Miscellaneous Definitions
Inductive wf_env : env -> Prop :=
| wf_nil : wf_env nil
| wf_cons : forall {x T G}, x \notin fv T \u fv G ->
fv T ⊆ dom G ->
wf_env G ->
lc T ->
wf_env (x ~ T ++ G).
Hint Constructors wf_env.
Lemma wf_decons : forall x T G, wf_env (x ~ T ++ G) -> x \notin fv T.
Proof. routine. Qed.
Lemma wf_deapp : forall G1 G2, wf_env (G1 ++ G2) -> wf_env G2.
Proof. induction on env; routine. Qed.
Lemma wf_uniq : forall G, wf_env G -> uniq G.
Proof. induction on env; routine. Qed.
Lemma wf_var_in : forall G1 G2 v,
wf_env (G1 ++ G2) ->
v `in` dom G2 ->
v `notin` dom G1.
induction G1; intros.
- routine.
- tidy_up. repeat rewrite dom_app in *.
rewrite AtomSetProperties.add_union_singleton.
intro Contra.
apply AtomSetImpl.union_1 in Contra.
destruct Contra.
+ apply AtomSetImpl.singleton_1 in H1. subst.
+ eapply IHG1; eassumption.
Lemma wf_fv_is_dom : forall G,
wf_env G ->
fv G [=] dom G.
induction on wf_env; set solve.
autorewrite with meta_ext.
rewrite IHwf_env.
simpl. fsetdec.
Fixpoint typ_struct_measure (T : typ) :=
match T with
| typ_top => 1
| typ_var x => 2
| typ_fun T U => S $ typ_struct_measure T + typ_struct_measure U
| typ_all T U => S $ typ_struct_measure T + typ_struct_measure U
Local Ltac simplify :=
intros; cbn in *; try lia.
Local Ltac finish :=
repeat match goal with
| H : context[forall _, _ = _] ⊢ _ =>
rewrite H; clear H
Lemma open_typ_same_measure : forall T k u,
typ_struct_measure $ open_rec_typ k u T = typ_struct_measure T.
induction T; simplify; finish.
Lemma typ_struct_measure_ge_1 : forall T,
typ_struct_measure T >= 1.
Proof. destruct T; routine. Qed.
Definition total (ns : list nat) : nat :=
fold_right plus 0 ns.
Lemma total_app : forall ns1 ns2,
total (ns1 ++ ns2) = total ns1 + total ns2.
unfold total.
induction on list; simpl in *; intros; trivial.
rewrite IHlist. lia.
Definition env_measure (G : env) : nat :=
total (List.map (fun (tup : var * typ) =>
let (x, T) := tup in typ_struct_measure T) G).
Lemma env_measure_cons : forall x T G,
env_measure ((x, T) :: G) = typ_struct_measure T + env_measure G.
Proof. routine. Qed.
Lemma env_measure_app : forall G1 G2,
env_measure (G2 ++ G1) = env_measure G2 + env_measure G1.
induction G2; simpl; trivial.
destruct a. rewrite! env_measure_cons.
rewrite IHG2. lia.
Arguments env_measure G : simpl never.
Create HintDb measures discriminated.
Hint Rewrite -> env_measure_cons env_measure_app total_app : measures.
Hint Rewrite -> open_typ_same_measure : measures.
Section Predicates.
Definition is_top (T : typ) :=
match T with
| typ_top => True
| _ => False
Definition is_top_dec (T : typ) : {is_top T} + {~is_top T}.
Proof. destruct T; simpl; auto. Defined.
Definition is_var (T : typ) :=
match T with
| typ_var _ => True
| _ => False
Definition is_var_dec (T : typ) : {A | T = typ_var A } + {~is_var T}.
Proof. destruct T; simpl; eauto. Defined.
Definition is_fun (T : typ) :=
match T with
| typ_fun _ _ => True
| _ => False
Definition is_fun_dec (T : typ) : {S & { U | T = typ_fun S U } } + {~is_fun T}.
Proof. destruct T; simpl; eauto. Defined.
Definition is_all (T : typ) :=
match T with
| typ_all _ _ => True
| _ => False
Definition is_all_dec (T : typ) : {S & { U | T = typ_all S U } } + {~is_all T}.
Proof. destruct T; simpl; eauto. Defined.
End Predicates.