{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module NonCumulative.Statics.Ascribed.Presup where
open import Lib
open import NonCumulative.Statics.Ascribed.Full
open import NonCumulative.Statics.Ascribed.PER
open import NonCumulative.Statics.Ascribed.Refl
open import NonCumulative.Statics.Ascribed.Misc
open import NonCumulative.Statics.Ascribed.CtxEquiv
open import NonCumulative.Statics.Ascribed.Properties.Contexts
open import NonCumulative.Statics.Ascribed.Properties.Subst
presup-tm : ∀ {i} →
Γ ⊢ t ∶[ i ] T →
⊢ Γ × Γ ⊢ T ∶[ 1 + i ] Se i
presup-tm (N-wf ⊢Γ) = ⊢Γ , Se-wf zero ⊢Γ
presup-tm (Se-wf i ⊢Γ) = ⊢Γ , Se-wf (suc i) ⊢Γ
presup-tm (Liftt-wf n ⊢T)
with presup-tm ⊢T
... | ⊢Γ , _ = ⊢Γ , Se-wf (n + _) ⊢Γ
presup-tm (Π-wf ⊢S ⊢T eq)
with presup-tm ⊢S
... | ⊢Γ , _ = ⊢Γ , Se-wf _ ⊢Γ
presup-tm (vlookup ⊢Γ T∈Γ) = ⊢Γ , ∈⇒ty-wf ⊢Γ T∈Γ
presup-tm (ze-I ⊢Γ) = ⊢Γ , N-wf ⊢Γ
presup-tm (su-I ⊢t) = presup-tm ⊢t
presup-tm (N-E ⊢T ⊢s ⊢r ⊢t)
with presup-tm ⊢T
... | ⊢∷ ⊢Γ _ , _ = ⊢Γ , t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢I,t ⊢Γ (N-wf ⊢Γ) ⊢t)
presup-tm (Λ-I ⊢S ⊢t eq)
with presup-tm ⊢t
... | ⊢∷ ⊢Γ _ , ⊢T = ⊢Γ , Π-wf ⊢S ⊢T eq
presup-tm (Λ-E ⊢S ⊢T ⊢t ⊢s eq)
with presup-tm ⊢S
... | ⊢Γ , _ = ⊢Γ , t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢I,t ⊢Γ ⊢S ⊢s)
presup-tm (L-I n ⊢t)
with presup-tm ⊢t
... | ⊢Γ , ⊢T = ⊢Γ , Liftt-wf n ⊢T
presup-tm (L-E n ⊢T ⊢t) = proj₁ (presup-tm ⊢T) , ⊢T
presup-tm (t[σ] ⊢t ⊢σ)
with presup-tm ⊢t | presup-s ⊢σ
... | _ , ⊢T | ⊢Γ , _ = ⊢Γ , t[σ]-Se ⊢T ⊢σ
presup-tm (conv ⊢t S≈T)
with presup-≈ S≈T
... | ⊢Γ , _ , ⊢T , _ = ⊢Γ , ⊢T
presup-s : Γ ⊢s σ ∶ Δ →
⊢ Γ × ⊢ Δ
presup-s (s-I ⊢Γ) = ⊢Γ , ⊢Γ
presup-s (s-wk ⊢TΓ@(⊢∷ ⊢Γ _)) = ⊢TΓ , ⊢Γ
presup-s (s-∘ ⊢σ ⊢δ) = proj₁ (presup-s ⊢σ) , proj₂ (presup-s ⊢δ)
