
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Definitions.
Require Import Stareat.
Require Import Step.
Require Import Kernel.
Require Import Misc.
Require Import ListRelations.
Require Import StructuralProperties.
Require Import OperationProperties.
Require Import OpeSub.

Definition and Properties of Strong Kernel D<:

This file defines strong kernel D<: and examines its properties.

Reserved Notation "[ L ] G1 ⊢k S <⦂ U k⊣ G2" (at level 70).
Inductive subtysk : vars -> env -> typ -> typ -> env -> Prop :=
――――――――――――――――――――― SK-VRefl
G1 k x.A <: x.A G2
| ssk_refl : forall L G1 G2 x,
    [ L ] G1 k typ_sel x <: typ_sel x k G2
――――――――――――――――― SK-Top
G1 k T <: G2
| ssk_top : forall L G1 G2 T,
    [ L ] G1 k T <: typ_top k G2
――――――――――――――――― SK-Bot
G1 k <: T G2
| ssk_bot : forall L G1 G2 T,
    [ L ] G1 k typ_bot <: T k G2
G1 k T1 >: S G2
G1 k T2 <: U G2
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SK-Bnd
G1 k {A : T1 .. T2} <: {A : S .. U} G2
| ssk_bnd : forall L G1 G2 S T1 T2 U,
    [ L ] G2 k S <: T1 k G1 ->
    [ L ] G1 k T2 <: U k G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 k typ_bnd T1 T2 <: typ_bnd S U k G2
G1 k T1 >: T2 G2
G1 ; x : T1 k U1 <: U2 G2
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SK-All
G1 k ∀(x : T1)U1 <: ∀(x : T2)U2 G2
| ssk_all : forall L G1 G2 T1 T2 U1 U2 x,
    x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv T1 `union` fv T2
      `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L ->
    [ L ] G2 k T2 <: T1 k G1 ->
    [ union L (union (singleton x) (fv T2)) ]
      x ~ T1 ++ G1 k open x U1 <: open x U2 k x ~ T2 ++ G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 k typ_all T1 U1 <: typ_all T2 U2 k G2
G1 k G(x) >: {A : S .. ⊤} G2
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SK-Sel1
G1 k S <: x.A G2
| ssk_sel1 : forall L G1 G2 x T S,
    binds x T G2 ->
    [ L ] G2 k T <: typ_bnd S typ_top k G1 ->
    [ L ] G1 k S <: typ_sel $ avar_f x k G2
G1 k G(x) <: {A : .. U} G2
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SK-Sel2
G1 k x.A <: U G2
| ssk_sel2 : forall L G1 G2 x T U,
    binds x T G1 ->
    [ L ] G1 k T <: typ_bnd typ_bot U k G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 k typ_sel $ avar_f x <: U k G2
where "[ L ] G1 ⊢k S <⦂ U k⊣ G2" := (subtysk L G1 S U G2).
Hint Constructors subtysk.

Reflexivity of strong kernel D<:

Program Fixpoint subtysk_refl T {measure (typ_struct_measure T)} :
  forall L G1 G2,
    [ L ] G1 k T <: T k G2 := _.
Next Obligation.
  destruct T; eauto.
  - pick_fresh x. econstructor; eauto.
    + apply subtysk_refl.
      simpl; lia.
    + apply subtysk_refl. autorewrite with measures.
      simpl; lia.
  - constructor; apply subtysk_refl; simpl; lia.

Local Hint Resolve subtysk_refl.

Strong Kernel D<: Subsuming Kernel D<:

Theorem subtykn_to_subtysk : forall L G S U,
    subtykn L G S U ->
    [ L ] G k S <: U k G.
  induction on subtykn; eroutine.

Soundness and Completeness of Stare-at Subtyping w.r.t. Strong Kernel D<:

The soundness theorem

Lemma subtysk_sound_gen : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [L] G1 k S <: U k G2 ->
    forall G,
      fv G L ->
      uniq G ->
      G <: G1 ->
      G <: G2 ->
      G S <: U.
  induction on subtysk; try solve [routine]; intros.
  - eapply st_all; eauto.
    apply open_subst_subty with (x := x); auto; clear Fr.
    + fsetdec.
    + apply IHsubtysk2.
      * set solve.
      * constructor; trivial.
        simpl in *. fsetdec.
      * simpl; auto using os_keep.
      * simpl; auto using os_keep.
  - apply ty_var in H.
    eapply ope_narrow_trm in H; eauto.
    eauto using ty_sub.
  - apply ty_var in H.
    eapply ope_narrow_trm in H; eauto.
    eauto using ty_sub.

