
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Definitions.
Require Import OperationProperties.

Structural Properties of Full D<:

This file contains several structural properties, which are quite standard to prove. These structural properties include:
  • weakening,
  • narrowing, and
  • substitution.

Section StructuralProperties.

  Lemma weaken_typing_gen G t T: forall G1 G2,
    G1 ++ G2 t : T -> G1 ++ G ++ G2 t : T
  with weaken_subty_gen G S U: forall G1 G2,
      G1 ++ G2 S <: U -> G1 ++ G ++ G2 S <: U.
    - intros. generalize dependent G.
      dependent induction H; intros.
      + constructor. routine.
      + constructor.
      + econstructor. cofinite.
        reassoc 4 with 2.
        apply H0; routine.
      + econstructor; eroutine.
      + econstructor; eroutine.
        reassoc 4 with 2.
        apply H1; routine.
      + eapply ty_sub.
        * apply IHtyping; trivial.
        * apply weaken_subty_gen; trivial.

    - intros. generalize dependent G.
      dependent induction H; intros; trivial.
      + eapply st_trans; [ apply IHsubty1 | apply IHsubty2]; trivial.
      + constructor; routine.
      + eapply st_all; eroutine.
        reassoc 4 with 2. apply H1; routine.
      + eapply st_sel1.
        eapply weaken_typing_gen; eroutine.
      + eapply st_sel2.
        eapply weaken_typing_gen; eroutine.

  Definition weaken_typing G t T: forall G',
      G t : T -> G' ++ G t : T.
    intros. reassoc 2 with 0.
    apply weaken_typing_gen; simpl; trivial.

  Definition weaken_subty G S U: forall G',
      G S <: U -> G' ++ G S <: U.
    intros. reassoc 2 with 0.
    apply weaken_subty_gen; simpl; trivial.

  Hint Resolve subst_open_comm_trm.
  Hint Resolve subst_open_comm_typ.

  Local Ltac to_substi :=
    lazymatch goal with
      ⊢ context[trm_var (avar_f (if ?x == ?y then ?z else ?x))] =>
      change (trm_var (avar_f (if x == y then z else x)))
    with (substi y z (trm_var (avar_f x)))

  Definition subst_env (z u: var) (G : env) : env := map (substi z u) G.

  Global Instance SubstiEnv : CanSubst env := { substi := subst_env }.

  Lemma free_all : forall x y T (G : env),
      y `notin` fv G ->
      binds x T G ->
      y `notin` fv T.
  Proof. induction on env; routine. Qed.

  Lemma subst_trm_var : forall G1 G2 x0 y x T X,
      binds x0 T (G2 ++ x ~ X ++ G1) ->
      uniq (G2 ++ x ~ X ++ G1) ->
      x `notin` fv G1 ->
      substi x y G2 ++ G1 trm_var (avar_f y) : substi x y X ->
      substi x y G2 ++ G1 trm_var (avar_f $ subst_fvar x y x0) : substi x y T.
    intros. destruct_binds_hyp_uniq H; tidy_up.
    - constructor. unfold subst_env.
      apply binds_app_2.
      apply binds_map_2. trivial.
    - trivial.
    - exrewrite subst_fresh_typ.
      + auto.
      + eapply free_all; try eassumption.
        simpl. solve_notin.

  Local Ltac fold_env :=
    lazymatch goal with
      ⊢ context[?v ~ substi ?x ?y ?T ++ substi ?x ?y ?G] =>
      change (v ~ substi x y T ++ substi x y G)
    with (substi x y (v ~ T ++ G))

  Ltac solve_by_weaken H :=
    cofinite; fold_substi;
    reassoc 3 with 2; fold_env;
    eapply H; routine;
    apply weaken_typing; trivial.

  Ltac apply_ind H := solve [eapply H; routine].

  Ltac fold_subst_fvar :=
    repeat match goal with
           | ⊢ context[if ?x == ?y then ?z else ?x] =>
             change (if x == y then z else x) with (subst_fvar y z x)