presup-s (s-, ⊢σ ⊢T ⊢t)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s ⊢σ = ⊢Γ , ⊢∷ ⊢Δ ⊢T
presup-s (s-conv ⊢σ Δ′≈Δ) = proj₁ (presup-s ⊢σ) , proj₂ (presup-⊢≈ Δ′≈Δ)
presup-≈ : ∀ {i} →
Γ ⊢ s ≈ t ∶[ i ] T →
⊢ Γ × Γ ⊢ s ∶[ i ] T × Γ ⊢ t ∶[ i ] T × Γ ⊢ T ∶[ 1 + i ] Se i
presup-≈ (N-[] ⊢σ)
with presup-s ⊢σ
... | ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ = ⊢Γ , t[σ]-Se (N-wf ⊢Δ) ⊢σ , N-wf ⊢Γ , Se-wf zero ⊢Γ
presup-≈ (Se-[] i ⊢σ)
with presup-s ⊢σ
... | ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ = ⊢Γ , t[σ]-Se (Se-wf i ⊢Δ) ⊢σ , Se-wf i ⊢Γ , Se-wf (suc i) ⊢Γ
presup-≈ (Liftt-[] n ⊢σ ⊢T)
with presup-s ⊢σ
... | ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ = ⊢Γ , t[σ]-Se (Liftt-wf n ⊢T) ⊢σ , Liftt-wf n (t[σ]-Se ⊢T ⊢σ) , Se-wf (n + _) ⊢Γ
presup-≈ (Π-[] ⊢σ ⊢S ⊢T eq)
with presup-s ⊢σ
... | ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ = ⊢Γ , t[σ]-Se (Π-wf ⊢S ⊢T eq) ⊢σ , Π-wf (t[σ]-Se ⊢S ⊢σ) (t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢q ⊢Γ ⊢σ ⊢S)) eq , Se-wf _ ⊢Γ
presup-≈ (Π-cong ⊢S S≈S′ T≈T′ eq)
with presup-≈ S≈S′ | presup-≈ T≈T′
... | ⊢Γ , ⊢S , ⊢S′ , _
| _ , ⊢T , ⊢T′ , _ = ⊢Γ , Π-wf ⊢S ⊢T eq , Π-wf ⊢S′ (ctxeq-tm (∷-cong (≈-Ctx-refl ⊢Γ) ⊢S ⊢S′ S≈S′ S≈S′) ⊢T′) eq , Se-wf _ ⊢Γ
presup-≈ (Liftt-cong n T≈T′)
with presup-≈ T≈T′
... | ⊢Γ , ⊢T , ⊢T′ , _ = ⊢Γ , Liftt-wf n ⊢T , Liftt-wf n ⊢T′ , Se-wf (n + _) ⊢Γ
presup-≈ (v-≈ ⊢Γ T∈Γ) = ⊢Γ , vlookup ⊢Γ T∈Γ , vlookup ⊢Γ T∈Γ , ∈⇒ty-wf ⊢Γ T∈Γ
presup-≈ (ze-≈ ⊢Γ) = ⊢Γ , ze-I ⊢Γ , ze-I ⊢Γ , N-wf ⊢Γ
presup-≈ (su-cong t≈t′)
with presup-≈ t≈t′
... | ⊢Γ , ⊢t , ⊢t′ , ⊢N = ⊢Γ , su-I ⊢t , su-I ⊢t′ , ⊢N
presup-≈ (rec-cong ⊢T T≈T′ s≈s′ r≈r′ t≈t′)
with ⊢NΓ , ⊢T , ⊢T′ , _ ← presup-≈ T≈T′
| ⊢Γ , ⊢s , ⊢s′ , _ ← presup-≈ s≈s′
| ⊢TNΓ , ⊢r , ⊢r′ , _ ← presup-≈ r≈r′
| _ , ⊢t , ⊢t′ , _ ← presup-≈ t≈t′ = ⊢Γ
