{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional

-- Realizability of the gluing models
-- Realizability of the gluing models state that if a term in the syntax and a value
-- in the semantics are related, then the term and the readback of the value are
-- equivalent up to any restricted weakening.
-- Similar to the realizability of the PER model, we show the following relations:
--     ®↓El ⊆ ®El ⊆ ®↑El     (1)
--            ®   ⊆ ®↑       (2)
-- where (1) are for terms and (2) are for types.
-- Due to ®El ⊆ ®↑El in particular, we can eventually derive that a term is equivalent
-- to its βη normal form.
module Mint.Soundness.Realizability (fext :  { ℓ′}  Extensionality  ℓ′) where

open import Lib
open import Data.List.Properties as Lₚ
open import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕₚ

open import Mint.Statics.Properties
open import Mint.Semantics.Readback
open import Mint.Semantics.Realizability fext
open import Mint.Semantics.Properties.Domain fext
open import Mint.Semantics.Properties.PER fext
open import Mint.Soundness.LogRel
open import Mint.Soundness.Properties.LogRel fext
open import Mint.Soundness.Properties.Mt fext

var-arith :  Ψ″ (T : Typ) Ψ′  len (Ψ″ ++ T  Ψ′)  len Ψ′  1  len Ψ″
var-arith Ψ″ T Ψ′ = begin
  len (Ψ″ ++ T  Ψ′)  len Ψ′  1
    ≡⟨ cong  n  n  len Ψ′  1) (Lₚ.length-++ Ψ″) 
  len Ψ″ + suc (len Ψ′)  len Ψ′  1
    ≡⟨ cong (_∸ 1) (ℕₚ.+-∸-assoc (len Ψ″) {suc (len Ψ′)} (ℕₚ.≤-step ℕₚ.≤-refl)) 
  len Ψ″ + (suc (len Ψ′)  len Ψ′)  1
    ≡⟨ cong  n  len Ψ″ + n  1) (ℕₚ.m+n∸n≡m 1 (len Ψ′)) 
  len Ψ″ + 1  1
    ≡⟨ ℕₚ.m+n∸n≡m (len Ψ″) 1 
  len Ψ″
  where open ≡-Reasoning

v0∼x-gen :  Ψ  Δ ⊢r σ  Γ  head Γ  Ψ ++ T  Ψ′  Δ  v (len Ψ) [ σ ]  v (len (head Δ)  len Ψ′  1)  T [wk]* (1 + len Ψ) [ σ ]
v0∼x-gen {Δ} {σ} {Γ} {T} {Ψ′} Ψ (r-I σ≈) refl
  with presup-s-≈ σ≈
...  | ⊢Δ , _ , ⊢I , ⊢Γ
     with ⊢≈-sym (⊢I-inv ⊢I)
...     | Γ≈Δ        = ≈-trans ([]-cong (v-≈ ⊢Γ n∈) σ≈)
                       (≈-trans ([I] (conv (ctxeq-tm Γ≈Δ (vlookup ⊢Γ n∈)) (≈-sym (≈-trans ([]-cong-Se″ ⊢T[wk]* σ≈) ([I] (ctxeq-tm Γ≈Δ ⊢T[wk]*))))))
  where n∈      = n∶T[wk]n∈!ΨTΓ ⊢Γ refl
        ⊢T[wk]* = proj₂ (proj₂ (presup-tm (⊢vn∶T[wk]suc[n] ⊢Γ refl)))
        [wkσ]≈  = []-cong-Se″ ⊢T[wk]* (s-≈-sym σ≈)
        helper : Δ  v (len Ψ)  v (len (head Δ)  len Ψ′  1)  T [wk]* (1 + len Ψ) [ σ ]
          rewrite sym (⊢≈⇒len-head≡ Γ≈Δ)
                | var-arith Ψ T Ψ′ = ≈-conv (ctxeq-≈ Γ≈Δ (v-≈ ⊢Γ n∈)) (≈-trans (≈-sym ([I] (ctxeq-tm Γ≈Δ ⊢T[wk]*))) [wkσ]≈)
v0∼x-gen {Δ} {σ} {_} {_} {Ψ′} Ψ (r-p {_} {τ} {T′} ⊢τ σ≈) refl
  with presup-s (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢τ)
...  | _ , ⊢∺ ⊢Γ ⊢T′ = begin
  v (len Ψ) [ σ ]               ≈⟨ []-cong (v-≈ ⊢Γ n∈) σ≈ 
  v (len Ψ) [ p τ ]             ≈⟨ ≈-conv ([∘] ⊢τ′ (s-wk ⊢TΓ) (vlookup ⊢Γ n∈)) [wkτ]≈ 
  v (len Ψ) [ wk ] [ τ ]        ≈⟨ ≈-conv ([]-cong ([wk] ⊢TΓ n∈) (s-≈-refl ⊢τ′)) wkτ≈ 
  v (1 + len Ψ) [ τ ]           ≈⟨ ≈-conv (v0∼x-gen (T′  Ψ) ⊢τ refl) wkτ≈ 
  v (len (head Δ)  len Ψ′  1) 
  where open ER
        n∈      = n∶T[wk]n∈!ΨTΓ ⊢Γ refl
        ⊢TΓ     = ⊢∺ ⊢Γ ⊢T′
        ⊢τ′     = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢τ
        ⊢T[wk]* = proj₂ (proj₂ (presup-tm (⊢vn∶T[wk]suc[n] ⊢Γ refl)))
        [wkτ]≈  = []-cong-Se″ ⊢T[wk]* (s-≈-sym σ≈)
        wkτ≈    = ≈-trans ([∘]-Se ⊢T[wk]* (s-wk ⊢TΓ) ⊢τ′) [wkτ]≈
