{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- Definition of the PER model
-- The PER model relates two domain values such that the syntactic terms they
-- represent are equivalent. Since we are handling NonCumulative with full a ω universe, we must
-- use a feature, induction-recursion, to strengthen the logical power of the
-- meta-language.
module NonCumulative.Semantics.PER where

open import Data.Nat.Properties

open import Lib hiding (lookup)
open import NonCumulative.Semantics.Domain
open import NonCumulative.Semantics.Evaluation
open import NonCumulative.Semantics.Readback
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel)

Ty : Set₁
Ty = Rel D _

Ev : Set₁
Ev = Rel Env _

-- Two neutral domain values are related if they are read back equal
Bot : Dn  Dn  Set
Bot c c′ =  n   λ u  Re n - c  u × Re n - c′  u

-- Two normal domain values are related if they are read back equal
Top : Df  Df  Set
Top d d′ =  n   λ w  Rf n - d  w × Rf n - d′  w

-- Two domain values intended to represent types are related if they are read back equal
TopT :   D  D  Set
TopT i A B =  n   λ W  Rty n - A at i  W × Rty n - B at i  W

-- A PER to model natural number values
data Nat : Ty where
  ze : ze  ze  Nat
  su : a  b  Nat 
       su a  su b  Nat
  ne :  {i i′} 
       c  c′  Bot 
        i A c   i′ A′ c′  Nat

-- Neutral type values are related simply when the neutral values themselves are related by Bot
data Neu :   Ty where
  ne :  {i j j′} 
       c  c′  Bot 
       j  i 
       j′  i 
        j A c   j′ A′ c′  Neu i

-- Now we move on to defining the PER model. To model the universes, we use
-- Tarski-style encoding, i.e. for a universe level i, 𝕌 i is a PER relating two
-- domain values (or "codes") that are types (i.e. elements of the i'th level
-- universe). If A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i, then El i A relates two values that are elements of the
-- set encoded by A.
-- Unfortunately, this method only works on paper. In type theory, we must consider
-- the effect of proof relevance, when defining El, we must take a witness
-- A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i instead of just A, and El is defined by recursion on A≈B, while 𝕌
-- itself is defined inductively, hence a induction-recursion definition.
-- Finally, we need a well-founded definition in order to handle cumulative
-- universe. In a non-cumulative setting, we expect that this extra well-founded layer
-- by the universe level can be taken away, because we can only grow the universe
-- level by one each time.

-- Helper definitions for the PER model

-- The record for relating return types of Π's
-- Here R is always 𝕌 i, so on paper, it represents ⟦T⟧(ρ) ≈ ⟦T′⟧(ρ′) ∈ 𝕌 i.
record ΠRT T ρ T′ ρ′ R : Set where
    ⟦T⟧   : D
    ⟦T′⟧  : D
    ↘⟦T⟧  :  T  ρ  ⟦T⟧
    ↘⟦T′⟧ :  T′  ρ′  ⟦T′⟧
    T≈T′  : ⟦T⟧  ⟦T′⟧  R

-- The record for relating values of type Π A T ρ
-- Here R is always El i ⟦T⟧(ρ ↦ a), so on paper, it represents f a ≈ f′ a′ ∈ El i ⟦T⟧(ρ ↦ a).
record Π̂ (f a f′ a′ : D) R : Set where
    fa     : D
    fa′    : D
    ↘fa    : f  a  fa
    ↘fa′   : f′  a′  fa′
    fa≈fa′ : fa  fa′  R

record Unli R (a b : D) : Set where
    ua    : D
    ub    : D
    ↘ua   : unli∙ a  ua
    ↘ub   : unli∙ b  ub
    ua≈ub : ua  ub  R

ΠI≤ :  {i j k l}  i  max j k  l < j  l < i
ΠI≤ {_} {j} {k} eq l<j = ≤-trans l<j (≤-trans (m≤m⊔n j k) (≤-reflexive (sym eq)))

ΠI≤′ :  {i l} j k  i  max j k  l < j  l < i
ΠI≤′ j k = ΠI≤

ΠO≤ :  {i j k l}  i  max j k  l < k  l < i
ΠO≤ {_} {j} {k} eq l<k = ≤-trans l<k (≤-trans (m≤n⊔m j k) (≤-reflexive (sym eq)))

ΠO≤′ :  {i l} j k  i  max j k  l < k  l < i
ΠO≤′ j k = ΠO≤

Li≤ :  {i j k l}  i  j + k  l < k  l < i
Li≤{_} {j} {k} eq l<k = ≤-trans l<k (≤-trans (m≤n+m k j) (≤-reflexive (sym eq)))

Li≤′ :  {i l} j k  i  j + k  l < k  l < i
Li≤′ j k = Li≤

U≤ :  {i j l}  i  suc j  l < j  l < i
U≤ eq l<j = <-trans l<j (≤-reflexive (sym eq))

