{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module LibNonEmpty where

import Data.List.NonEmpty
open import Data.List.NonEmpty.Properties
  using ( length-++⁺
        ; length-++⁺-tail
        ; ++-++⁺
        ; ++⁺-cancelˡ′
        ; ++⁺-cancelˡ
        ; drop-+-++⁺
        ; map-++⁺
        ; length-map
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Product hiding (map)
open import Data.List as List hiding (map; length)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import Data.Nat.Properties
open import Data.Maybe.Properties

import Data.Fin as F

module List⁺ = Data.List.NonEmpty
open List⁺ hiding (module List⁺; [_]) public

record HasOength {i} (A : Set i) : Set i where
    len : A  

open HasOength {{...}} public

  ListLength :  {i} {A : Set i}  HasOength (List A)
  ListLength = record { len = List.length }

  List⁺Length :  {i} {A : Set i}  HasOength (List⁺ A)
  List⁺Length = record { len = length }

module _ {i} {A : Set i} where
    L = List⁺ A

  chop :  {n}  (l : L)  n < len l  ∃₂ λ l₁ l₂  l  l₁ ++⁺ l₂ × len l₁  n
  chop {0}     l n< = [] , l , refl , refl
  chop {suc n} (x  y  l) (s≤s n<)
    with chop {n} (y  l) n<
  ...  | l₁ , l₂ , refl , refl = x  l₁ , l₂ , refl , refl

  length-<-++⁺ :  l {l′ : L}  len l < len (l ++⁺ l′)
  length-<-++⁺ []      = s≤s z≤n
  length-<-++⁺ (x  l) = s≤s (length-<-++⁺ l)

  find-tail :  (l : List A) {l′} l″ {l‴ n}  l ++⁺ l′  l″ ++⁺ l‴  len l″  len l + n   λ l₀  l″  l ++ l₀ × len l₀  n
  find-tail [] {_} l″ eq eql = l″ , refl , eql
  find-tail (x  l) {_} (y  l″) eq eql
    with cong List⁺.head eq
  ...  | refl
    with find-tail l l″ (just-injective (cong fromList (cong List⁺.tail eq))) (suc-injective eql)
  ...  | l₀ , eq′ , eql′     = l₀ , cong (x ∷_) eq′ , eql′

  trunc⁺ : (l : L)  F.Fin (len l)  L
  trunc⁺ (x  l) F.zero        = x  l
  trunc⁺ (x  y  l) (F.suc n) = trunc⁺ (y  l) n

  drop+-map :  {j} {B : Set j} {l n l″} {f : B  A} l′  l  l′ ++⁺ l″  len l′  n  drop+ n (map f l)  map f l″
  drop+-map [] refl refl       = refl
  drop+-map (x  l′) refl refl = drop+-map l′ refl refl

  drop+-++⁺ :  n (xs : List A) ys  len xs  n  drop+ n (xs ++⁺ ys)  ys
  drop+-++⁺ zero [] ys eq          = refl
  drop+-++⁺ (suc n) (x  xs) ys eq = drop+-++⁺ n xs ys (suc-injective eq)

sum⁺ : List⁺   
sum⁺ (x  l) = x + sum l