v0∼x-gen [] (r-; _ _ _ _) ()
v0∼x-gen (_  _) (r-; _ _ _ _) ()

v0∼x :  {i} (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i) 
       Γ  T ®[ i ] A≈B 
       T  Γ  v 0  T [ wk ] ®↓[ i ] l (len (head Γ)) ∈El A≈B
v0∼x {_} {_} {Γ} A≈B T∼A
  with ®⇒ty A≈B T∼A
...  | ⊢T
     with presup-tm ⊢T
...     | ⊢Γ , _ = record
  { t∶T  = vlookup ⊢TΓ here
  ; T∼A  = ®-≡ (𝕌-mon vone A≈B) A≈B (®-mon′ A≈B T∼A (r-p (⊢rI ⊢TΓ) (s-≈-sym (∘-I (s-wk ⊢TΓ))))) (D-ap-vone _)
  ; c∈⊥  = Bot-l (len (head Γ))
  ; krip = λ {Δ} {σ} ⊢σ  v0∼x-gen [] ⊢σ refl
  where ⊢TΓ = ⊢∺ ⊢Γ ⊢T

-- The main realizability proof
-- This proof is done by well-founded induction. We list the induction hypothesis as a
-- module argument. In each level, we do a strctural induction on the PER model 𝕌
-- i. Mostly of the time we can get through by structural induction. We only need the
-- well-founded one when handling unvierses.
  module Real i (rec :  j  j < i   {A B Γ T Δ σ} (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 j)  Γ  T ®[ j ] A≈B  Δ ⊢r σ  Γ   λ W  Rty map len Δ - A [ mt σ ]  W × Δ  T [ σ ]  Nf⇒Exp W  Se j) where

      ®↓El⇒®El : (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i)  Γ  t  T ®↓[ i ] c ∈El A≈B  Γ  t  T ®[ i ]  A c ∈El A≈B
      ®↓El⇒®El R@(ne C≈C′) t∼c                             = ne c∈⊥ , record
        { t∶T  = t∶T
        ; ⊢T   = ®⇒ty R T∼A
        ; krip = λ ⊢σ  proj₂ T∼A ⊢σ , krip ⊢σ
        where open _⊢_∶_®↓[_]_∈El_ t∼c
      ®↓El⇒®El N t∼c                                       = ne c∈⊥  ⊢σ  ≈-conv (krip ⊢σ) (≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T∼A (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)) (N-[] _ (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)))) , T∼A
        where open _⊢_∶_®↓[_]_∈El_ t∼c
      ®↓El⇒®El (U j<i eq) t∼c                              = record
        { t∶T = t∶T
        ; T≈  = T∼A
        ; A∈𝕌 = ne c∈⊥
        ; rel = subst  f  f _ _ _)
                      (sym (Glu-wellfounded-≡ j<i))
                      (conv t∶T T∼A , λ ⊢σ  ≈-conv (krip ⊢σ) (≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T∼A (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)) (lift-⊢≈-Se (Se-[] _ (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)) j<i)))
        where open _⊢_∶_®↓[_]_∈El_ t∼c
      ®↓El⇒®El { A} {_} {Γ} {t} {_} {c} ( A≈B) t∼c       = record
        { GT   = GT
        ; t∶T  = t∶T
        ; a∈El = El-refl ( A≈B) (realizability-Re ( A≈B) c∈⊥)
        ; T≈   = T≈
        ; krip = λ {Δ} {σ} Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢σ 
          let ⊢σ′   = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ
              Gk    = G.krip Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢σ
              ⊢ΨsΔ  = proj₁ (presup-tm (®⇒ty _ Gk))
              Aσ;≈ = A≈B (ins (mt σ) (len Ψs))
              ⊢t    = conv t∶T T≈
              ⊢tσ   = conv (t[σ] ⊢t ⊢σ′) (□-[] ⊢σ′ ⊢GT)
          in record
          { ua  = unbox′ (A [ ins (mt σ) (len Ψs) ]) (len Ψs) (c [ mt σ ])
          ; ↘ua = subst  B  unbox∙ len Ψs ,  ( (A [ ins (mt σ) 1 ])) (c [ mt σ ])  unbox′ B (len Ψs) (c [ mt σ ])) (D-ins-ins A (mt σ) (len Ψs)) (unbox∙ (len Ψs))
          ; rel = ®El-resp-T≈ Aσ;≈
                              (®↓El⇒®El Aσ;≈ -- structural IH is invoked here
                                        { t∶T  = □-E Ψs ⊢tσ ⊢ΨsΔ refl