Lemma subtysk_sound : forall G S U,
    [ fv G ] G k S <: U k G ->
    uniq G ->
    G S <: U.
  intros. eauto using subtysk_sound_gen, ope_sub_refl.

The completeness theorem

Similar to the situation in kernel D<:, it is easier to establish the completeness proof via a variant where contexts are not truncated, so that the inductive hypothesis will be much easier to work with.
Reserved Notation "[ L ] G1 >> T '<⦂p' U << G2" (at level 70).
Inductive stareat' : atoms -> env -> typ -> typ -> env -> Prop :=
| bs'_bot : forall L G1 T G2, [ L ] G1 >> typ_bot <:p T << G2
| bs'_top : forall L G1 T G2, [ L ] G1 >> T <:p typ_top << G2
| bs'_sel_refl : forall L G1 x G2, [ L ] G1 >> typ_sel x <:p typ_sel x << G2
| bs'_sel_left : forall L G1 x G2 T U,
    upcast_e' G1 x T ->
    [ L ] G1 >> T <:p U << G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> typ_sel x <:p U << G2
| bs'_sel_right : forall L G1 x G2 T U,
    downcast_e' G2 x U ->
    [ L ] G1 >> T <:p U << G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> T <:p typ_sel x << G2

| bs'_all : forall L G1 T1 U1 G2 T2 U2 x,
    x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv T1 `union` fv T2
      `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L ->
    [ L ] G2 >> T2 <:p T1 << G1 ->
    [ L `union` singleton x `union` fv T2 ]
      x ~ T1 ++ G1 >> open x U1 <:p open x U2 << x ~ T2 ++ G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> typ_all T1 U1 <:p typ_all T2 U2 << G2
| bs'_bnd : forall L G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2,
    [ L ] G2 >> S2 <:p S1 << G1 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> U1 <:p U2 << G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> typ_bnd S1 U1 <:p typ_bnd S2 U2 << G2
where "[ L ] G1 >> T '<⦂p' U << G2" := (stareat' L G1 T U G2)%type.
Local Hint Constructors stareat' stareat.

Local Hint Constructors ope_list.
Local Hint Resolve ope_list_trans ope_list_refl ope_list_to_nil.
Local Hint Resolve ope_list_trans ope_list_append2.

Local Ltac wf_env :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | H : wf_env (_ ++ _) ⊢ _ => apply wf_deapp in H; invert H; subst

First show that the alternative definition of stare-at subtyping is the same as the previous one.
Lemma stareat'_to_stareat : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L ] G1 >> S <:p U << G2 ->
    wf_env G1 -> wf_env G2 ->
    fv S dom G1 -> lc S ->
    fv U dom G2 -> lc U ->
    [ L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2.
  induction on stareat'; intros; try solve [routine].
  - destruct H.
    + econstructor.
      * apply uc_top.
      * rec_pose IHstareat' H; set solve.
        eapply stareat_strengthening with (G := G); eroutine.
    + pose proof H.
      apply binds_app in H; destruct_conjs; subst.
      apply exposure'_to_exposure in H7; trivial.
      pose proof H0. wf_env.
      apply exposure_to_revealing in H7; set solve.
      apply revealing_strengthening with (G' := H9) in H11; eauto.

      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply uc_bot. eassumption.
    + pose proof H.
      apply binds_app in H; destruct_conjs; subst.
      apply exposure'_to_exposure in H7; trivial.
      pose proof H0. wf_env.
      apply exposure_to_revealing in H7; set solve.
      apply revealing_strengthening with (G' := H9) in H11; eauto.

      * eapply uc_bnd. eassumption.
      * pose proof H12.
        apply revealing_preserves_wf in H12; trivial.
        apply revealing_gives_prefix in H18.
        pose proof (prefix_dom H18).
        rec_pose IHstareat' Hind; set solve.

        apply prefix_to_app in H18. destruct_conjs.
        eapply stareat_strengthening; eroutine.