, N-E ⊢T ⊢s ⊢r ⊢t
, conv
(N-E ⊢T′ (conv ⊢s′ ([]-cong-Se′ T≈T′ (⊢I,ze ⊢Γ))) (ctxeq-tm (∷-cong′ ⊢NΓ ⊢T ⊢T′ T≈T′) (conv ⊢r′ ([]-cong-Se′ T≈T′ (⊢[wk∘wk],su[v1] ⊢TNΓ)))) ⊢t′)
(≈-sym ([]-cong-Se T≈T′ (⊢I,t ⊢Γ (N-wf ⊢Γ) ⊢t) (,-cong (I-≈ ⊢Γ) (N-wf ⊢Γ) (≈-refl (N-wf ⊢Γ)) (≈-conv-N-[]-sym t≈t′ (s-I ⊢Γ)))))
, (t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢I,t ⊢Γ (N-wf ⊢Γ) ⊢t))
presup-≈ (Λ-cong ⊢S S≈S′ t≈t′ eq)
with _ , _ , ⊢S′ , _ ← presup-≈ S≈S′
| ⊢∷ ⊢Γ _ , ⊢t , ⊢t′ , ⊢T ← presup-≈ t≈t′ = ⊢Γ , Λ-I ⊢S ⊢t eq , conv (Λ-I ⊢S′ (ctxeq-tm (∷-cong (≈-Ctx-refl ⊢Γ) ⊢S ⊢S′ S≈S′ S≈S′) ⊢t′) eq) (≈-sym (Π-cong ⊢S S≈S′ (≈-refl ⊢T) eq)) , Π-wf ⊢S ⊢T eq
presup-≈ ($-cong ⊢S ⊢T r≈r′ s≈s′ eq)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢r , ⊢r′ , ⊢ΠST ← presup-≈ r≈r′
| _ , ⊢s , ⊢s′ , _ ← presup-≈ s≈s′ = ⊢Γ
, Λ-E ⊢S ⊢T ⊢r ⊢s eq
, conv (Λ-E ⊢S ⊢T ⊢r′ ⊢s′ eq) ([]-cong-Se″ ⊢T (⊢I,t ⊢Γ ⊢S ⊢s′) (,-cong (I-≈ ⊢Γ) ⊢S (≈-refl ⊢S) (≈-conv (≈-sym s≈s′) (≈-sym ([I] ⊢S)))))
, t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢I,t ⊢Γ ⊢S ⊢s)
presup-≈ ([]-cong t≈t′ σ≈σ′)
with _ , ⊢t , ⊢t′ , ⊢T ← presup-≈ t≈t′
| ⊢Γ , ⊢σ , ⊢σ′ , _ ← presup-s-≈ σ≈σ′ = ⊢Γ , t[σ] ⊢t ⊢σ , conv (t[σ] ⊢t′ ⊢σ′) ([]-cong-Se″ ⊢T ⊢σ′ (s-≈-sym σ≈σ′)) , t[σ]-Se ⊢T ⊢σ
presup-≈ (liftt-cong n t≈t′)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢t , ⊢t′ , ⊢T ← presup-≈ t≈t′ = ⊢Γ , L-I n ⊢t , L-I n ⊢t′ , Liftt-wf n ⊢T
presup-≈ (unlift-cong n ⊢T t≈t′)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢t , ⊢t′ , _ ← presup-≈ t≈t′ = ⊢Γ , L-E n ⊢T ⊢t , L-E n ⊢T ⊢t′ , ⊢T
presup-≈ (ze-[] ⊢σ)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s ⊢σ = ⊢Γ , t[σ]-N (ze-I ⊢Δ) ⊢σ , ze-I ⊢Γ , N-wf ⊢Γ
presup-≈ (su-[] ⊢σ ⊢t)
with ⊢Γ ← proj₁ (presup-s ⊢σ) = ⊢Γ , t[σ]-N (su-I ⊢t) ⊢σ , su-I (t[σ]-N ⊢t ⊢σ) , N-wf ⊢Γ
