{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
module Mint.Soundness.Cumulativity (fext : ∀ {ℓ ℓ′} → Extensionality ℓ ℓ′) where
open import Lib
open import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕₚ
open import Mint.Statics.Properties
open import Mint.Semantics.Readback
open import Mint.Semantics.Properties.PER fext
open import Mint.Soundness.LogRel
open import Mint.Soundness.Realizability fext
open import Mint.Soundness.Properties.LogRel fext
®-cumu-step : ∀ {i} (A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ suc i ] 𝕌-cumu-step i A≈B
®-cumu-step (ne C≈C′) (⊢T , rel) = cumu ⊢T , λ ⊢σ → ≈-cumu (rel ⊢σ)
®-cumu-step N T∼A = ≈-cumu T∼A
®-cumu-step (U′ j<i) T∼A = ≈-cumu T∼A
®-cumu-step (□ A≈B) T∼A = record
{ GT = GT
; T≈ = ≈-cumu T≈
; krip = λ {_} {σ} Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢σ → ®-cumu-step (A≈B (ins (mt σ) (len Ψs))) (krip Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢σ)
where open Glu□ T∼A
®-cumu-step (Π iA RT) T∼A = record
{ IT = IT
; OT = OT
; ⊢OT = cumu ⊢OT
; T≈ = ≈-cumu T≈
; krip = λ {_} {σ} ⊢σ →
let open ΠRel (krip ⊢σ)
in record
{ IT-rel = ®-cumu-step (iA (mt σ)) IT-rel
; OT-rel = λ s∼a a∈ → ®-cumu-step (ΠRT.T≈T′ (RT (mt σ) (El-lower _ (iA (mt σ)) a∈))) (OT-rel (®El-lower (iA (mt σ)) IT-rel s∼a) (El-lower _ (iA (mt σ)) a∈))
where open GluΠ T∼A
®El-cumu-step : ∀ {i} (A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ suc i ] a ∈El 𝕌-cumu-step i A≈B
®El-cumu-step (ne C≈C′) (ne c∈ , rel) = ne c∈ , record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; ⊢T = cumu ⊢T
; krip = λ ⊢σ → let Tσ≈ , tσ≈ = krip ⊢σ in ≈-cumu Tσ≈ , tσ≈
where open GluNe rel
®El-cumu-step N (t∼a , T≈N) = t∼a , ≈-cumu T≈N
®El-cumu-step (U′ j<i) t∼a
rewrite Glu-wellfounded-≡ j<i
| Glu-wellfounded-≡ (≤-step j<i) = record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; T≈ = ≈-cumu T≈
; A∈𝕌 = A∈𝕌
; rel = rel
where open GluU t∼a
®El-cumu-step (□ A≈B) t∼a = record
{ GT = GT
; t∶T = t∶T
; a∈El = El-cumu-step _ (□ A≈B) a∈El
; T≈ = ≈-cumu T≈
; krip = λ {_} {σ} Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢σ →
let open □Krip (krip Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢σ)
in record
{ ua = ua
; ↘ua = ↘ua
; rel = ®El-cumu-step (A≈B (ins (mt σ) (len Ψs))) rel
where open Glubox t∼a
®El-cumu-step (Π iA RT) t∼a = record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; a∈El = El-cumu-step _ (Π iA RT) a∈El
; IT = IT
; OT = OT
; ⊢OT = cumu ⊢OT
; T≈ = ≈-cumu T≈
; krip = λ {_} {σ} ⊢σ →
let open ΛRel (krip ⊢σ)
in record
{ IT-rel = ®-cumu-step (iA (mt σ)) IT-rel
; ap-rel = λ s∼b b∈ →
let open ΛKripke (ap-rel (®El-lower (iA (mt σ)) IT-rel s∼b) (El-lower _ (iA (mt σ)) b∈))
in record
{ fa = fa
; ↘fa = ↘fa
; ®fa = ®El-cumu-step (ΠRT.T≈T′ (RT (mt σ) (El-lower _ (iA (mt σ)) b∈))) ®fa