  - destruct H.
    + econstructor.
      * apply dc_bot.
      * rec_pose IHstareat' H; set solve.
        eapply stareat_strengthening with (D := G); eroutine.
    + pose proof H.
      apply binds_app in H; destruct_conjs; subst.
      apply exposure'_to_exposure in H7; trivial.
      pose proof H1. wf_env.
      apply exposure_to_revealing in H7; set solve.
      apply revealing_strengthening with (G' := H9) in H11; eauto.

      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply dc_top. eassumption.
    + pose proof H.
      apply binds_app in H; destruct_conjs; subst.
      apply exposure'_to_exposure in H7; trivial.
      pose proof H1. wf_env.
      apply exposure_to_revealing in H7; set solve.
      apply revealing_strengthening with (G' := H9) in H11; eauto.

      * eapply dc_bnd. eassumption.
      * pose proof H12.
        apply revealing_preserves_wf in H12; trivial.
        apply revealing_gives_prefix in H18.
        pose proof (prefix_dom H18).
        rec_pose IHstareat' Hind; set solve.

        apply prefix_to_app in H18. destruct_conjs.
        eapply stareat_strengthening; eroutine.

  - eapply sa_all with x; simpl in *; progressive_inversions; fold_cls.
    + set solve.
    + auto.
    + apply IHstareat'2.
      all:auto using open_lc_typ.
      all:try constructor; auto.
      * pose proof (fv_open_typ U1 x 0).
        etransitivity; [ eassumption |].
        set solve.
      * pose proof (fv_open_typ U2 x 0).
        etransitivity; [ eassumption |].
        set solve.

Local Hint Constructors upcast_e' downcast_e'.
Local Hint Resolve exposure'_weakening_gen exposure_to_exposure'.

Lemma stareat'_weakening_gen: forall L' G1 G2 S U G3 G4,
    [ L' ] G1 ++ G2 >> S <:p U << G3 ++ G4 ->
    forall G G' L,
      L' [=] L `union` fv G' `union` fv G ->
      [ L ] G1 ++ G ++ G2 >> S <:p U << G3 ++ G' ++ G4.
  intros. dependent induction H; intros; eroutine.
  - dependent destruction H; eauto 6.
  - dependent destruction H; eauto 6.
  - eapply bs'_all with x.
    + change (union (dom (G1 ++ G2)) (fv_values fv_typ (G1 ++ G2)))
        with (fv (G1 ++ G2)) in *.
      change (union (dom (G3 ++ G4)) (fv_values fv_typ (G3 ++ G4)))
        with (fv (G3 ++ G4)) in *.
      change (union (dom G) (fv_values fv_typ G)) with (fv G) in *.
      change (union (dom G') (fv_values fv_typ G')) with (fv G') in *.
      repeat rewrite fv_union in *. fold_cls.
    + apply IHstareat'1; trivial.
      rewrite H2. clear H H2. fsetdec.
    + reassoc 4 with 3.
      replace (x ~ T2 ++ nil ++ G3 ++ G' ++ G4) with
          ((x ~ T2 ++ G3) ++ G' ++ G4).

      apply IHstareat'2; try solve [routine].
      * rewrite H2. clear H H2. fsetdec.
      * simpl_env. trivial.
  - constructor.
    + apply IHstareat'1; trivial.
      rewrite H1. fsetdec.
    + apply IHstareat'2; trivial.

Lemma stareat'_weakening_l: forall L G1 G2 S U G,
    [ L `union` fv G ] G1 >> S <:p U << G2 ->
    [ L ] G ++ G1 >> S <:p U << G2.
  change (G ++ G1) with (nil ++ G ++ G1).
  change G2 with (nil ++ nil ++ G2).
  eapply stareat'_weakening_gen; eauto.
  simpl. fsetdec.

Lemma stareat'_weakening_r: forall L G1 G2 S U G,
    [ L `union` fv G ] G1 >> S <:p U << G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> S <:p U << G ++ G2.
  change (G ++ G2) with (nil ++ G ++ G2).
  change G1 with (nil ++ nil ++ G1).
  eapply stareat'_weakening_gen; eauto.
  simpl. fsetdec.