presup-≈ (rec-[] {Γ = Γ} {σ = σ} {Δ = Δ} {T = T} {t = t} {i = i} ⊢σ ⊢T ⊢s ⊢r ⊢t)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s ⊢σ = ⊢Γ
, conv
(t[σ] (N-E ⊢T ⊢s ⊢r ⊢t) ⊢σ)
T [| t ∶ N₀ ] [ σ ]
ER.≈⟨ [∘]-Se ⊢T (⊢I,t ⊢Δ (N-wf ⊢Δ) ⊢t) ⊢σ ⟩
T [ (I , t ∶ N₀) ∘ σ ]
ER.≈⟨ []-cong-Se″ ⊢T (s-∘ ⊢σ (⊢I,t ⊢Δ (N-wf ⊢Δ) ⊢t)) ([I,t]∘σ≈σ,t[σ] ⊢NΔ ⊢σ ⊢t) ⟩
T [ σ , sub t σ ∶ N₀ ]
, conv
(N-E ⊢T[qσ]
(t[σ] ⊢s ⊢σ)
T [| ze ∶ N₀ ] [ σ ]
ER.≈⟨ [∘]-Se ⊢T (⊢I,ze ⊢Δ) ⊢σ ⟩
T [ (I , ze ∶ N₀) ∘ σ ]
ER.≈⟨ []-cong-Se″ ⊢T (s-∘ ⊢σ (⊢I,ze ⊢Δ)) ([I,ze]∘σ≈σ,ze ⊢Δ ⊢σ) ⟩
T [ σ , ze ∶ N₀ ]
ER.≈˘⟨ []-cong-Se″ ⊢T (s-∘ (⊢I,ze ⊢Γ) ⊢qσ) (qσ∘[I,ze]≈σ,ze ⊢Γ ⊢Δ ⊢σ) ⟩
T [ q N₀ σ ∘ (I , ze ∶ N₀) ]
ER.≈˘⟨ [∘]-Se ⊢T ⊢qσ (⊢I,t ⊢Γ (N-wf ⊢Γ) (ze-I ⊢Γ)) ⟩
T [ q N₀ σ ] [| ze ∶ N₀ ]
(conv (t[σ] ⊢r ⊢q[qσ]) (rec-β-su-T-swap ⊢Γ ⊢TNΔ ⊢σ))
(t[σ]-N ⊢t ⊢σ))
([∘]-Se ⊢T ⊢qσ (⊢I,t ⊢Γ (N-wf ⊢Γ) (t[σ]-N ⊢t ⊢σ)))
([]-cong-Se″ ⊢T (s-∘ (⊢I,t ⊢Γ (N-wf ⊢Γ) (t[σ]-N ⊢t ⊢σ)) ⊢qσ) (qσ∘[I,t]≈σ,t-N ⊢Γ ⊢Δ (t[σ]-N ⊢t ⊢σ) ⊢σ)))
, t[σ]-Se ⊢T (s-, ⊢σ (N-wf ⊢Δ) (t[σ] ⊢t ⊢σ))
⊢qσ = ⊢q-N ⊢Γ ⊢Δ ⊢σ
⊢T[qσ] = t[σ]-Se ⊢T ⊢qσ
⊢NΓ = ⊢∷ ⊢Γ (N-wf ⊢Γ)
⊢q[qσ] = ⊢q ⊢NΓ ⊢qσ ⊢T
⊢T[qσ]NΓ = ⊢∷ ⊢NΓ ⊢T[qσ]
⊢NΔ = ⊢∷ ⊢Δ (N-wf ⊢Δ)
⊢TNΔ = ⊢∷ ⊢NΔ ⊢T
presup-≈ (Λ-[] ⊢σ ⊢S ⊢t eq)
with ⊢Γ ← proj₁ (presup-s ⊢σ)
| ⊢∷ _ ⊢S , ⊢T ← presup-tm ⊢t = ⊢Γ
, t[σ] (Λ-I ⊢S ⊢t eq) ⊢σ
, conv
(Λ-I (t[σ]-Se ⊢S ⊢σ) (t[σ] ⊢t (⊢q ⊢Γ ⊢σ ⊢S)) eq)
(≈-sym (Π-[] ⊢σ ⊢S ⊢T eq))
, t[σ]-Se (Π-wf ⊢S ⊢T eq) ⊢σ
presup-≈ ($-[] ⊢S ⊢T ⊢σ ⊢r ⊢s eq)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s ⊢σ = ⊢Γ
, conv (t[σ] (Λ-E ⊢S ⊢T ⊢r ⊢s eq) ⊢σ) (≈-trans ([∘]-Se ⊢T (⊢I,t ⊢Δ ⊢S ⊢s) ⊢σ) ([]-cong-Se″ ⊢T (s-∘ ⊢σ (⊢I,t ⊢Δ ⊢S ⊢s)) ([I,t]∘σ≈σ,t[σ] (⊢∷ ⊢Δ ⊢S) ⊢σ ⊢s)))
, conv (Λ-E (t[σ]-Se ⊢S ⊢σ) (t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢q ⊢Γ ⊢σ ⊢S)) (conv (t[σ] ⊢r ⊢σ) (Π-[] ⊢σ ⊢S ⊢T eq)) (t[σ] ⊢s ⊢σ) eq)