where open GluΛ t∼a
®El-lower : ∀ {i} (A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ suc i ] a ∈El 𝕌-cumu-step i A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B
®El-lower (ne C≈C′) (⊢T , rel) (ne c∈⊥ , rel′) = ne c∈⊥ , record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; ⊢T = ⊢T
; krip = λ ⊢σ → rel ⊢σ , proj₂ (krip ⊢σ)
where open GluNe rel′ hiding (⊢T)
®El-lower N T∼A (t∼a , _) = t∼a , T∼A
®El-lower (U′ j<i) T∼A t∼a
rewrite Glu-wellfounded-≡ j<i
| Glu-wellfounded-≡ (≤-step j<i) = record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; T≈ = T∼A
; A∈𝕌 = A∈𝕌
; rel = rel
where open GluU t∼a
®El-lower (□ A≈B) T∼A t∼a = record
{ GT = T.GT
; t∶T = t∶T
; a∈El = El-lower _ (□ A≈B) a∈El
; T≈ = T.T≈
; krip = λ {_} {σ} Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢σ →
let open □Krip (krip Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢σ)
A≈Bcu = A≈B (ins (mt σ) (len Ψs))
in record
{ ua = ua
; ↘ua = ↘ua
; rel = ®El-lower (A≈B (ins (mt σ) (len Ψs)))
(T.krip Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢σ)
(®El-resp-T≈ (𝕌-cumu-step _ (A≈B (ins (mt σ) (len Ψs))))
(≈-sym (®⇒≈ (𝕌-cumu-step _ A≈Bcu) (®-cumu-step A≈Bcu (T.krip Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢σ)) (®El⇒® (𝕌-cumu-step _ A≈Bcu) rel))))
where module T = Glu□ T∼A
open Glubox t∼a
®El-lower (Π iA RT) T∼A t∼a = record
{ t∶T = t∶T
; a∈El = El-lower _ (Π iA RT) a∈El
; IT = T.IT
; OT = T.OT
; ⊢OT = T.⊢OT
; T≈ = T.T≈
; krip = λ {_} {σ} ⊢σ →
let open ΛRel (krip ⊢σ)
module Π = ΠRel (T.krip ⊢σ)
iAcu = 𝕌-cumu-step _ (iA (mt σ))
in record
{ IT-rel = Π.IT-rel
; ap-rel = λ s∼b b∈ →
let open ΛKripke (ap-rel (®El-resp-T≈ iAcu
(®El-cumu-step (iA (mt σ)) s∼b)
(®⇒≈ iAcu (®-cumu-step (iA (mt σ)) Π.IT-rel) IT-rel))
(El-cumu-step _ (iA (mt σ)) b∈))
RT₁ = RT (mt σ) b∈
RT₂ = RT (mt σ) (El-lower _ (iA (mt σ)) (El-cumu-step _ (iA (mt σ)) b∈))
T≈T′ = ΠRT.T≈T′ RT₁
T≈T′cumu = 𝕌-cumu-step _ T≈T′
®fa′ = ®El-≡ (𝕌-cumu-step _ (ΠRT.T≈T′ RT₂))
(⟦⟧-det (ΠRT.↘⟦T⟧ RT₂) (ΠRT.↘⟦T⟧ RT₁))
in record
{ fa = fa
; ↘fa = ↘fa
; ®fa = ®El-lower T≈T′ (Π.OT-rel s∼b b∈)
(®El-resp-T≈ T≈T′cumu ®fa′
(®⇒≈ T≈T′cumu (®El⇒® T≈T′cumu ®fa′) (®-cumu-step T≈T′ (Π.OT-rel s∼b b∈))))
where module T = GluΠ T∼A
open GluΛ t∼a
®-cumu-steps : ∀ {i} j
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ j + i ] 𝕌-cumu-steps i j A≈B
®-cumu-steps zero A≈B T∼A = T∼A
®-cumu-steps (suc j) A≈B T∼A = ®-cumu-step (𝕌-cumu-steps _ j A≈B) (®-cumu-steps j A≈B T∼A)
®El-cumu-steps : ∀ {i} j
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ j + i ] a ∈El 𝕌-cumu-steps i j A≈B
®El-cumu-steps zero A≈B t∼a = t∼a
®El-cumu-steps (suc j) A≈B t∼a = ®El-cumu-step (𝕌-cumu-steps _ j A≈B) (®El-cumu-steps j A≈B t∼a)
®-cumu : ∀ {i j}