Lemma revealing_fv_bound : forall G S G' U,
    revealing G S G' U ->
    fv U fv G `union` fv S.
  induction on revealing; set solve.

  apply revealing_gives_prefix in H3_.
  apply prefix_to_app in H3_.
  destruct_conjs. subst.
  set simpl in *. simpl in *. fold_cls.

Lemma stareat_to_stareat' : forall L' G1 S U G2,
    [ L' ] G1 >> S <: U << G2 ->
    forall L,
      L `union` fv G1 `union` fv G2 `union` fv S `union` fv U L' ->
    [ L ] G1 >> S <:p U << G2.
  induction on stareat; intros; eauto.
  - destruct H; eauto.
    + econstructor; eauto.
      rewrite <- (app_nil_2 _ G).
      apply stareat'_weakening_l.
      apply IHstareat.
      change (fv nil) with (union empty empty).

    + econstructor.
      * eapply ue_bot. eauto.
        apply revealing_to_exposure in H.
        apply exposure_to_exposure'.
        auto using exposure_weakening.
      * rewrite <- (app_nil_2 _ G1).
        repeat apply stareat'_weakening_l.
        apply IHstareat.
        repeat rewrite fv_union in *.
        change (fv nil) with (union empty empty).

    + econstructor.
      * eapply ue_bnd. eauto.
        apply revealing_to_exposure in H.
        apply exposure_to_exposure'.
        eauto using exposure_weakening.
      * pose proof (revealing_gives_prefix H).
        apply prefix_to_app in H1. destruct_conjs.
        do 3 apply stareat'_weakening_l.
        apply IHstareat.
        apply revealing_fv_bound in H.
        repeat rewrite fv_union in *.
        assert (fv U0 L). {
          simpl in *. fsetdec.

  - destruct H; eauto.
    + econstructor; eauto.
      rewrite <- (app_nil_2 _ G).
      apply stareat'_weakening_r.
      apply IHstareat.
      change (fv nil) with (union empty empty).

    + econstructor.
      * eapply de_top. eauto.
        apply revealing_to_exposure in H.
        apply exposure_to_exposure'.
        auto using exposure_weakening.
      * rewrite <- (app_nil_2 _ G0).
        repeat apply stareat'_weakening_r.
        apply IHstareat.
        repeat rewrite fv_union in *.
        change (fv nil) with (union empty empty).

    + econstructor.
      * eapply de_bnd. eauto.
        apply revealing_to_exposure in H.
        apply exposure_to_exposure'.
        eauto using exposure_weakening.
      * pose proof (revealing_gives_prefix H).
        apply prefix_to_app in H1. destruct_conjs.
        do 3 apply stareat'_weakening_r.
        apply IHstareat.
        apply revealing_fv_bound in H.
        repeat rewrite fv_union in *.
        assert (fv L1 L). {
          simpl in *. fsetdec.

  - apply bs'_all with x.
    + fsetdec.
    + apply IHstareat1. clear H.
      simpl in *. fsetdec.
    + apply IHstareat2. clear H.
      repeat rewrite fv_union.
      pose proof (fv_open_typ U1 x 0).
      pose proof (fv_open_typ U2 x 0).
      simpl in *. fsetdec.
  - constructor.
    + apply IHstareat1. simpl in *.
    + apply IHstareat2. simpl in *.

Similar to kernel D<:, in strong kernel D<:, transitivity holds on and .
Lemma sk_trans_on_top : forall L G1 T G2,
    [ L ] G1 k typ_top <: T k G2 ->
    forall S,
      [ L ] G1 k S <: T k G2
with layered_top_trans : forall L G1 T l U G2,
    [ L ] G1 k T <: bnd_layer (typ_bnd typ_top U) l k G2 ->
    forall S,
      [ L ] G1 k T <: bnd_layer (typ_bnd S U) l k G2.
  - clear sk_trans_on_top.
    dep induction on subtysk; routine.
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply layered_top_trans with (l := nil).

  - clear layered_top_trans.
    intros. gen S.
    dependent induction H; intros; eauto.
    1-5:induction l; eroutine.

    econstructor; eauto.
    specialize (IHsubtysk (cons _ l) U eq_refl).
    simpl in IHsubtysk. auto.
Local Hint Resolve sk_trans_on_top.