(≈-trans ([∘]-Se ⊢T (⊢q ⊢Γ ⊢σ ⊢S) (⊢I,t ⊢Γ (t[σ]-Se ⊢S ⊢σ) (t[σ] ⊢s ⊢σ)))
([]-cong-Se″ ⊢T (s-∘ (⊢I,t ⊢Γ (t[σ]-Se ⊢S ⊢σ) (t[σ] ⊢s ⊢σ)) (⊢q ⊢Γ ⊢σ ⊢S)) (qσ∘[I,t]≈σ,t ⊢Γ ⊢S ⊢σ (t[σ] ⊢s ⊢σ))))
, t[σ]-Se ⊢T (s-, ⊢σ ⊢S (t[σ] ⊢s ⊢σ))
presup-≈ (liftt-[] n ⊢σ ⊢T ⊢t)
with ⊢Γ , _ ← presup-s ⊢σ = ⊢Γ , t[σ] (L-I n ⊢t) ⊢σ , conv (L-I n (t[σ] ⊢t ⊢σ)) (≈-sym (Liftt-[] n ⊢σ ⊢T)) , t[σ]-Se (Liftt-wf n ⊢T) ⊢σ
presup-≈ (unlift-[] n ⊢T ⊢σ ⊢t)
with ⊢Γ , _ ← presup-s ⊢σ = ⊢Γ , t[σ] (L-E n ⊢T ⊢t) ⊢σ , L-E n (t[σ]-Se ⊢T ⊢σ) (conv (t[σ] ⊢t ⊢σ) (Liftt-[] n ⊢σ ⊢T)) , t[σ]-Se ⊢T ⊢σ
presup-≈ (rec-β-ze ⊢T ⊢t ⊢r)
with ⊢Γ ← proj₁ (presup-tm ⊢t) = ⊢Γ , N-E ⊢T ⊢t ⊢r (ze-I ⊢Γ) , ⊢t , t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢I,t ⊢Γ (N-wf ⊢Γ) (ze-I ⊢Γ))
presup-≈ (rec-β-su {Γ = Γ} {T = T} {s = s} {r = r} {t = t} ⊢T ⊢s ⊢r ⊢t)
with ⊢TNΓ@(⊢∷ ⊢NΓ@(⊢∷ ⊢Γ ⊢N) _) ← proj₁ (presup-tm ⊢r) = ⊢Γ
, N-E ⊢T ⊢s ⊢r (su-I ⊢t)
, conv
(t[σ] ⊢r ⊢I,t,recTrst)
(≈-trans ([∘]-Se ⊢T ⊢[wk∘wk],su[v1]′ ⊢I,t,recTrst) ([]-cong-Se″ ⊢T (s-∘ ⊢I,t,recTrst ⊢[wk∘wk],su[v1]′) lemma))
, t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢I,t ⊢Γ ⊢N (su-I ⊢t))
⊢recTsrt = N-E ⊢T ⊢s ⊢r ⊢t
⊢I,t,recTrst = s-, (⊢I,t ⊢Γ ⊢N ⊢t) ⊢T (N-E ⊢T ⊢s ⊢r ⊢t)
⊢wk∘wk = s-∘ (s-wk ⊢TNΓ) (s-wk ⊢NΓ)
⊢[wk∘wk],su[v1]′ = s-, ⊢wk∘wk ⊢N (conv-N-[]-sym (su-I (⊢vn∶N L.[ T ↙ _ ] ⊢TNΓ refl)) ⊢wk∘wk)
lemma : Γ ⊢s ((wk ∘ wk) , su (v 1) ∶ N₀) ∘ ((I , t ∶ N₀) , rec (T ↙ _) s r t ∶ T ↙ _) ≈ I , su t ∶ N₀ ∶ N₀ ∷ Γ
lemma =
((wk ∘ wk) , su (v 1) ∶ N₀) ∘ ((I , t ∶ N₀) , rec (T ↙ _) s r t ∶ T ↙ _)
≈⟨ ,-∘ ⊢wk∘wk ⊢N (conv-N-[]-sym (su-I (⊢vn∶N L.[ T ↙ _ ] ⊢TNΓ refl)) ⊢wk∘wk) ⊢I,t,recTrst ⟩
(wk ∘ wk ∘ ((I , t ∶ N₀) , rec (T ↙ _) s r t ∶ T ↙ _)) , su (v 1) [ (I , t ∶ N₀) , rec (T ↙ _) s r t ∶ T ↙ _ ] ∶ N₀