                                        ; T∼A  = ®-resp-≈ Aσ;≈ Gk ([]-∘-;′ Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢GT ⊢σ′)
                                        ; c∈⊥  = unbox-Bot (len Ψs) (Bot-mon (mt σ) c∈⊥)
                                        ; krip = helper Ψs ⊢t ⊢σ
                              (≈-sym ([]-∘-;′ Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢GT ⊢σ′))
        where module  = _⊢_∶_®↓[_]_∈El_ t∼c
              module G = Glu□ T∼A
              open G
              open ER
              ⊢GT = ®□⇒wf A≈B T∼A
              helper :  Ψs 
                       Γ  t   GT 
                       Δ ⊢r σ  Γ 
                       Δ′ ⊢r τ  Ψs ++⁺ Δ 
                       Δ′  (unbox (len Ψs) (t [ σ ])) [ τ ]  unbox (O (mt τ) (len Ψs)) (Ne⇒Exp (proj₁ (c∈⊥ (map len Δ′  (O (mt τ) (len Ψs))) (mt σ ø mt τ  len Ψs))))  GT [ σ  1 ] [ I  len Ψs ] [ τ ]
              helper {_} {σ} {_} {τ} Ψs ⊢t ⊢σ ⊢τ
                with ⊢r-∥′ Ψs ⊢τ | presup-s (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ) | presup-s (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢τ)
              ...  | Ψs′ , Δ″ , refl , eql , ⊢τ∥ | ⊢Δ , _ | ⊢Δ′ , ⊢ΨsΔ
                   with ↓.krip (⊢r-∘ ⊢σ ⊢τ∥)
              ...     | equiv
                      rewrite sym (O-resp-mt τ (len Ψs))
                            | sym eql
                            | map-++⁺-commute len Ψs′ Δ″
                            | drop+-++⁺ (len Ψs′) (L.map len Ψs′) (map len Δ″) (Lₚ.length-map len Ψs′)
                            | mt-∥ τ (len Ψs) = ≈-conv
                              unbox (len Ψs) (t [ σ ]) [ τ ]                                     ≈⟨ ≈-conv (unbox-[] Ψs ⊢tσ ⊢τ′ refl)
                                                                                                           (≈-trans (≈-sym (subst  n  _  GT [ _  _ ]  GT [ σ  1 ] [ _  n ]  Se _) eql
                                                                                                                                  ([]-∘-; Ψs′ ⊢Δ′ ⊢GT ⊢σ′ ⊢τ∥′)))
                                                                                                                    ([]-∘-;′ Ψs′ ⊢Δ′ ⊢GT ⊢στ∥)) 
                              unbox (O τ (len Ψs)) (t [ σ ] [ τ  len Ψs ])                      ≈⟨ subst  n  _  unbox n _  unbox _ _  GT [ _ ] [ _ ]) eql
                                                                                                          (unbox-cong Ψs′ (≈-conv (≈-sym ([∘] ⊢τ∥′ ⊢σ′ ⊢t)) (□-[] ⊢στ∥ ⊢GT)) ⊢Δ′ refl) 
                              unbox (len Ψs′) (t [ σ  τ  len Ψs ])                             ≈⟨ unbox-cong Ψs′ (≈-conv equiv (≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T≈ ⊢στ∥) (□-[] ⊢στ∥ ⊢GT))) ⊢Δ′ refl 
                              unbox (len Ψs′)
                                    (Ne⇒Exp (proj₁ (c∈⊥ (map len Δ″) (mt σ ø (mt τ  len Ψs))))) )
                              GT [ (σ  τ  len Ψs)  1 ] [ I  len Ψs′ ] ≈˘⟨ []-∘-;′ Ψs′ ⊢Δ′ ⊢GT (s-∘ ⊢τ∥′ ⊢σ′) 
                              GT [ (σ  τ  len Ψs)  len Ψs′ ]            ≈⟨ subst  n  _  GT [ _  n ]  _  Se _) (sym eql) ([]-;-∘ Ψs ⊢GT ⊢σ′ ⊢τ′) 
                              GT [ σ  len Ψs ] [ τ ]                      ≈⟨ []-cong-Se′ ([]-∘-;′ Ψs ⊢ΨsΔ ⊢GT ⊢σ′) ⊢τ′ 