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B →
(i≤j : i ≤ j) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ j ] 𝕌-cumu i≤j A≈B
®-cumu {i = i} A≈B T∼A i≤j
with ®-cumu-steps (≤-diff i≤j) A≈B T∼A
... | rel = helper (𝕌-cumu-steps i (≤-diff i≤j) A≈B) (𝕌-cumu i≤j A≈B) rel (trans (ℕₚ.+-comm (≤-diff i≤j) i) (≤-diff-+ i≤j))
where helper : ∀ {i j} (A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) (A≈B′ : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 j) → Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B → i ≡ j → Γ ⊢ T ®[ j ] A≈B′
helper A≈B A≈B′ T∼A refl = ®-one-sided A≈B A≈B′ T∼A
®El-cumu : ∀ {i j}
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B →
(i≤j : i ≤ j) →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ j ] a ∈El 𝕌-cumu i≤j A≈B
®El-cumu {i = i} A≈B t∼a i≤j
with ®El-cumu-steps (≤-diff i≤j) A≈B t∼a
... | rel = helper (𝕌-cumu-steps i (≤-diff i≤j) A≈B) (𝕌-cumu i≤j A≈B) rel (trans (ℕₚ.+-comm (≤-diff i≤j) i) (≤-diff-+ i≤j))
where helper : ∀ {i j} (A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) (A≈B′ : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 j) → Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B → i ≡ j → Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ j ] a ∈El A≈B′
helper A≈B A≈B′ t∼a refl = ®El-one-sided A≈B A≈B′ t∼a
®El-lowers : ∀ {i} j
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ i ] A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ j + i ] a ∈El 𝕌-cumu-steps i j A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B
®El-lowers 0 A≈B T∼A t∼a = t∼a
®El-lowers (suc j) A≈B T∼A t∼a = ®El-lowers j A≈B T∼A (®El-lower (𝕌-cumu-steps _ j A≈B) (®-cumu-steps j A≈B T∼A) t∼a)
®El-irrel : ∀ {i j}
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 i) →
(A≈B′ : A ≈ B′ ∈ 𝕌 j) →
Γ ⊢ T ®[ j ] A≈B′ →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ j ] a ∈El A≈B′
®El-irrel {i = i} {j} A≈B A≈B′ T∼A t∼a
with i ≤? j
... | yes i≤j = ®El-one-sided (𝕌-cumu i≤j A≈B) A≈B′ (®El-cumu A≈B t∼a i≤j)
... | no i≰j
with ≰⇒≥ i≰j
... | i≥j
rewrite sym (m∸n+n≡m i≥j) = ®El-lowers (i ∸ j) A≈B′ T∼A (®El-one-sided A≈B (𝕌-cumu-steps _ (i ∸ j) A≈B′) t∼a)
®El-master : ∀ {i j k} →
(A≈A′ : A ≈ A′ ∈ 𝕌 i)
(B≈B′ : B ≈ B′ ∈ 𝕌 j)
(A≈B : A ≈ B ∈ 𝕌 k) →
Γ ⊢ T′ ®[ j ] B≈B′ →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈A′ →
Γ ⊢ T ≈ T′ ∶ Se k →
Γ ⊢ t ∶ T′ ®[ j ] a ∈El B≈B′
®El-master {i = i} {j} {k} A≈A′ B≈B′ A≈B T′∼B t∼a T≈T′
= ®El-irrel B≈B′↑ B≈B′ T′∼B
(®El-transport A≈A′↑↑ B≈B′↑ (𝕌-cumu k≤m′ A≈B)
(®El-cumu A≈A′↑
(®El-resp-T≈ A≈A′↑
(®El-cumu A≈A′ t∼a i≤m) (lift-⊢≈-Se-max′ T≈T′))
where m = max i k
i≤m = m≤m⊔n i k
k≤m = m≤n⊔m i k
m′ = max j m
j≤m′ = m≤m⊔n j m
m≤m′ = m≤n⊔m j m
k≤m′ = ≤-trans k≤m m≤m′
A≈A′↑ = 𝕌-cumu i≤m A≈A′
A≈A′↑↑ = 𝕌-cumu m≤m′ A≈A′↑
B≈B′↑ = 𝕌-cumu j≤m′ B≈B′