{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Level
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
module MLTT.Soundness.Cumulativity (fext : Extensionality 0ℓ (suc 0ℓ)) where
open import Lib
open import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕₚ
open import MLTT.Statics.Properties
open import MLTT.Semantics.Readback
open import MLTT.Semantics.Properties.PER fext
open import MLTT.Soundness.LogRel
open import MLTT.Soundness.Realizability fext
open import MLTT.Soundness.Properties.LogRel fext
®-cumu-step : ∀ {i} (A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ 1 + i ] 𝕌-cumu-step i A≈B
®-cumu-step (ne C≈C′) (⊢T , rel) = cumu ⊢T , λ ⊢σ → ≈-cumu (rel ⊢σ)
®-cumu-step N T∼A = ≈-cumu T∼A
®-cumu-step (U′ j<i) T∼A = ≈-cumu T∼A
®-cumu-step (Π iA RT) T∼A = record
{ IT = IT
; OT = OT
; ⊢OT = cumu ⊢OT
; T≈ = ≈-cumu T≈
; krip = λ {_} {σ} ⊢σ →
let open ΠRel (krip ⊢σ)
in record
{ IT-rel = ®-cumu-step iA IT-rel
; OT-rel = λ s∼a a∈ → ®-cumu-step (ΠRT.T≈T′ (RT (El-lower _ iA a∈))) (OT-rel (®El-lower iA IT-rel s∼a) (El-lower _ iA a∈))
where open GluΠ T∼A
®El-cumu-step : ∀ {i} (A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ 1 + i ] a ∈El 𝕌-cumu-step i A≈B
®El-cumu-step (ne C≈C′) (ne c∈ , rel) = ne c∈ , record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; ⊢T = cumu ⊢T
; krip = λ ⊢σ → let Tσ≈ , tσ≈ = krip ⊢σ in ≈-cumu Tσ≈ , tσ≈
where open GluNe rel
®El-cumu-step N (t∼a , T≈N) = t∼a , ≈-cumu T≈N
®El-cumu-step (U′ j<i) t∼a
rewrite Glu-wellfounded-≡ j<i
| Glu-wellfounded-≡ (m≤n⇒m≤1+n j<i) = record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; T≈ = ≈-cumu T≈
; A∈𝕌 = A∈𝕌
; rel = rel
where open GluU t∼a
®El-cumu-step (Π iA RT) t∼a = record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; a∈El = El-cumu-step _ (Π iA RT) a∈El
; IT = IT
; OT = OT
; ⊢OT = cumu ⊢OT
; T≈ = ≈-cumu T≈
; krip = λ {_} {σ} ⊢σ →
let open ΛRel (krip ⊢σ)
in record
{ IT-rel = ®-cumu-step iA IT-rel
; ap-rel = λ s∼b b∈ →
let open ΛKripke (ap-rel (®El-lower iA IT-rel s∼b) (El-lower _ iA b∈))
in record
{ fa = fa
; ↘fa = ↘fa
; ®fa = ®El-cumu-step (ΠRT.T≈T′ (RT (El-lower _ iA b∈))) ®fa
where open GluΛ t∼a
®El-lower : ∀ {i} (A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ 1 + i ] a ∈El 𝕌-cumu-step i A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B
®El-lower (ne C≈C′) (⊢T , rel) (ne c∈⊥ , rel′) = ne c∈⊥ , record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; ⊢T = ⊢T
; krip = λ ⊢σ → rel ⊢σ , proj₂ (krip ⊢σ)
where open GluNe rel′ hiding (⊢T)
®El-lower N T∼A (t∼a , _) = t∼a , T∼A
®El-lower (U′ j<i) T∼A t∼a
rewrite Glu-wellfounded-≡ j<i
| Glu-wellfounded-≡ (m≤n⇒m≤1+n j<i) = record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; T≈ = T∼A
; A∈𝕌 = A∈𝕌
; rel = rel
where open GluU t∼a
®El-lower (Π iA RT) T∼A t∼a = record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; a∈El = El-lower _ (Π iA RT) a∈El
; IT = T.IT
; OT = T.OT
; ⊢OT = T.⊢OT
; T≈ = T.T≈
; krip = λ {_} {σ} ⊢σ →
let open ΛRel (krip ⊢σ)
module Π = ΠRel (T.krip ⊢σ)
iAcu = 𝕌-cumu-step _ iA
in record
{ IT-rel = Π.IT-rel
; ap-rel = λ s∼b b∈ →
let open ΛKripke (ap-rel (®El-resp-T≈ iAcu
(®El-cumu-step iA s∼b)
(®⇒≈ iAcu (®-cumu-step iA Π.IT-rel) IT-rel))
(El-cumu-step _ iA b∈))
RT₁ = RT b∈
RT₂ = RT (El-lower _ iA (El-cumu-step _ iA b∈))
T≈T′ = ΠRT.T≈T′ RT₁
T≈T′cumu = 𝕌-cumu-step _ T≈T′
®fa′ = ®El-≡ (𝕌-cumu-step _ (ΠRT.T≈T′ RT₂))
(⟦⟧-det (ΠRT.↘⟦T⟧ RT₂) (ΠRT.↘⟦T⟧ RT₁))
in record
{ fa = fa
; ↘fa = ↘fa
; ®fa = ®El-lower T≈T′ (Π.OT-rel s∼b b∈)