                              GT [ σ  1 ] [ I  len Ψs ] [ τ ]           )
                where ⊢σ′  = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ
                      ⊢τ′  = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢τ
                      ⊢τ∥′ = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢τ∥
                      ⊢στ∥ = s-∘ ⊢τ∥′ ⊢σ′
                      ⊢tσ  = conv (t[σ] ⊢t ⊢σ′) (□-[] ⊢σ′ ⊢GT)
      ®↓El⇒®El {Π A S ρ} {_} {Γ} {t} {T} {c} (Π iA RT) t∼c = record
        { t∶T  = t∶T
        ; a∈El = El-refl (Π iA RT) (realizability-Re (Π iA RT) c∈⊥)
        ; IT   = IT
        ; OT   = OT
        ; ⊢OT  = ⊢OT
        ; T≈   = T≈
        ; krip = λ {Δ} {σ} ⊢σ  record
          { IT-rel = ΠRel.IT-rel (G.krip ⊢σ)
          ; ap-rel = λ s∼b b∈ 
            let a , ↘a , ∼a = ap-rel ⊢σ s∼b b∈
            in record
            { fa  = a
            ; ↘fa = ↘a
            ; ®fa = ∼a
        where module  = _⊢_∶_®↓[_]_∈El_ t∼c
              module G = GluΠ T∼A
              open G
              ap-rel : Δ ⊢r σ  Γ 
                       Δ  s  IT [ σ ] ®[ i ] b ∈El (iA (mt σ)) 
                       (b∈ : b ∈′ El i (iA (mt σ))) 
                        λ a   (Π A S ρ [ mt σ ]) (c [ mt σ ])  b  a × Δ  t [ σ ] $ s  OT [ σ , s ] ®[ i ] a ∈El (ΠRT.T≈T′ (RT (mt σ) b∈))
              ap-rel {_} {σ} {s} {b} ⊢σ s∼b b∈ = [ ΠRT.⟦T⟧ (RT (mt σ) b∈) ] c [ mt σ ] $′  (A [ mt σ ]) b
                                               , $∙ (A [ mt σ ]) (c [ mt σ ]) (ΠRT.↘⟦T⟧ (RT (mt σ) b∈))
                                               , ®↓El⇒®El (ΠRT.T≈T′ (RT (mt σ) b∈)) record  -- structural IH is invoked here
                                                 { t∶T  = conv (Λ-E ⊢tσ ⊢s) (≈-sym ([]-q-∘-,′ ⊢OT ⊢σ′ ⊢s))
                                                 ; T∼A  = ΠRel.OT-rel (G.krip ⊢σ) s∼b b∈
                                                 ; c∈⊥  = $-Bot (Bot-mon (mt σ) c∈⊥) (Top-trans ↑.a∈⊤ (Top-sym ↑.a∈⊤))
                                                 ; krip = λ {_} {τ} ⊢τ 
                                                   let ⊢τ′ = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢τ
                                                       ⊢στ = s-∘ ⊢τ′ ⊢σ′
                                                       eq  = begin
                                                         OT [ (σ  τ) , s [ τ ] ] ≈˘⟨ []-cong-Se″ ⊢OT (,-∘ ⊢σ′ ⊢IT ⊢s ⊢τ′) 
                                                         OT [ σ , s  τ ]         ≈˘⟨ [∘]-Se ⊢OT (s-, ⊢σ′ ⊢IT ⊢s) ⊢τ′ 
                                                         OT [ σ , s ] [ τ ]       
                                                   in begin
                                                   (t [ σ ] $ s) [ τ ]     ≈⟨ ≈-conv ($-[] ⊢τ′ ⊢tσ ⊢s) (≈-trans (≈-sym ([]-q-∘-, ⊢OT ⊢σ′ ⊢τ′ (t[σ] ⊢s ⊢τ′)))
                                                   t [ σ ] [ τ ] $ s [ τ ] ≈⟨ ≈-conv ($-cong (≈-conv (≈-trans (≈-sym ([∘] ⊢τ′ ⊢σ′ t∶T)) (↓.krip (⊢r-∘ ⊢σ ⊢τ)))
                                                                                                     (≈-trans (helper ⊢στ)
                                                                                                              (Π-cong (≈-sym ([∘]-Se ⊢IT ⊢σ′ ⊢τ′))
                                                                                                                      (≈-refl (t[σ]-Se ⊢OT (⊢q ⊢στ ⊢IT))))))
