Equality.Setoid as SetoidEquality import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Heterogeneous as Heterogeneous import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Heterogeneous.Core as HeterogeneousCore import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Heterogeneous.Properties as HeterogeneousProperties open import Data.Product.Base using (∃; ∃₂; _×_; _,_; proj₂) open import Relation.Binary.Core using (_⇒_) open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Preorder; Poset) open import Relation.Binary.Structures using (IsPreorder; IsPartialOrder) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as ≡ using (_≡_) open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no) open Setoid S renaming (Carrier to A) open SetoidEquality S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Definition infix 4 _⊆_ _⊇_ _⊂_ _⊃_ _⊈_ _⊉_ _⊄_ _⊅_ _⊆_ : Rel (List A) (c ⊔ ℓ) _⊆_ = Heterogeneous.Sublist _≈_ _⊇_ : Rel (List A) (c ⊔ ℓ) xs ⊇ ys = ys ⊆ xs _⊂_ : Rel (List A) (c ⊔ ℓ) xs ⊂ ys = xs ⊆ ys × ¬ (xs ≋ ys) _⊃_ : Rel (List A) (c ⊔ ℓ) xs ⊃ ys = ys ⊂ xs _⊈_ : Rel (List A) (c ⊔ ℓ) xs ⊈ ys = ¬ (xs ⊆ ys) _⊉_ : Rel (List A) (c ⊔ ℓ) xs ⊉ ys = ¬ (xs ⊇ ys) _⊄_ : Rel (List A) (c ⊔ ℓ) xs ⊄ ys = ¬ (xs ⊂ ys) _⊅_ : Rel (List A) (c ⊔ ℓ) xs ⊅ ys = ¬ (xs ⊃ ys) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Re-export definitions and operations from heterogeneous sublists open HeterogeneousCore _≈_ public using ([]; _∷_; _∷ʳ_) open Heterogeneous {R = _≈_} public hiding (Sublist; []; _∷_; _∷ʳ_) renaming ( toAny to to∈ ; fromAny to from∈ ) open Disjoint public using ([]) open DisjointUnion public using ([]) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Relational properties holding for Setoid case ⊆-reflexive : _≋_ ⇒ _⊆_ ⊆-reflexive = HeterogeneousProperties.fromPointwise open HeterogeneousProperties.Reflexivity {R = _≈_} refl public using () renaming (refl to ⊆-refl) -- ⊆-refl : Reflexive _⊆_ open HeterogeneousProperties.Transitivity {R = _≈_} {S = _≈_} {T = _≈_} trans public using () renaming (trans to ⊆-trans) -- ⊆-trans : Transitive _⊆_ open HeterogeneousProperties.Antisymmetry {R = _≈_} {S = _≈_} (λ x≈y _ → x≈y) public using () renaming (antisym to ⊆-antisym) -- ⊆-antisym : Antisymmetric _≋_ _⊆_ ⊆-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≋_ _⊆_ ⊆-isPreorder = record { isEquivalence = ≋-isEquivalence ; reflexive = ⊆-reflexive ; trans = ⊆-trans } ⊆-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≋_ _⊆_ ⊆-isPartialOrder = record { isPreorder = ⊆-isPreorder ; antisym = ⊆-antisym } ⊆-preorder : Preorder c (c ⊔ ℓ) (c ⊔ ℓ) ⊆-preorder = record { isPreorder = ⊆-isPreorder } ⊆-poset : Poset c (c ⊔ ℓ) (c ⊔ ℓ) ⊆-poset = record { isPartialOrder = ⊆-isPartialOrder } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Raw pushout -- -- The category _⊆_ does not have proper pushouts. For instance consider: -- -- τᵤ : [] ⊆ (u ∷ []) -- τᵥ : [] ⊆ (v ∷ []) -- -- Then, there are two unrelated upper bounds (u ∷ v ∷ []) and (v ∷ u ∷ []), -- since _⊆_ does not include permutations. -- -- Even though there are no unique least upper bounds, we can merge two -- extensions of a list, producing a minimial superlist of both. -- -- For the example, the left-biased merge would produce the pair: -- -- τᵤ′ : (u ∷ []) ⊆ (u ∷ v ∷ []) -- τᵥ′ : (v ∷ []) ⊆ (u ∷ v ∷ []) -- -- We call such a pair a raw pushout. It is then a weak pushout if the -- resulting square commutes, i.e.: -- -- ⊆-trans τᵤ τᵤ′ ~ ⊆-trans τᵥ τᵥ′ -- -- This requires a notion of equality _~_ on sublist morphisms. -- -- Further, commutation requires a similar commutation property -- for the underlying equality _≈_, namely -- -- trans x≈y (sym x≈y) == trans x≈z (sym x≈z) -- -- for some notion of equality _==_ for equality proofs _≈_. -- Such a property is given e.g. if _≈_ is proof irrelevant -- or forms a groupoid. record RawPushout {xs ys zs : List A} (τ : xs ⊆ ys) (σ : xs ⊆ zs) : Set (c ⊔ ℓ) where field {upperBound} : List A leg₁ : ys ⊆ upperBound leg₂ : zs ⊆ upperBound open RawPushout using (leg₁; leg₂) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Extending corners of a raw pushout square -- Extending the right upper corner. infixr 5 _∷ʳ₁_ _∷ʳ₂_ _∷ʳ₁_ : ∀ {xs ys zs : List A} {τ : xs ⊆ ys} {σ : xs ⊆ zs} → (y : A) → RawPushout τ σ → RawPushout (y ∷ʳ τ) σ y ∷ʳ₁ rpo = record { leg₁ = refl ∷ leg₁ rpo ; leg₂ = y ∷ʳ leg₂ rpo } -- Extending the left lower corner. _∷ʳ₂_ : ∀ {xs ys zs : List A} {τ : xs ⊆ ys} {σ : xs ⊆ zs} → (z : A) → RawPushout τ σ → RawPushout τ (z ∷ʳ σ) z ∷ʳ₂ rpo = record { leg₁ = z ∷ʳ leg₁ rpo ; leg₂ = refl ∷ leg₂ rpo } -- Extending both of these corners with equal elements. ∷-rpo : ∀ {x y z : A} {xs ys zs : List A} {τ : xs ⊆ ys} {σ : xs ⊆ zs} → (x≈y : x ≈ y) (x≈z : x ≈ z) → RawPushout τ σ → RawPushout (x≈y ∷ τ) (x≈z ∷ σ) ∷-rpo x≈y x≈z rpo = record { leg₁ = sym x≈y ∷ leg₁ rpo ; leg₂ = sym x≈z ∷ leg₂ rpo } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Left-biased pushout: add elements of left extension first. ⊆-pushoutˡ : ∀ {xs ys zs : List A} → (τ : xs ⊆ ys) (σ : xs ⊆ zs) → RawPushout τ σ ⊆-pushoutˡ [] σ = record { leg₁ = σ ; leg₂ = ⊆-refl } ⊆-pushoutˡ (y ∷ʳ τ) σ = y ∷ʳ₁ ⊆-pushoutˡ τ σ ⊆-pushoutˡ τ@(_ ∷ _) (z ∷ʳ σ) = z ∷ʳ₂ ⊆-pushoutˡ τ σ ⊆-pushoutˡ (x≈y ∷ τ) (x≈z ∷ σ) = ∷-rpo