U≤′ :  {j l}  l < j  l < j
U≤′ l<j = ≤-trans l<j (≤-reflexive refl)

module PERDef where

    data 𝕌 i (Univ :  {j}  j < i  Ty) : Ty where
      ne :  {j j′} 
           C  C′  Bot 
           j  suc i 
           j′  suc i 
            j A C   j′ A′ C′  𝕌 i Univ
      N  : i  0 
           N  N  𝕌 i Univ
      U  :  {j j′} 
           i  suc j 
           j  j′            -- keeping equality here helps with --without-K settings
           U j  U j′  𝕌 i Univ
      Π  :  {j j′ k k′}
             (eq : i  max j k) 
           let Univj :  {l}  l < j  Ty
               Univj = λ l<j  Univ (ΠI≤ eq l<j)
               Univk :  {l}  l < k  Ty
               Univk = λ l<k  Univ (ΠO≤ eq l<k) in
           (iA : A  A′  𝕌 j Univj) 
           (∀ {a a′} 
              a  a′  El j Univj iA 
              ΠRT T (ρ  a) T′ (ρ′  a′) (𝕌 k Univk)) 
           j  j′ 
           k  k′ 
           Π j A (T  k) ρ  Π j′ A′ (T′  k′) ρ′  𝕌 i Univ
      L  :  {j j′ k k′}
             (eq : i  j + k) 
           A  A′  𝕌 k  l<k  Univ (Li≤ eq l<k)) 
           j  j′ 
           k  k′ 
           Li j k A  Li j′ k′ A′  𝕌 i Univ

    El :  i (Univ :  {j}  j < i  Ty)  A  B  𝕌 i Univ  Ty
    El i Univ (ne C≈C′ _ _)   = Neu i
    El i Univ (N _)           = Nat
    El i Univ (U eq _)        = Univ (≤-reflexive (sym eq))
    El i Univ (Π _ iA RT _ _) = λ f f′   {a b} (inp : a  b  El _ {- j -} _ iA)  Π̂ f a f′ b (El _ {- k -} _ (ΠRT.T≈T′ (RT inp)))
    El i Univ (L eq A≈A′ _ _) = Unli (El _ _ A≈A′)

-- Now we tie the knot and expose 𝕌 and El in the wild.
𝕌-wellfounded :  i {j}  j < i  Ty
𝕌-wellfounded .(suc _) (s≤s {j} j<i) = PERDef.𝕌 j  j′<j  𝕌-wellfounded _ (≤-trans j′<j j<i))

open PERDef hiding (𝕌; El) public

pattern ne′ C≈C′ = ne C≈C′ refl refl
pattern ne″ C≈C′ = ne {A = N} {A′ = N} {i = 0} {i′ = 0} C≈C′
pattern N′ = N refl
pattern U′ {j} = U {j = j} refl refl
pattern Π′ {j} {k} iA RT = Π {j = j} {k = k} refl iA RT refl refl
pattern L′ {j} {k} A≈A′ = L {j = j} {k = k} refl A≈A′ refl refl

𝕌 :   Ty
𝕌 i = PERDef.𝕌 i (𝕌-wellfounded i)

El :  i  A  B  𝕌 i  Ty
El i = PERDef.El i (𝕌-wellfounded i)

-- On paper, it represents ⟦T⟧(ρ) ≈ ⟦T′⟧(ρ′) ∈ 𝕌 i.
record RelTyp i T ρ T′ ρ′ : Set where
    ⟦T⟧   : D
    ⟦T′⟧  : D
    ↘⟦T⟧  :  T  ρ  ⟦T⟧
    ↘⟦T′⟧ :  T′  ρ′  ⟦T′⟧
    T≈T′  : ⟦T⟧  ⟦T′⟧  𝕌 i

-- PER model for context stacks and global evaluation environments
-- Again we use induction-recursion here in order to model related context stacks and
-- related evaluation environments.
-- ⊨ Γ ≈ Δ means that Γ and Δ are two related contexts so that every
-- corresponding types in them are related after evaluation. The PER for
-- evaluation environments is defined recursively on ⊨ Γ ≈ Δ. On paper, we write
--       ρ ≈ ρ′ ∈ ⟦ Γ ⟧
-- where ⊨ Γ ≈ Γ, but this again will not work in Agda due to proof relevance. For
-- this reason, we must prove some extra properties.
infix 4 ⊨_≈_ ⊨_
  data ⊨_≈_ : Ctx  Ctx  Set where
    []-≈   :  []  []
    ∷-cong :  {i j} 
             (Γ≈Δ :  Γ  Δ) 
             (∀ {ρ ρ′}  ρ  ρ′   Γ≈Δ ⟧ρ  RelTyp i T ρ T′ ρ′) 
             i  j 
              (T  i)  Γ  (T′  j)  Δ

  ⟦_⟧ρ :  Γ  Δ  Ev
   []-≈ ⟧ρ ρ ρ′              = 
   ∷-cong Γ≈Δ rel eq ⟧ρ ρ ρ′ = Σ (drop ρ  drop ρ′   Γ≈Δ ⟧ρ) λ ρ≈ρ′  let open RelTyp (rel ρ≈ρ′) in lookup ρ 0  lookup ρ′ 0  El _ T≈T′

⊨_ : Ctx  Set
 Γ =  Γ  Γ