                                                                                             (↑.krip ⊢τ))
                                                                                     (≈-trans (≈-sym ([]-q-∘-,′ ⊢OT ⊢στ (conv (t[σ] ⊢s ⊢τ′) ([∘]-Se ⊢IT ⊢σ′ ⊢τ′))))
                                                   _ $ _                   
                where ⊢σ′ = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ
                      ⊢IT = ®Π-wf iA RT T∼A
                      ⊢s  = ®El⇒tm (iA (mt σ)) s∼b
                      helper :  {Δ σ}  Δ ⊢s σ  Γ  Δ  T [ σ ]  Π (IT [ σ ]) (OT [ q σ ])  Se i
                      helper ⊢σ = ≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T≈ ⊢σ) (Π-[] ⊢σ ⊢IT ⊢OT)
                      ⊢tσ = conv (t[σ] t∶T ⊢σ′) (helper ⊢σ′)
                      open ER
                      module  = _⊢_∶_®↑[_]_∈El_ (®El⇒®↑El (iA (mt σ)) s∼b)  -- structural IH is invoked here

      ®El⇒®↑El : (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i)  Γ  t  T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B  Γ  t  T ®↑[ i ] a ∈El A≈B
      ®El⇒®↑El (ne C≈C′) (ne c∈⊥ , glu)                = record
        { t∶T  = t∶T
        ; T∼A  = ⊢T , λ ⊢σ  proj₁ (krip ⊢σ)
        ; a∈⊤  = Bot⊆Top c∈⊥
        ; krip = λ ⊢σ  proj₂ (krip ⊢σ)
        where open GluNe glu
      ®El⇒®↑El N (t∼a , T≈N)
        with presup-≈ T≈N
      ...  | ⊢Γ , _                                    = record
        { t∶T  = conv (®Nat⇒∶Nat t∼a ⊢Γ) (≈-sym T≈N)
        ; T∼A  = T≈N
        ; a∈⊤  = ®Nat⇒∈Top t∼a
        ; krip = λ ⊢σ  ≈-conv (®Nat⇒≈ t∼a ⊢σ) (≈-sym (≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T≈N (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)) (N-[] _ (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ))))
      ®El⇒®↑El (U′ j<i) t∼a                            = record
        { t∶T  = t∶T
        ; T∼A  = T≈
        ; a∈⊤  = λ ns κ  let W , ↘W , ↘W′ = realizability-Rty A∈𝕌 ns κ
                          in W , RU _ ↘W , RU _ ↘W′
        ; krip = λ {Δ} {σ} ⊢σ 
          let W , ↘W , eq = rec _ j<i A∈𝕌 (subst  f  f _ _ _) (Glu-wellfounded-≡ j<i) rel) ⊢σ  -- well-founded IH is invoked here
          in ≈-conv (subst (_  _ ≈_∶ Se _) (cong Nf⇒Exp (Rty-det ↘W (proj₁ (proj₂ (realizability-Rty A∈𝕌 (map len Δ) (mt σ)))))) eq)
                    (≈-sym (≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T≈ (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)) (lift-⊢≈-Se (Se-[] _ (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)) j<i)))
        where open GluU t∼a
      ®El⇒®↑El { A} {_} {Γ} {t} {T} ( A≈B) t∼a       = record
        { t∶T  = t∶T
        ; T∼A  = ®El⇒® ( A≈B) t∼a
        ; a∈⊤  = realizability-Rf ( A≈B) a∈El
        ; krip = helper
        where open Glubox t∼a
              helper : Δ ⊢r σ  Γ  Δ  t [ σ ]  Nf⇒Exp (proj₁ (realizability-Rf ( A≈B) a∈El (map len Δ) (mt σ)))  T [ σ ]
              helper {Δ} {σ} ⊢σ = help (®El⇒®↑El (A≈B (ins (mt σ) 1)) rel)  -- structural IH is invoked here
                where ⊢σ′ = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ
                      ⊢Δ = proj₁ (presup-s ⊢σ′)
                      open □Krip (krip L.[ [] ] (⊢κ ⊢Δ) ⊢σ)
                      open ER
                      ⊢GT = ®□⇒wf A≈B (®El⇒® ( A≈B) t∼a)