  Lemma typing_subst_gen : forall x X t T G1 G2 y,
      G2 ++ x ~ X ++ G1 t : T ->
      uniq (G2 ++ x ~ X ++ G1) ->
      x `notin` fv G1 ->
      substi x y G2 ++ G1 trm_var (avar_f y) : substi x y X ->
      substi x y G2 ++ G1 substi x y t : substi x y T
  with subty_subst_gen : forall x X S U G1 G2 y,
      G2 ++ x ~ X ++ G1 S <: U ->
      uniq (G2 ++ x ~ X ++ G1) ->
      x `notin` fv G1 ->
      substi x y G2 ++ G1 trm_var (avar_f y) : substi x y X ->
      substi x y G2 ++ G1 substi x y S <: substi x y U.
    - clear typing_subst_gen.
      intros. gen y. dependent induction H; intros.
      + simpl. eapply subst_trm_var. all:try eassumption.
      + constructor.
      + simpl. econstructor. solve_by_weaken H0.
      + simpl. fold_substi. fold_open_rec. fold_subst_fvar.
        rewrite subst_open_comm_typ. econstructor.
        * apply_ind IHtyping1.
        * apply_ind IHtyping2.
      + simpl; econstructor.
        * apply_ind IHtyping.
        * solve_by_weaken H1.
      + eapply ty_sub.
        * apply_ind IHtyping.
        * apply_ind subty_subst_gen.

    - clear subty_subst_gen.
      intros. gen y. dependent induction H; intros; trivial.
      + eapply st_trans.
        * apply_ind IHsubty1.
        * apply_ind IHsubty2.
      + simpl.
        apply st_bnd; [apply_ind IHsubty1 | apply_ind IHsubty2].
      + simpl. eapply st_all.
        * apply_ind IHsubty.
        * solve_by_weaken H1.
      + eapply st_sel1.
        eapply typing_subst_gen in H; routine.
      + eapply st_sel2.
        eapply typing_subst_gen in H; routine.

  Lemma typing_subst : forall x X t T G y,
      x ~ X ++ G t : T ->
      uniq (x ~ X ++ G) ->
      x `notin` fv G ->
      G trm_var (avar_f y) : substi x y X ->
      G substi x y t : substi x y T.
    intros. change G with (substi x y nil ++ G).
    eapply typing_subst_gen; routine.

  Lemma subty_subst : forall x X S U G y,
      x ~ X ++ G S <: U ->
      uniq (x ~ X ++ G) ->
      x `notin` fv G ->
      G trm_var (avar_f y) : substi x y X ->
      G substi x y S <: substi x y U.
    intros. change G with (substi x y nil ++ G).
    eapply subty_subst_gen; routine.

  Ltac prelude :=
    try erewrite subst_intro_typ;
    try erewrite subst_intro_trm.

  Ltac fin :=
    try (eapply typing_subst || eapply subty_subst);
    try (simpl; fold_substi; fold_open_rec;
         eexrewrite subst_fresh_typ);

  Lemma renaming_trm : forall G z t T U (x : var),
      uniq G ->
      z `notin` fv G `union` fv T `union` fv U `union` fv t ->
      z ~ U ++ G open z t : open z T ->
      G trm_var (avar_f x) : U ->
      G open x t : open x T.
  Proof using. prelude; fin. Qed.

  Lemma renaming_subty : forall G z T S U (x : var),
      uniq G ->
      z `notin` fv G `union` fv T `union` fv U `union` fv S ->
      z ~ T ++ G open z S <: open z U ->
      G trm_var (avar_f x) : T ->
      G open x S <: open x U.
  Proof using.
    erewrite subst_intro_typ with (t := U).

  Lemma renaming_fresh : forall L G T u U (x : var),
      uniq G ->
      (forall x, x `notin` L -> x ~ T ++ G open x u : U) ->
      G trm_var (avar_f x) : T ->
      G open x u : U.
  Proof using. intros;
                 let z := fresh in
                 pick_fresh z; prelude;
                   try instantiate (1 := z);
                   try eexrewrite <- subst_fresh_typ;

  Lemma open_subst_typing : forall x S G t U y,
      uniq G ->
      x `notin` fv G `union` fv S `union` fv U `union` fv t ->
      y `notin` fv G `union` fv S `union` fv U `union` fv t `union` singleton x ->
      x ~ S ++ G open x t : open x U ->
      y ~ S ++ G open y t : open y U.
    apply renaming_trm with (z := x) (U := S); routine.
    apply weaken_typing_gen. trivial.

  Lemma open_subst_subty : forall x S G U1 U2 y,
      uniq G ->
      x `notin` fv G `union` fv S `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 ->
      y `notin` fv G `union` fv S `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` singleton x ->
      x ~ S ++ G open x U1 <: open x U2 ->
      y ~ S ++ G open y U1 <: open y U2.
    apply renaming_subty with (z := x) (T := S); routine.
    apply weaken_subty_gen. trivial.