Lemma sk_trans_on_bot : forall L G1 T G2,
    [ L ] G1 k T <: typ_bot k G2 ->
    forall U,
      [ L ] G1 k T <: U k G2
with layered_bot_trans : forall L G1 T l S G2,
    [ L ] G1 k T <: bnd_layer (typ_bnd S typ_bot) l k G2 ->
    forall U,
      [ L ] G1 k T <: bnd_layer (typ_bnd S U) l k G2.
  - clear sk_trans_on_bot.
    dep induction on subtysk; routine.
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply layered_bot_trans with (l := nil).

  - clear layered_bot_trans.
    intros. gen U.
    dependent induction H; intros; eauto.
    1-5:induction l; eroutine.

    econstructor; eauto.
    specialize (IHsubtysk (cons _ l) S eq_refl).
    simpl in IHsubtysk. auto.
Local Hint Resolve sk_trans_on_bot.

Then we show that the alternative definition of Exposure is compatible with strong kernel.
Theorem exposure'_to_subtysk : forall G S U,
    exposure' G S U ->
    forall G' L U',
      [ L ] G k U <: U' k G' ->
      [ L ] G k S <: U' k G'.
  induction on exposure'.
  econstructor; try eassumption.
Local Hint Resolve exposure'_to_subtysk.

Then we recover Revealing by considering its connection with the alternative Exposure.
Theorem revealing_to_subtysk : forall G S G'' U,
    revealing G S G'' U ->
    forall G' L U',
      [ L ] G k U <: U' k G' ->
      [ L ] G k S <: U' k G'.
  eapply exposure'_to_subtysk;
  eauto 10 using exposure_to_exposure', revealing_to_exposure.

Theorem stareat'_to_subtysk : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L ] G1 >> S <:p U << G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 k S <: U k G2.
  induction on stareat'; routine.
  - destruct H; auto.
    + econstructor. eauto.
    + eauto.
  - destruct H; auto.
    + econstructor. eauto.
    + eauto.
  - eauto.

the soundness theorem

Lemma stareat_to_subtysk : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L `union` fv G1 `union` fv G2 `union` fv S `union` fv U ]
      G1 >> S <: U << G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 k S <: U k G2.
  eauto using stareat'_to_subtysk, stareat_to_stareat'.

Very similar to kernel D<:, here we define a "step-enriched" version of strong kernel D<:, in order to do a well-founded induction on the steps.
Inductive subtysk' : vars -> env -> typ -> typ -> env -> nat -> Prop :=
| ssk'_refl : forall L G1 G2 x, subtysk' L G1 (typ_sel x) (typ_sel x) G2 1
| ssk'_top : forall L G1 G2 T, subtysk' L G1 T typ_top G2 1
| ssk'_bot : forall L G1 G2 T, subtysk' L G1 typ_bot T G2 1
| ssk'_bnd : forall L G1 G2 S T1 T2 U n1 n2,
    subtysk' L G2 S T1 G1 n1 -> subtysk' L G1 T2 U G2 n2 ->
    subtysk' L G1 (typ_bnd T1 T2) (typ_bnd S U) G2 (1 + n1 + n2)
| ssk'_all : forall L G1 G2 T1 T2 U1 U2 x n1 n2,
    x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv T1 `union` fv T2
      `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L ->
    subtysk' L G2 T2 T1 G1 n1 ->
    subtysk' (union L (union (singleton x) (fv T2)))
            (x ~ T1 ++ G1) (open x U1) (open x U2) (x ~ T2 ++ G2) n2 ->
    subtysk' L G1 (typ_all T1 U1) (typ_all T2 U2) G2 (1 + n1 + n2)
| ssk'_sel1 : forall L G1 G2 x T S n,
    binds x T G2 ->
    subtysk' L G2 T (typ_bnd S typ_top) G1 n ->
    subtysk' L G1 S (typ_sel $ avar_f x) G2 (1 + n)
| ssk'_sel2 : forall L G1 G2 x T U n,
    binds x T G1 ->
    subtysk' L G1 T (typ_bnd typ_bot U) G2 n ->
    subtysk' L G1 (typ_sel $ avar_f x) U G2 (1 + n).
Hint Constructors subtysk'.
Notation "[ L , n ] G1 ⊢k S <⦂ U k⊣ G2" := (subtysk' L G1 S U G2 n) (at level 70).