                      ⊢tσ  = conv (t[σ] t∶T ⊢σ′) (≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T≈ ⊢σ′) (□-[] ⊢σ′ ⊢GT))
                      help : [] ∷⁺ Δ  unbox 1 (t [ σ ])  GT [ σ  1 ] ®↑[ i ] ua ∈El A≈B (ins (mt σ) 1) 
                             Δ  t [ σ ]  Nf⇒Exp (proj₁ (realizability-Rf ( A≈B) a∈El (map len Δ) (mt σ)))  T [ σ ]
                      help record { a∈⊤ = a∈⊤ ; krip = krip }
                        with realizability-Rf ( A≈B) a∈El (map len Δ) (mt σ)
                           | a∈⊤ (map len ([] ∷⁺ Δ)) vone
                           | krip (⊢rI (⊢κ ⊢Δ))
                      ...  | box w , R□ .(map len Δ) ↘ub ↘w , _
                           | w′ , ↘w′ , _
                           | equiv
                           rewrite unbox-det ↘ub ↘ua
                                 | D-ap-vone (A [ ins (mt σ) 1 ])
                                 | D-ap-vone ua
                                 | Rf-det ↘w′ ↘w = ≈-conv (begin
                                                             t [ σ ]                       ≈⟨ □-η ⊢tσ 
                                                             box (unbox 1 (t [ σ ]))       ≈˘⟨ box-cong ([I] (conv (□-E L.[ [] ] ⊢tσ (⊢κ ⊢Δ) refl) ([I;1] ⊢GT[σ;1]))) 
                                                             box (unbox 1 (t [ σ ]) [ I ]) ≈⟨ box-cong (≈-conv equiv ([I] ⊢GT[σ;1])) 
                                                             box (Nf⇒Exp w)                )
                                                          (≈-sym (≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T≈ ⊢σ′) (□-[] ⊢σ′ ⊢GT)))
                        where ⊢GT[σ;1] = t[σ]-Se ⊢GT (s-; L.[ [] ] ⊢σ′ (⊢κ ⊢Δ) refl)
      ®El⇒®↑El {Π A S ρ} {_} {Γ} {t} {T} (Π iA RT) t∼a = record
        { t∶T  = t∶T
        ; T∼A  = ®El⇒® (Π iA RT) t∼a
        ; a∈⊤  = realizability-Rf (Π iA RT) a∈El
        ; krip = helper
        where open GluΛ t∼a
              ⊢IT = ®Π-wf iA RT (®El⇒® (Π iA RT) t∼a)

              helper : Δ ⊢r σ  Γ  Δ  t [ σ ]  Nf⇒Exp (proj₁ (realizability-Rf (Π iA RT) a∈El (map len Δ) (mt σ)))  T [ σ ]
              helper {Δ} {σ} ⊢σ
                with presup-s (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)
              ...  | ⊢Δ , _ = help
                where ⊢σ′   = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ
                      Tσ≈   = ≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T≈ ⊢σ′) (Π-[] ⊢σ′ ⊢IT ⊢OT)
                      ⊢tσ   = conv (t[σ] t∶T ⊢σ′) Tσ≈
                      ⊢ITσ  = t[σ]-Se ⊢IT ⊢σ′
                      ⊢ITσΔ = ⊢∺ ⊢Δ (t[σ]-Se ⊢IT ⊢σ′)
                      ⊢qσ   = ⊢q ⊢σ′ ⊢IT
                      ⊢OTqσ = t[σ]-Se ⊢OT ⊢qσ
                      ⊢σwk  = s-∘ (s-wk ⊢ITσΔ) ⊢σ′
                      open ΛRel (krip ⊢σ) using (IT-rel)
                      open ΛRel (krip (⊢r-∘ ⊢σ (⊢rwk ⊢ITσΔ))) using (ap-rel)
                      open ER
                      help : Δ  t [ σ ]  Nf⇒Exp (proj₁ (realizability-Rf (Π iA RT) a∈El (map len Δ) (mt σ)))  T [ σ ]
                        with ap-rel
                           | realizability-Rf (Π iA RT) a∈El (map len Δ) (mt σ)
                           | ®↓El⇒®El (iA (mt σ)) (v0∼x (iA (mt σ)) IT-rel)  -- structural IH is invoked here
                      ...  | ap-rel | Λ w ,  .(map len Δ) ↘a ↘⟦S⟧ ↘w , _ | v∼l