≈⟨ ,-cong lemma-l ⊢N (≈-refl ⊢N) (≈-conv-N-[]-sym lemma-r (s-∘ ⊢I,t,recTrst ⊢wk∘wk)) ⟩
I , su t ∶ N₀
lemma-r : Γ ⊢ su (v 1) [ (I , t ∶ N₀) , rec (T ↙ _) s r t ∶ T ↙ _ ] ≈ su t ∶[ 0 ] N
lemma-r =
su (v 1) [ (I , t ∶ N₀) , rec (T ↙ _) s r t ∶ T ↙ _ ]
≈⟨ su-[] ⊢I,t,recTrst (⊢vn∶N L.[ T ↙ _ ] ⊢TNΓ refl) ⟩
su (v 1 [ (I , t ∶ N₀) , rec (T ↙ _) s r t ∶ T ↙ _ ])
≈⟨ su-cong (≈-conv ([,]-v-su (⊢I,t ⊢Γ ⊢N ⊢t) ⊢T ⊢recTsrt here) (N-[][] (s-wk ⊢NΓ) (⊢I,t ⊢Γ ⊢N ⊢t))) ⟩
su (v 0 [ I , t ∶ N₀ ])
≈⟨ su-cong (≈-conv-N-[] ([,]-v-ze (s-I ⊢Γ) ⊢N (conv-N-[]-sym ⊢t (s-I ⊢Γ))) (s-I ⊢Γ)) ⟩
su t
open ER
open SR
lemma-l : Γ ⊢s wk ∘ wk ∘ ((I , t ∶ N₀) , rec (T ↙ _) s r t ∶ T ↙ _) ≈ I ∶ Γ
lemma-l = wk∘wk∘,, ⊢Γ (s-I ⊢Γ) ⊢N ⊢T (conv ⊢t (≈-sym ([I] ⊢N))) ⊢recTsrt
presup-≈ (Λ-β ⊢S ⊢T ⊢t ⊢s)
with ⊢∷ ⊢Γ _ , _ ← presup-tm ⊢t = ⊢Γ , Λ-E ⊢S ⊢T (Λ-I ⊢S ⊢t refl) ⊢s refl , t[σ] ⊢t (⊢I,t ⊢Γ ⊢S ⊢s) , t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢I,t ⊢Γ ⊢S ⊢s)
presup-≈ (Λ-η ⊢S ⊢T ⊢s eq)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢ΠST ← presup-tm ⊢s = ⊢Γ , ⊢s
, conv (Λ-I ⊢S (Λ-E ⊢S[wk]
(t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢q ⊢SΓ (s-wk ⊢SΓ) ⊢S))
(conv (t[σ] ⊢s (s-wk ⊢SΓ)) (Π-[] (s-wk ⊢SΓ) ⊢S ⊢T eq))
⊢v0 eq)
(Π-cong ⊢S (≈-refl ⊢S)
(≈-trans ([∘]-Se ⊢T (⊢q ⊢SΓ (s-wk ⊢SΓ) ⊢S) ⊢I,v0)
(≈-trans ([]-cong-Se″ ⊢T (s-∘ ⊢I,v0 (⊢q ⊢SΓ (s-wk ⊢SΓ) ⊢S)) (q[wk]∘[I,v0]≈I ⊢SΓ))
([I] ⊢T)))
, ⊢ΠST
⊢SΓ = ⊢∷ ⊢Γ ⊢S
⊢S[wk] = t[σ]-Se ⊢S (s-wk ⊢SΓ)
⊢v0 = vlookup ⊢SΓ here
⊢I,v0 = ⊢I,t ⊢SΓ ⊢S[wk] ⊢v0
presup-≈ (L-β n ⊢t)
with presup-tm ⊢t
... | ⊢Γ , ⊢T = ⊢Γ , L-E n ⊢T (L-I n ⊢t) , ⊢t , ⊢T
presup-≈ (L-η n ⊢T ⊢t)
with presup-tm ⊢t
... | ⊢Γ , ⊢LT = ⊢Γ , ⊢t , L-I n (L-E n ⊢T ⊢t) , ⊢LT
presup-≈ ([I] ⊢t)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢T ← presup-tm ⊢t = ⊢Γ , conv (t[σ] ⊢t (s-I ⊢Γ)) ([I] ⊢T) , ⊢t , ⊢T