  Reserved Notation "G1 ⪯ G2" (at level 70).

  Inductive subenv: env -> env -> Prop :=
  | subenv_empty : nil nil
  | subenv_grow: forall G G' x T T',
      G G' ->
      uniq ((x, T) :: G) ->
      uniq ((x, T') :: G') ->
      G T <: T' ->
      (x, T) :: G (x, T') :: G'
  where "G1 ⪯ G2" := (subenv G1 G2).
  Hint Constructors subenv.

  Lemma subenv_refl : forall G, uniq G -> G G.
  Proof. induction G; eroutine. Qed.
  Local Hint Resolve subenv_refl.

  Lemma subenv_push : forall G1 G2 x T,
      G1 G2 ->
      uniq ((x, T) :: G1) ->
      uniq ((x, T) :: G2) ->
      (x, T) :: G1 (x, T) :: G2.
  Proof. induction G1; eroutine. Qed.
  Local Hint Resolve subenv_push.

  Local Hint Extern 1 =>
  match goal with
  | [ H : uniq __ ] => inversion H

  Local Hint Extern 1 =>
  match goal with
  | [ H : _ __ ] => inversion H

  Lemma subenv_last: forall G x S U,
      G S <: U ->
      uniq ((x, S) :: G) ->
      (x, S) :: G (x, U) :: G.
  Proof. routine. Qed.
  Hint Resolve subenv_last.

  Lemma subenv_implies_uniq : forall G1 G2,
      G1 G2 -> uniq G1 /\ uniq G2.
  Proof. routine. Qed.

  Local Hint Extern 1 =>
  match goal with
  | [ ⊢ _ _ <: _ ] => idtac
  | [ ⊢ _ _ : _ ] => idtac
  end; reassoc 2 with 0.

  Local Hint Extern 1 => eapply weaken_typing.
  Local Hint Extern 1 => eapply weaken_subty.

  Lemma narrow_var :
    forall G G' x T,
      G' G ->
      binds x T G ->
      G' trm_var (avar_f x) : T.
    induction on subenv; intros.
    - routine.
    - change ((x , T') :: G') with (x ~ T' ++ G') in *.
      eapply binds_app_uniq_iff in H0.
      apply H0 in H5. destruct H5; tidy_up.
      + eapply ty_sub; simpl_env;
          [ | eapply weaken_subty; eassumption].
        constructor; auto.
      + routine.

  Local Notation narrowing ctor :=
    (forall G t T, ctor G t T -> forall G',
          G' G ->
          ctor G' t T).

  Local Ltac uniq_env :=
    match goal with
    | [ H : _ __ ] =>
      let H0 := fresh "H" in
      pose proof (subenv_implies_uniq H) as H0;
      destruct H0

  Local Ltac solve_by_cofinite H :=
    cofinite; apply H;
    [ solve_notin |
      constructor; trivial;
      constructor; trivial; solve_notin].

  Lemma narrow_typing_gen : narrowing typing
  with narrow_subty_gen : narrowing subty.
    - clear narrow_typing_gen.
      induction on typing; routine; uniq_env.
      + eapply narrow_var; eassumption.
      + econstructor. solve_by_cofinite H0.
      + econstructor; routine.
      + econstructor. routine.
        solve_by_cofinite H0.
      + eapply ty_sub. routine.
        eapply narrow_subty_gen; eassumption.

    - clear narrow_subty_gen.
      induction on subty; routine; uniq_env.
      + eapply st_trans;
          [apply IHsubty1 | apply IHsubty2]; trivial.
      + eapply st_all;
          [routine | solve_by_cofinite H0].
      + eapply st_sel1.
        eapply narrow_typing_gen; eassumption.
      + eapply st_sel2.
        eapply narrow_typing_gen; eassumption.

  Lemma narrow_typing : forall x S1 S2 G t T,
      x ~ S2 ++ G t : T ->
      x `notin` dom G ->
      uniq G ->
      G S1 <: S2 ->
      x ~ S1 ++ G t : T.
    intros. eapply narrow_typing_gen.
    apply H.
    constructor; trivial.

  Lemma narrow_subty : forall x S1 S2 G U1 U2,
      x ~ S2 ++ G U1 <: U2 ->
      x `notin` dom G ->
      uniq G ->
      G S1 <: S2 ->
      x ~ S1 ++ G U1 <: U2.
    intros. eapply narrow_subty_gen.
    apply H.
    constructor; trivial.

End StructuralProperties.

Hint Resolve subenv_refl subenv_push subenv_last.