Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Definitions.
Require Import OperationProperties.
Require Import Misc.
Require Import Program.
Require Import Arith.Wf_nat.
Structural Properties of Full D<:
- weakening,
- transitivity,
- narrowing, and
- substitution.
Section StructuralProperties.
Lemma weaken_subty_gen G S U: forall G1 G2,
G1 ++ G2 ⊢F S <: U -> G1 ++ G ++ G2 ⊢F S <: U.
- intros. generalize dependent G.
dependent induction H; intros; trivial.
+ apply binds_weaken with (F := G) in H.
econstructor; eauto.
+ constructor; eroutine.
+ eapply st_all; eroutine.
reassoc 4 with 2. apply H1; routine.
Definition weaken_subty G S U: forall G',
G ⊢F S <: U -> G' ++ G ⊢F S <: U.
intros. reassoc 2 with 0.
apply weaken_subty_gen; simpl; trivial.
Section Reflexivity.
Hint Extern 1 (_ <= _) => autorewrite with measures; simpl; lia.
Program Fixpoint subty_refl T {measure (typ_struct_measure T)} : forall G,
G ⊢F T <: T := _.
Next Obligation.
destruct T; routine.
pose proof (typ_struct_measure_ge_1 T1).
pose proof (typ_struct_measure_ge_1 T2).
econstructor; routine.
End Reflexivity.
transitivity in F<: is a bit easier to setup as the All case is the only complicated case.
Section Transitivity.
Inductive narrow T : nat -> env -> env -> Prop :=
| n_first : forall G x S, G ⊢F S <: T -> narrow T 0 (x ~ S ++ G) (x ~ T ++ G)
| n_cons : forall G1 G2 n x T', narrow T n G1 G2 -> narrow T (S n) (x ~ T' ++ G1) (x ~ T' ++ G2).
Local Hint Constructors narrow.
Definition trans_on T : Prop :=
forall G S U, G ⊢F S <: T -> G ⊢F T <: U -> G ⊢F S <: U.
Definition narrow_on T : Prop :=
forall G S U, G ⊢F S <: U -> forall n G', narrow T n G' G -> G' ⊢F S <: U.
Arguments trans_on T/.
Arguments narrow_on T/.
Hint Extern 1 (_ < _) => autorewrite with measures; simpl; lia.
Lemma trans_hyp : forall T,
(forall T', typ_struct_measure T' < typ_struct_measure T -> trans_on T' /\ narrow_on T') ->
trans_on T.
simpl. intros. induction H0; dependent induction H1; try solve [eroutine].
- clear IHsubty0 IHsubty1 IHsubty2 IHsubty3.
+ apply (H T1); routine.
+ apply (H T2); routine.
- clear IHsubty IHsubty0 H3 H5.
+ apply (H T1); routine.
+ cofinite.
rec_pose (H2 x) Hsub1; auto.
rec_pose (H4 x) Hsub2; auto.
apply (H (open x T2)); auto.
rec_pose (H T1) Hrec; auto.
destruct_conjs. eapply H5; auto.
Inductive binds_n : var -> typ -> nat -> env -> Prop :=
| bn_found : forall x T G, binds_n x T 0 ((x, T) :: G)
| bn_cons : forall x T n G y U, binds_n x T n G -> binds_n x T (S n) ((y, U) :: G).
Local Hint Constructors binds_n.
Lemma binds_n_to_binds : forall x T n G,
binds_n x T n G -> binds x T G.
Proof. induction on binds_n; routine. Qed.
Lemma binds_to_binds_n : forall x T G,
binds x T G -> exists n, binds_n x T n G.
induction G; eroutine.
specialize (IHG H). tidy_up.
exists (S IHG). constructor. trivial.
Lemma binds_equiv_binds_n : forall x T G,
binds x T G <-> exists n, binds_n x T n G.
- apply binds_to_binds_n.
- routine. eauto using binds_n_to_binds.
Lemma narrow_binds_n : forall T n G G',
narrow T n G' G ->
forall y T' m,
binds_n y T' m G ->
(m = n /\ T = T' /\ exists T'', binds_n y T'' m G' /\ (G' ⊢F T'' <: T)) \/
(m <> n /\ binds_n y T' m G').
induction on narrow; routine.
- invert H1; routine.
left. repeat (split || eexists); eroutine.
apply weaken_subty with (G' := x ~ S).