                           rewrite ø-vone (mt σ)
                           with RT (mt σ) (®El⇒∈El (iA (mt σ)) v∼l)
                              | ap-rel (®El-resp-T≈ (iA (mt σ)) v∼l ([∘]-Se ⊢IT ⊢σ′ (s-wk ⊢ITσΔ))) (®El⇒∈El (iA (mt σ)) v∼l)
                      ...     | record { ⟦T⟧ = ⟦T⟧ ; ↘⟦T⟧ = ↘⟦T⟧ ; T≈T′ = T≈T′ }
                              | record { fa = fa ; ↘fa = ↘fa ; ®fa = ®fa }
                              with ®El⇒®↑El T≈T′ ®fa  -- structural IH is invoked here
                      ...        | record { a∈⊤ = a∈⊤ ; krip = krip }
                                 with a∈⊤ (map len ((IT [ σ ])  Δ)) vone
                                    | krip (⊢rI ⊢ITσΔ)
                      ...           | w′ , ↘w′ , _
                                    | equiv
                                    rewrite D-ap-vone ⟦T⟧
                                          | D-ap-vone fa
                                          | ap-det ↘a ↘fa
                                          | ⟦⟧-det ↘⟦S⟧ ↘⟦T⟧
                                          | Rf-det ↘w′ ↘w = ≈-conv (begin
                                                                     t [ σ ]                        ≈⟨ Λ-η ⊢tσ 
                                                                     Λ (t [ σ ] [ wk ] $ v 0)       ≈˘⟨ Λ-cong (≈-conv ($-cong (≈-conv ([∘] (s-wk ⊢ITσΔ) ⊢σ′ t∶T) eq)
                                                                                                                               (v-≈ ⊢ITσΔ here))
                                                                     Λ (t [ σ  wk ] $ v 0)         ≈˘⟨ Λ-cong ([I] (conv (Λ-E (conv (t[σ] t∶T ⊢σwk) eq) (vlookup ⊢ITσΔ here)) eq′)) 
                                                                     Λ ((t [ σ  wk ] $ v 0) [ I ]) ≈⟨ ≈-conv (Λ-cong equiv) (Π-cong (≈-refl ⊢ITσ) ([I] ⊢OTqσ)) 
                                                                     Λ (Nf⇒Exp w)                   )
                                                                   (≈-sym Tσ≈)
                        where ITσwk≈ = [∘]-Se ⊢IT ⊢σ′ (s-wk ⊢ITσΔ)
                              eq = begin
                                T [ σ  wk ]                            ≈⟨ []-cong-Se′ T≈ ⊢σwk 
                                Π IT OT [ σ  wk ]                      ≈⟨ Π-[] ⊢σwk ⊢IT ⊢OT 
                                Π (IT [ σ  wk ]) (OT [ q (σ  wk) ])   ≈⟨ Π-cong (≈-sym ITσwk≈) (≈-refl (t[σ]-Se ⊢OT (⊢q ⊢σwk ⊢IT))) 
                                Π (IT [ σ ] [ wk ]) (OT [ q (σ  wk) ]) 
                              eq′ = ≈-sym ([]-q-∘-,′ ⊢OT ⊢σwk (conv (vlookup ⊢ITσΔ here) ITσwk≈))

      ®⇒Rty-eq : (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i)  Γ  T ®[ i ] A≈B  Δ ⊢r σ  Γ   λ W  Rty map len Δ - A [ mt σ ]  W × Δ  T [ σ ]  Nf⇒Exp W  Se i
      ®⇒Rty-eq { _ C} {Δ = Δ} {σ} (ne C≈C′) (⊢T , rel) ⊢σ
        with C≈C′ (map len Δ) (mt σ) | rel ⊢σ
      ...  | V , ↘V , _ | r                          = ne V , Rne (map len Δ) ↘V , r
      ®⇒Rty-eq N T∼A ⊢σ                              = N , RN _ , ≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T∼A (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)) (N-[] _ (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ))