(®El-resp-T≈ T≈T′cumu ®fa′
(®⇒≈ T≈T′cumu (®El⇒® T≈T′cumu ®fa′) (®-cumu-step T≈T′ (Π.OT-rel s∼b b∈))))
where module T = GluΠ T∼A
open GluΛ t∼a
®-cumu-steps : ∀ {i} j
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ j + i ] 𝕌-cumu-steps i j A≈B
®-cumu-steps zero A≈B T∼A = T∼A
®-cumu-steps (suc j) A≈B T∼A = ®-cumu-step (𝕌-cumu-steps _ j A≈B) (®-cumu-steps j A≈B T∼A)
®El-cumu-steps : ∀ {i} j
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ j + i ] a ∈El 𝕌-cumu-steps i j A≈B
®El-cumu-steps zero A≈B t∼a = t∼a
®El-cumu-steps (suc j) A≈B t∼a = ®El-cumu-step (𝕌-cumu-steps _ j A≈B) (®El-cumu-steps j A≈B t∼a)
®-cumu : ∀ {i j}
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B →
(i≤j : i ≤ j) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ j ] 𝕌-cumu i≤j A≈B
®-cumu {i = i} A≈B T∼A i≤j
with ®-cumu-steps (≤-diff i≤j) A≈B T∼A
... | rel = helper (𝕌-cumu-steps i (≤-diff i≤j) A≈B) (𝕌-cumu i≤j A≈B) rel (trans (ℕₚ.+-comm (≤-diff i≤j) i) (≤-diff-+ i≤j))
where helper : ∀ {i j} (A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) (A≈B′ : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 j) → Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B → i ≡ j → Γ ⊢ T ®[ j ] A≈B′
helper A≈B A≈B′ T∼A refl = ®-one-sided A≈B A≈B′ T∼A
®El-cumu : ∀ {i j}
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B →
(i≤j : i ≤ j) →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ j ] a ∈El 𝕌-cumu i≤j A≈B
®El-cumu {i = i} A≈B t∼a i≤j
with ®El-cumu-steps (≤-diff i≤j) A≈B t∼a
... | rel = helper (𝕌-cumu-steps i (≤-diff i≤j) A≈B) (𝕌-cumu i≤j A≈B) rel (trans (ℕₚ.+-comm (≤-diff i≤j) i) (≤-diff-+ i≤j))
where helper : ∀ {i j} (A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) (A≈B′ : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 j) → Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B → i ≡ j → Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ j ] a ∈El A≈B′
helper A≈B A≈B′ t∼a refl = ®El-one-sided A≈B A≈B′ t∼a
®El-lowers : ∀ {i} j
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ j + i ] a ∈El 𝕌-cumu-steps i j A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B
®El-lowers 0 A≈B T∼A t∼a = t∼a
®El-lowers (suc j) A≈B T∼A t∼a = ®El-lowers j A≈B T∼A (®El-lower (𝕌-cumu-steps _ j A≈B) (®-cumu-steps j A≈B T∼A) t∼a)
®El-irrel : ∀ {i j}
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
(A≈B′ : A ≈ B′ ∈ 𝕌 j) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ j ] A≈B′ →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ j ] a ∈El A≈B′
®El-irrel {i = i} {j} A≈B A≈B′ T∼A t∼a
with i ≤? j
... | yes i≤j = ®El-one-sided (𝕌-cumu i≤j A≈B) A≈B′ (®El-cumu A≈B t∼a i≤j)
... | no i≰j
with ≰⇒≥ i≰j
... | i≥j
rewrite sym (m∸n+n≡m i≥j) = ®El-lowers (i ∸ j) A≈B′ T∼A (®El-one-sided A≈B (𝕌-cumu-steps _ (i ∸ j) A≈B′) t∼a)
®El-master : ∀ {i j k} →
(A≈A′ : A ≈ A′ ∈ 𝕌 i)
(B≈B′ : B ≈ B′ ∈ 𝕌 j)
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 k) →
Γ ⊢ T′ ®[ j ] B≈B′ →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈A′ →
Γ ⊢ T ≈ T′ ∶ Se k →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T′ ®[ j ] a ∈El B≈B′
®El-master {i = i} {j} {k} A≈A′ B≈B′ A≈B T′∼B t∼a T≈T′
= ®El-irrel B≈B′↑ B≈B′ T′∼B
(®El-transport A≈A′↑↑ B≈B′↑ (𝕌-cumu k≤m′ A≈B)
(®El-cumu A≈A′↑
(®El-resp-T≈ A≈A′↑
(®El-cumu A≈A′ t∼a i≤m) (lift-⊢≈-Se-max′ T≈T′))
where m = max i k
i≤m = m≤m⊔n i k
k≤m = m≤n⊔m i k
m′ = max j m
j≤m′ = m≤m⊔n j m
m≤m′ = m≤n⊔m j m
k≤m′ = ≤-trans k≤m m≤m′
A≈A′↑ = 𝕌-cumu i≤m A≈A′
A≈A′↑↑ = 𝕌-cumu m≤m′ A≈A′↑
B≈B′↑ = 𝕌-cumu j≤m′ B≈B′