- invert H0; routine.
specialize (IHnarrow _ _ _ H6); routine.
left. repeat (split || eexists); eroutine.
apply weaken_subty with (G' := x ~ T').
Lemma narrow_hyp : forall T,
(forall T', typ_struct_measure T' = typ_struct_measure T -> trans_on T') ->
narrow_on T.
simpl. induction 2; eroutine.
- specialize (IHsubty _ _ H2).
rewrite binds_equiv_binds_n in H0.
pose proof (narrow_binds_n H2 H3).
+ apply binds_n_to_binds in H7. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply binds_n_to_binds in H5. econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor. eauto.
specialize (H1 x ltac:(auto)).
rec_pose (H2 x ltac:(auto)) Hrec; eauto.
econstructor. eauto.
Program Fixpoint trans_and_narrow T {measure (typ_struct_measure T)} :
trans_on T /\ narrow_on T := _.
Next Obligation.
- apply trans_hyp. auto.
- apply narrow_hyp.
intros. apply trans_hyp.
intros. apply trans_and_narrow.
Theorem subty_trans : forall G S T U,
G ⊢F S <: T -> G ⊢F T <: U -> G ⊢F S <: U.
intros. apply (trans_and_narrow T); auto.
End Transitivity.
Hint Resolve subst_open_comm_typ.
Definition subst_env (z u: var) (G : env) : env := map (substi z u) G.
Global Instance SubstiEnv : CanSubst env := { substi := subst_env }.
Lemma free_all : forall x y T (G : env),
y `notin` fv G ->
binds x T G ->
y `notin` fv T.
Proof. induction on env; routine. Qed.
Local Ltac fold_env :=
lazymatch goal with
⊢ context[?v ~ substi ?x ?y ?T ++ substi ?x ?y ?G] =>
change (v ~ substi x y T ++ substi x y G)
with (substi x y (v ~ T ++ G))
Ltac apply_ind H := solve [eapply H; routine].
Ltac fold_subst_fvar :=
repeat match goal with
| ⊢ context[if ?x == ?y then ?z else ?x] =>
change (if x == y then z else x) with (subst_fvar y z x)
Ltac solve_by_weaken H :=
cofinite; fold_substi;
reassoc 3 with 2; fold_env;
eapply H; routine;
try apply weaken_subty; eauto.
Lemma subty_subst_gen : forall x X S U G1 G2 y,
G2 ++ x ~ X ++ G1 ⊢F S <: U ->
uniq (G2 ++ x ~ X ++ G1) ->
x `notin` fv G1 ->
forall Y,
binds y Y (substi x y G2 ++ G1) ->
substi x y G2 ++ G1 ⊢F Y <: substi x y X ->
substi x y G2 ++ G1 ⊢F substi x y S <: substi x y U.
intros. gen y Y. dependent induction H; intros; trivial.
- simpl. auto.
- simpl. destruct_eq.
+ econstructor; eauto.
destruct_binds_hyp_uniq H; simpl dom in *; try solve_notin.
eapply subty_trans. eassumption.
apply_ind IHsubty.
+ destruct_binds_hyp_uniq H; simpl dom in *; try solve_notin.
* econstructor.
-- apply binds_app_2.
apply binds_map_2.
-- apply_ind IHsubty.
* econstructor; eauto.
rewrite <- (@subst_fresh_typ x y T).
-- apply_ind IHsubty.
-- eapply free_all; eassumption.
- simpl.
apply st_fun; [apply_ind IHsubty1 | apply_ind IHsubty2].
- simpl. eapply st_all.
+ apply_ind IHsubty.
+ solve_by_weaken H1.
Lemma subty_subst : forall x X S U G y,
x ~ X ++ G ⊢F S <: U ->
uniq (x ~ X ++ G) ->
x `notin` fv G ->
forall Y,
binds y Y G ->
G ⊢F Y <: substi x y X ->
G ⊢F substi x y S <: substi x y U.
intros. change G with (substi x y nil ++ G).
eapply subty_subst_gen; routine.
Ltac prelude :=
try erewrite subst_intro_typ.
Ltac fin :=
try eapply subty_subst;
try (simpl; fold_substi; fold_open_rec;
eexrewrite subst_fresh_typ);
Lemma renaming_subty : forall G z T S U (x : var),
uniq G ->
z `notin` fv G `union` fv T `union` fv U `union` fv S ->
z ~ T ++ G ⊢F open z S <: open z U ->
forall X,
binds x X G ->
G ⊢F X <: T ->
G ⊢F open x S <: open x U.
