
Require Import StdSetup.

Definition of Variables

Variables are represented locally namelessly with cofinite quantification. That is, local names are represented by de Bruijn indices, while names in the contexts are represented by free names.

Inductive avar : Set :=
| avar_b : nat -> avar
| avar_f : var -> avar.
Hint Constructors avar.

Instance EqAvar : EqDec_eq avar := { }.
Proof. decide equality. apply Nat.eq_dec. Defined.

Definition fv_values {T : Type} (f : T -> atoms)
           (l : list (atom * T)) : atoms :=
  fold_right (fun (b : (atom * T)) a =>
                a \u let (_, t) := b in f t) {} l.

Lemma fv_unpack : forall T (f : T -> _) e1 e2,
    fv_values f (e1 ++ e2) [=] fv_values f e1 `union` fv_values f e2.
  induction on list; intros. simpl.
  - set solve.
  - routine.
    + rewrite IHlist in H2. fsetdec.
    + rewrite IHlist. fsetdec.

Hint Rewrite -> dom_app fv_unpack : meta_ext.