presup-≈ ([wk] ⊢Γ ⊢S T∈Γ) = ⊢SΓ , t[σ] (vlookup ⊢Γ T∈Γ) (s-wk ⊢SΓ) , vlookup ⊢SΓ (there T∈Γ) , t[σ]-Se (∈⇒ty-wf ⊢Γ T∈Γ) (s-wk ⊢SΓ)
where ⊢SΓ = ⊢∷ ⊢Γ ⊢S
presup-≈ ([∘] ⊢τ ⊢σ ⊢t)
with ⊢Γ ← proj₁ (presup-s ⊢τ)
| _ , ⊢T ← presup-tm ⊢t = ⊢Γ , t[σ] ⊢t (s-∘ ⊢τ ⊢σ) , conv (t[σ] (t[σ] ⊢t ⊢σ) ⊢τ) ([∘]-Se ⊢T ⊢σ ⊢τ) , t[σ]-Se ⊢T (s-∘ ⊢τ ⊢σ)
presup-≈ ([,]-v-ze ⊢σ ⊢S ⊢t)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s ⊢σ = ⊢Γ
, conv (t[σ] (vlookup ⊢SΔ here) ⊢σ,t) (≈-trans ([∘]-Se ⊢S (s-wk ⊢SΔ) ⊢σ,t) ([]-cong-Se″ ⊢S (s-∘ ⊢σ,t (s-wk ⊢SΔ)) (p-, ⊢σ ⊢S ⊢t)))
, ⊢t , t[σ]-Se ⊢S ⊢σ
⊢SΔ = ⊢∷ ⊢Δ ⊢S
⊢σ,t = s-, ⊢σ ⊢S ⊢t
presup-≈ ([,]-v-su ⊢σ ⊢S ⊢s T∈Δ)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s ⊢σ
with ⊢T ← ∈⇒ty-wf ⊢Δ T∈Δ = ⊢Γ
, conv (t[σ] (vlookup ⊢SΔ (there T∈Δ)) ⊢σ,s)
(≈-trans ([∘]-Se ⊢T (s-wk ⊢SΔ) ⊢σ,s) ([]-cong-Se″ ⊢T (s-∘ ⊢σ,s (s-wk ⊢SΔ)) (wk∘[σ,t]≈σ ⊢SΔ ⊢σ ⊢s)))
, t[σ] (vlookup ⊢Δ T∈Δ) ⊢σ , t[σ]-Se ⊢T ⊢σ
⊢SΔ = ⊢∷ ⊢Δ ⊢S
⊢σ,s = s-, ⊢σ ⊢S ⊢s
presup-≈ (≈-conv s≈t S≈T)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢s , ⊢t , _ ← presup-≈ s≈t
| _ , _ , ⊢T , _ ← presup-≈ S≈T = ⊢Γ , conv ⊢s S≈T , conv ⊢t S≈T , ⊢T
presup-≈ (≈-sym t≈s)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢t , ⊢s , ⊢T ← presup-≈ t≈s = ⊢Γ , ⊢s , ⊢t , ⊢T
presup-≈ (≈-trans s≈t′ t′≈t)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢s , _ ← presup-≈ s≈t′
| _ , _ , ⊢t , ⊢T ← presup-≈ t′≈t = ⊢Γ , ⊢s , ⊢t , ⊢T
presup-s-≈ : Γ ⊢s σ ≈ τ ∶ Δ →
⊢ Γ × Γ ⊢s σ ∶ Δ × Γ ⊢s τ ∶ Δ × ⊢ Δ
presup-s-≈ (I-≈ ⊢Γ) = ⊢Γ , s-I ⊢Γ , s-I ⊢Γ , ⊢Γ
presup-s-≈ (wk-≈ ⊢TΓ@(⊢∷ ⊢Γ _)) = ⊢TΓ , s-wk ⊢TΓ , s-wk ⊢TΓ , ⊢Γ
presup-s-≈ (∘-cong σ≈σ′ τ≈τ′)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢σ , ⊢σ′ , _ ← presup-s-≈ σ≈σ′
| _ , ⊢τ , ⊢τ′ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s-≈ τ≈τ′ = ⊢Γ , s-∘ ⊢σ ⊢τ , s-∘ ⊢σ′ ⊢τ′ , ⊢Δ