x≈y x≈z (⊆-pushoutˡ τ σ) -- Join two extensions, returning the upper bound and the diagonal -- of the pushout square. ⊆-joinˡ : ∀ {xs ys zs : List A} → (τ : xs ⊆ ys) (σ : xs ⊆ zs) → ∃ λ us → xs ⊆ us ⊆-joinˡ τ σ = RawPushout.upperBound rpo , ⊆-trans τ (leg₁ rpo) where rpo = ⊆-pushoutˡ τ σ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Upper bound of two sublists xs,ys ⊆ zs -- -- Two sublists τ : xs ⊆ zs and σ : ys ⊆ zs -- can be joined in a unique way if τ and σ are respected. -- -- For instance, if τ : [x] ⊆ [x,y,x] and σ : [y] ⊆ [x,y,x] -- then the union will be [x,y] or [y,x], depending on whether -- τ picks the first x or the second one. -- -- NB: If the content of τ and σ were ignored then the union would not -- be unique. Expressing uniqueness would require a notion of equality -- of sublist proofs, which we do not (yet) have for the setoid case -- (however, for the propositional case). record UpperBound {xs ys zs} (τ : xs ⊆ zs) (σ : ys ⊆ zs) : Set (c ⊔ ℓ) where field {theUpperBound} : List A sub : theUpperBound ⊆ zs inj₁ : xs ⊆ theUpperBound inj₂ : ys ⊆ theUpperBound open UpperBound infixr 5 _∷ₗ-ub_ _∷ᵣ-ub_ ∷ₙ-ub : ∀ {xs ys zs} {τ : xs ⊆ zs} {σ : ys ⊆ zs} {x} → UpperBound τ σ → UpperBound (x ∷ʳ τ) (x ∷ʳ σ) ∷ₙ-ub u = record { sub = _ ∷ʳ u .sub ; inj₁ = u .inj₁ ; inj₂ = u .inj₂ } _∷ₗ-ub_ : ∀ {xs ys zs} {τ : xs ⊆ zs} {σ : ys ⊆ zs} {x y} → (x≈y : x ≈ y) → UpperBound τ σ → UpperBound (x≈y ∷ τ) (y ∷ʳ σ) x≈y ∷ₗ-ub u = record { sub = refl ∷ u .sub ; inj₁ = x≈y ∷ u .inj₁ ; inj₂ = _ ∷ʳ u .inj₂ } _∷ᵣ-ub_ : ∀ {xs ys zs} {τ : xs ⊆ zs} {σ : ys ⊆ zs} {x y} → (x≈y : x ≈ y) → UpperBound τ σ → UpperBound (y ∷ʳ τ) (x≈y ∷ σ) x≈y ∷ᵣ-ub u = record { sub = refl ∷ u .sub ; inj₁ = _ ∷ʳ u .inj₁ ; inj₂ = x≈y ∷ u .inj₂ } _,_∷-ub_ : ∀ {xs ys zs} {τ : xs ⊆ zs} {σ : ys ⊆ zs} {x y z} → (x≈z : x ≈ z) (y≈z : y ≈ z) → UpperBound τ σ → UpperBound (x≈z ∷ τ) (y≈z ∷ σ) x≈z , y≈z ∷-ub u = record { sub = refl ∷ u .sub ; inj₁ = x≈z ∷ u .inj₁ ; inj₂ = y≈z ∷ u .inj₂ } ⊆-upper-bound : ∀ {xs ys zs} (τ : xs ⊆ zs) (σ : ys ⊆ zs) → UpperBound τ σ ⊆-upper-bound [] [] = record { sub = [] ; inj₁ = [] ; inj₂ = [] } ⊆-upper-bound (y ∷ʳ τ) (.y ∷ʳ σ) = ∷ₙ-ub (⊆-upper-bound τ σ) ⊆-upper-bound (y ∷ʳ τ) (x≈y ∷ σ) = x≈y ∷ᵣ-ub ⊆-upper-bound τ σ ⊆-upper-bound (x≈y ∷ τ) (y ∷ʳ σ) = x≈y ∷ₗ-ub ⊆-upper-bound τ σ ⊆-upper-bound (x≈z ∷ τ) (y≈z ∷ σ) = x≈z , y≈z ∷-ub ⊆-upper-bound τ σ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Disjoint union -- -- Upper bound of two non-overlapping sublists. ⊆-disjoint-union : ∀ {xs ys zs} {τ : xs ⊆ zs} {σ : ys ⊆ zs} → Disjoint τ σ → UpperBound τ σ ⊆-disjoint-union {τ = τ} {σ = σ} _ = ⊆-upper-bound τ σ