Lemma subtysk_to_subtysk' : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L ] G1 k S <: U k G2 ->
    exists n, [ L , n ] G1 k S <: U k G2.
  induction on subtysk; eroutine.

Lemma subtysk'_to_subtysk : forall L G1 S U G2 n,
    [ L , n ] G1 k S <: U k G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 k S <: U k G2.
  induction on subtysk'; eroutine.

This lemma shows the two definitions of strong kernel D<: coincide.
Lemma subtysk_equiv_subtysk' : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L ] G1 k S <: U k G2 <->
    exists n, [ L , n ] G1 k S <: U k G2.
  split; auto using subtysk_to_subtysk'.
  intros. tidy_up.
  eauto using subtysk'_to_subtysk.

Local Hint Extern 1 (_ <= _) => lia.
Local Hint Constructors exposure'.

We also need an auxiliary lemma to strenthen the inductive hpothesis.
Program Fixpoint subtysk'_conversions n {measure n} : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L , n ] G1 k S <: U k G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> S <:p U << G2 /\
    (forall T1 T2,
        U = typ_bnd T1 T2 ->
        exists S', exposure' G1 S S' /\
              (S' = typ_bot \/
               exists T1' T2' n',
                 S' = typ_bnd T1' T2' /\
                 [ L ] G2 >> T1 <:p T1' << G1 /\
                 ([ L , n' ] G1 k T2' <: T2 k G2) /\ n' <= n))
  := _.
Next Obligation.
  split; intros.
  - induction H; routine.
    + eapply bs'_all with x; auto.
    + clear IHsubtysk'.
      apply subtysk'_conversions in H0; auto.
      specialize (H1 _ _ eq_refl).
      tidy_up; eauto.
    + clear IHsubtysk'.
      apply subtysk'_conversions in H0; auto.
      specialize (H1 _ _ eq_refl).
      tidy_up; eauto.

      apply subtysk'_conversions in H8; auto.
      tidy_up. eauto.

  - destruct H; subst; progressive_inversions; eauto 10.

    + eexists. split; [apply ex_stop; auto |].
      right. repeat eexists; try eassumption; auto.
      eapply subtysk'_conversions; try eassumption.
    + apply subtysk'_conversions in H1; try lia.
      specialize (H1 _ _ eq_refl).
      tidy_up; eauto.

      apply subtysk'_conversions in H8; try lia.
      specialize (H6 _ _ eq_refl).
      tidy_up; eauto 14.

Theorem subtysk_to_stareat' : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L ] G1 k S <: U k G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> S <:p U << G2.
  intros. apply subtysk_to_subtysk' in H.
  tidy_up. eapply subtysk'_conversions.

Then the completeness theorem is established.
Theorem subtysk_to_stareat : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L ] G1 k S <: U k G2 ->
    wf_env G1 -> wf_env G2 ->
    fv S dom G1 -> lc S ->
    fv U dom G2 -> lc U ->
    [ L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2.
  auto using subtysk_to_stareat', stareat'_to_stareat.

(* together with stareat_to_subtysk, we've shown that stare-at subtyping is
   equivalent to strong kernel D<:, modulo name store.

Lemma stareat_cong_names : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2 ->
    forall L',
      L [=] L' ->
      [ L' ] G1 >> S <: U << G2.
  induction on stareat; intros; eauto.
  eapply sa_all with x; auto.
  - fsetdec.
  - apply IHstareat2.
    clear H. fsetdec.

Effectively, this theorem says, as long as free names are not reused, then these strong kernel D<: and stare-at subtyping induce the same language.
Theorem subtysk_equiv_stareat : forall L G1 S U G2,
    wf_env G1 -> wf_env G2 ->
    fv S dom G1 -> lc S ->
    fv U dom G2 -> lc U ->
    [ L `union` fv G1 `union` fv G2 `union` fv S `union` fv U ]
      G1 k S <: U k G2 <->
    [ L `union` fv G1 `union` fv G2 `union` fv S `union` fv U ]
      G1 >> S <: U << G2.
  split; intros.
  - auto using subtysk_to_stareat.
  - apply stareat_to_subtysk; trivial.
    eapply stareat_cong_names; eauto.