Proof using.
erewrite subst_intro_typ with (t := U).
Hint Resolve subty_refl.
Lemma open_subst_subty : forall x S G U1 U2 y,
uniq G ->
x `notin` fv G `union` fv S `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 ->
y `notin` fv G `union` fv S `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` singleton x ->
x ~ S ++ G ⊢F open x U1 <: open x U2 ->
y ~ S ++ G ⊢F open y U1 <: open y U2.
apply renaming_subty with (z := x) (T := S) (X := S); routine.
apply weaken_subty_gen. trivial.
End StructuralProperties.
Hint Resolve subty_trans subty_refl.
Inductive narrow T : nat -> env -> env -> Prop :=
| n_first : forall G x S, G ⊢F S <: T -> narrow T 0 (x ~ S ++ G) (x ~ T ++ G)
| n_cons : forall G1 G2 n x T', narrow T n G1 G2 -> narrow T (S n) (x ~ T' ++ G1) (x ~ T' ++ G2).
Local Hint Constructors narrow.
Definition trans_on T : Prop :=
forall G S U, G ⊢F S <: T -> G ⊢F T <: U -> G ⊢F S <: U.
Definition narrow_on T : Prop :=
forall G S U, G ⊢F S <: U -> forall n G', narrow T n G' G -> G' ⊢F S <: U.
Arguments trans_on T/.
Arguments narrow_on T/.
Hint Extern 1 (_ < _) => autorewrite with measures; simpl; lia.
Lemma trans_hyp : forall T,
(forall T', typ_struct_measure T' < typ_struct_measure T -> trans_on T' /\ narrow_on T') ->
trans_on T.
simpl. intros. induction H0; dependent induction H1; try solve [eroutine].
- clear IHsubty0 IHsubty1 IHsubty2 IHsubty3.
+ apply (H T1); routine.
+ apply (H T2); routine.
- clear IHsubty IHsubty0 H3 H5.
+ apply (H T1); routine.
+ cofinite.
rec_pose (H2 x) Hsub1; auto.
rec_pose (H4 x) Hsub2; auto.
apply (H (open x T2)); auto.
rec_pose (H T1) Hrec; auto.
destruct_conjs. eapply H5; auto.
Inductive binds_n : var -> typ -> nat -> env -> Prop :=
| bn_found : forall x T G, binds_n x T 0 ((x, T) :: G)
| bn_cons : forall x T n G y U, binds_n x T n G -> binds_n x T (S n) ((y, U) :: G).
Local Hint Constructors binds_n.
Lemma binds_n_to_binds : forall x T n G,
binds_n x T n G -> binds x T G.
Proof. induction on binds_n; routine. Qed.
Lemma binds_to_binds_n : forall x T G,
binds x T G -> exists n, binds_n x T n G.
induction G; eroutine.
specialize (IHG H). tidy_up.
exists (S IHG). constructor. trivial.
Lemma binds_equiv_binds_n : forall x T G,
binds x T G <-> exists n, binds_n x T n G.
- apply binds_to_binds_n.
- routine. eauto using binds_n_to_binds.
Lemma narrow_binds_n : forall T n G G',
narrow T n G' G ->
forall y T' m,
binds_n y T' m G ->
(m = n /\ T = T' /\ exists T'', binds_n y T'' m G' /\ (G' ⊢F T'' <: T)) \/
(m <> n /\ binds_n y T' m G').
induction on narrow; routine.
- invert H1; routine.
left. repeat (split || eexists); eroutine.
apply weaken_subty with (G' := x ~ S).
- invert H0; routine.
specialize (IHnarrow _ _ _ H6); routine.
left. repeat (split || eexists); eroutine.
apply weaken_subty with (G' := x ~ T').
Lemma narrow_hyp : forall T,
(forall T', typ_struct_measure T' = typ_struct_measure T -> trans_on T') ->
narrow_on T.
simpl. induction 2; eroutine.
- specialize (IHsubty _ _ H2).
rewrite binds_equiv_binds_n in H0.
pose proof (narrow_binds_n H2 H3).
+ apply binds_n_to_binds in H7. econstructor; eauto.
+ apply binds_n_to_binds in H5. econstructor; eauto.
- econstructor. eauto.
specialize (H1 x ltac:(auto)).
rec_pose (H2 x ltac:(auto)) Hrec; eauto.
econstructor. eauto.