presup-s-≈ (,-cong σ≈τ ⊢T T≈T′ t≈t′)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢σ , ⊢τ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s-≈ σ≈τ
| _ , ⊢t , ⊢t′ , _ ← presup-≈ t≈t′
| _ , _ , ⊢T′ , _ ← presup-≈ T≈T′ = ⊢Γ , s-, ⊢σ ⊢T ⊢t , s-conv (s-, ⊢τ ⊢T′ (conv ⊢t′ ([]-cong-Se T≈T′ ⊢σ σ≈τ))) (∷-cong (≈-Ctx-refl ⊢Δ) ⊢T′ ⊢T (≈-sym T≈T′) (≈-sym T≈T′)) , ⊢∷ ⊢Δ ⊢T
presup-s-≈ (I-∘ ⊢σ)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s ⊢σ = ⊢Γ , s-∘ ⊢σ (s-I ⊢Δ) , ⊢σ , ⊢Δ
presup-s-≈ (∘-I ⊢σ)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s ⊢σ = ⊢Γ , s-∘ (s-I ⊢Γ) ⊢σ , ⊢σ , ⊢Δ
presup-s-≈ (∘-assoc ⊢σ ⊢σ′ ⊢σ″) = proj₁ (presup-s ⊢σ″) , s-∘ ⊢σ″ (s-∘ ⊢σ′ ⊢σ) , s-∘ (s-∘ ⊢σ″ ⊢σ′) ⊢σ , proj₂ (presup-s ⊢σ)
presup-s-≈ (,-∘ ⊢σ ⊢T ⊢t ⊢τ) = proj₁ (presup-s ⊢τ) , s-∘ ⊢τ (s-, ⊢σ ⊢T ⊢t) , s-, (s-∘ ⊢τ ⊢σ) ⊢T (conv (t[σ] ⊢t ⊢τ) ([∘]-Se ⊢T ⊢σ ⊢τ)) , ⊢∷ (proj₂ (presup-s ⊢σ)) ⊢T
presup-s-≈ (p-, ⊢τ ⊢T ⊢t)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s ⊢τ = ⊢Γ , ⊢p (⊢∷ ⊢Δ ⊢T) (s-, ⊢τ ⊢T ⊢t) , ⊢τ , ⊢Δ
presup-s-≈ (,-ext ⊢σ)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢TΔ@(⊢∷ ⊢Δ ⊢T) ← presup-s ⊢σ = ⊢Γ , ⊢σ , s-, (⊢p ⊢TΔ ⊢σ) ⊢T (conv (t[σ] (vlookup ⊢TΔ here) ⊢σ) (≈-trans ([∘]-Se ⊢T (s-wk ⊢TΔ) ⊢σ) (≈-refl (t[σ]-Se ⊢T (⊢p ⊢TΔ ⊢σ))))) , ⊢TΔ
presup-s-≈ (s-≈-sym σ≈τ)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢σ , ⊢τ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s-≈ σ≈τ = ⊢Γ , ⊢τ , ⊢σ , ⊢Δ
presup-s-≈ (s-≈-trans σ≈σ′ σ′≈σ″)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢σ , ⊢σ′ , _ ← presup-s-≈ σ≈σ′
| _ , _ , ⊢σ″ , ⊢Δ ← presup-s-≈ σ′≈σ″ = ⊢Γ , ⊢σ , ⊢σ″ , ⊢Δ
presup-s-≈ (s-≈-conv σ≈τ Δ′≈Δ)
with ⊢Γ , ⊢σ , ⊢τ , ⊢Δ′ ← presup-s-≈ σ≈τ = ⊢Γ , s-conv ⊢σ Δ′≈Δ , s-conv ⊢τ Δ′≈Δ , proj₂ (presup-⊢≈ Δ′≈Δ)