Program Fixpoint trans_and_narrow T {measure (typ_struct_measure T)} :
trans_on T /\ narrow_on T := _.
Next Obligation.
- apply trans_hyp. auto.
- apply narrow_hyp.
intros. apply trans_hyp.
intros. apply trans_and_narrow.
Theorem subty_trans : forall G S T U,
G ⊢F S <: T -> G ⊢F T <: U -> G ⊢F S <: U.
intros. apply (trans_and_narrow T); auto.
End Transitivity.
Hint Resolve subst_open_comm_typ.
Definition subst_env (z u: var) (G : env) : env := map (substi z u) G.
Global Instance SubstiEnv : CanSubst env := { substi := subst_env }.
Lemma free_all : forall x y T (G : env),
y `notin` fv G ->
binds x T G ->
y `notin` fv T.
Proof. induction on env; routine. Qed.
Local Ltac fold_env :=
lazymatch goal with
⊢ context[?v ~ substi ?x ?y ?T ++ substi ?x ?y ?G] =>
change (v ~ substi x y T ++ substi x y G)
with (substi x y (v ~ T ++ G))
Ltac apply_ind H := solve [eapply H; routine].
Ltac fold_subst_fvar :=
repeat match goal with
| ⊢ context[if ?x == ?y then ?z else ?x] =>
change (if x == y then z else x) with (subst_fvar y z x)
Ltac solve_by_weaken H :=
cofinite; fold_substi;
reassoc 3 with 2; fold_env;
eapply H; routine;
try apply weaken_subty; eauto.
Lemma subty_subst_gen : forall x X S U G1 G2 y,
G2 ++ x ~ X ++ G1 ⊢F S <: U ->
uniq (G2 ++ x ~ X ++ G1) ->
x `notin` fv G1 ->
forall Y,
binds y Y (substi x y G2 ++ G1) ->
substi x y G2 ++ G1 ⊢F Y <: substi x y X ->
substi x y G2 ++ G1 ⊢F substi x y S <: substi x y U.
intros. gen y Y. dependent induction H; intros; trivial.
- simpl. auto.
- simpl. destruct_eq.
+ econstructor; eauto.
destruct_binds_hyp_uniq H; simpl dom in *; try solve_notin.
eapply subty_trans. eassumption.
apply_ind IHsubty.
+ destruct_binds_hyp_uniq H; simpl dom in *; try solve_notin.
* econstructor.
-- apply binds_app_2.
apply binds_map_2.
-- apply_ind IHsubty.
* econstructor; eauto.
rewrite <- (@subst_fresh_typ x y T).
-- apply_ind IHsubty.
-- eapply free_all; eassumption.
- simpl.
apply st_fun; [apply_ind IHsubty1 | apply_ind IHsubty2].
- simpl. eapply st_all.
+ apply_ind IHsubty.
+ solve_by_weaken H1.
Lemma subty_subst : forall x X S U G y,
x ~ X ++ G ⊢F S <: U ->
uniq (x ~ X ++ G) ->
x `notin` fv G ->
forall Y,
binds y Y G ->
G ⊢F Y <: substi x y X ->
G ⊢F substi x y S <: substi x y U.
intros. change G with (substi x y nil ++ G).
eapply subty_subst_gen; routine.
Ltac prelude :=
try erewrite subst_intro_typ.
Ltac fin :=
try eapply subty_subst;
try (simpl; fold_substi; fold_open_rec;
eexrewrite subst_fresh_typ);
Lemma renaming_subty : forall G z T S U (x : var),
uniq G ->
z `notin` fv G `union` fv T `union` fv U `union` fv S ->
z ~ T ++ G ⊢F open z S <: open z U ->
forall X,
binds x X G ->
G ⊢F X <: T ->
G ⊢F open x S <: open x U.
Proof using.
erewrite subst_intro_typ with (t := U).
Hint Resolve subty_refl.
Lemma open_subst_subty : forall x S G U1 U2 y,
uniq G ->
x `notin` fv G `union` fv S `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 ->
y `notin` fv G `union` fv S `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` singleton x ->
x ~ S ++ G ⊢F open x U1 <: open x U2 ->
y ~ S ++ G ⊢F open y U1 <: open y U2.
apply renaming_subty with (z := x) (T := S) (X := S); routine.
apply weaken_subty_gen. trivial.
End StructuralProperties.
Hint Resolve subty_trans subty_refl.