      ®⇒Rty-eq {Δ = Δ} (U j<i eq) T∼A ⊢σ             = Se _ , RU (map len Δ) , (≈-trans ([]-cong-Se′ T∼A (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)) (lift-⊢≈-Se (Se-[] _ (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)) j<i))
      ®⇒Rty-eq { A} {_} {_} {T} {Δ} {σ} ( A≈B) T∼A ⊢σ
        with presup-s (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)
      ...  | ⊢Δ , _
           with ®⇒Rty-eq (A≈B (ins (mt σ) 1)) (Glu□.krip T∼A L.[ [] ] (⊢κ ⊢Δ) ⊢σ) (⊢rI (⊢κ ⊢Δ))
      ...     | W , ↘W , ≈W
              rewrite D-ap-vone (A [ ins (mt σ) 1 ]) =  W , R□ (map len Δ) ↘W
                                                     , (begin
                                                         T [ σ ]                 ≈⟨ []-cong-Se′ T≈ ⊢σ′ 
                                                          GT [ σ ]              ≈⟨ □-[] ⊢σ′ ⊢GT 
                                                          (GT [ σ  1 ])       ≈˘⟨ □-cong ([I] (t[σ]-Se ⊢GT (s-; L.[ [] ] ⊢σ′ (⊢κ ⊢Δ) refl))) 
                                                          (GT [ σ  1 ] [ I ]) ≈⟨ □-cong ≈W 
                                                         Nf⇒Exp ( W)            )
        where open Glu□ T∼A
              open ER
              ⊢σ′ = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ
              ⊢GT = ®□⇒wf A≈B T∼A
      ®⇒Rty-eq {Π A S ρ} {_} {_} {T} {Δ} {σ} (Π iA RT) T∼A ⊢σ
        with presup-s (⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ)
      ...  | ⊢Δ , _ = helper
        where open GluΠ T∼A
              ⊢σ′   = ⊢r⇒⊢s ⊢σ
              ⊢IT   = ®Π-wf iA RT T∼A
              ⊢ITσ  = t[σ]-Se ⊢IT ⊢σ′
              ⊢ITσΔ = ⊢∺ ⊢Δ (t[σ]-Se ⊢IT ⊢σ′)
              ⊢qσ   = ⊢q ⊢σ′ ⊢IT
              ⊢OTqσ = t[σ]-Se ⊢OT ⊢qσ
              open ΠRel (krip ⊢σ) using (IT-rel)
              open ΠRel (krip (⊢r-∘ ⊢σ (⊢rwk ⊢ITσΔ))) using (OT-rel)
              open ER

              helper :  λ W  Rty map len Δ - Π A S ρ [ mt σ ]  W × Δ  T [ σ ]  Nf⇒Exp W  Se i
                with ®⇒Rty-eq (iA (mt σ)) IT-rel (⊢rI ⊢Δ)
                   | ®↓El⇒®El (iA (mt σ)) (v0∼x (iA (mt σ)) IT-rel)
                   | OT-rel
              ...  | WI , ↘WI , ≈WI
                   | v∼l
                   | OT-rel
                   rewrite D-ap-vone (A [ mt σ ])
                         | ø-vone (mt σ)
                         with RT (mt σ) (®El⇒∈El (iA (mt σ)) v∼l)
                            | OT-rel (®El-resp-T≈ (iA (mt σ)) v∼l ([∘]-Se ⊢IT ⊢σ′ (s-wk ⊢ITσΔ))) (®El⇒∈El (iA (mt σ)) v∼l)
              ...           | record { ⟦T⟧ = ⟦S⟧ ; ↘⟦T⟧ = ↘⟦S⟧ ; T≈T′ = T≈T′ }
                            | rel
                            with ®⇒Rty-eq T≈T′ rel (⊢rI ⊢ITσΔ)
              ...              | WO , ↘WO , ≈WO
                               rewrite D-ap-vone ⟦S⟧ = Π WI WO ,  (map len Δ) ↘WI ↘⟦S⟧ ↘WO
                                                     , (begin
                                                         T [ σ ]                               ≈⟨ []-cong-Se′ T≈ ⊢σ′ 
                                                         Π IT OT [ σ ]                         ≈⟨ Π-[] ⊢σ′ ⊢IT ⊢OT 
                                                         Π (IT [ σ ]) (OT [ q σ ])             ≈˘⟨ Π-cong ([I] ⊢ITσ) ([I] (ctxeq-tm (∺-cong (⊢≈-refl ⊢Δ) (≈-sym ([I] ⊢ITσ))) ⊢OTqσ)) 
                                                         Π (IT [ σ ] [ I ]) (OT [ q σ ] [ I ]) ≈⟨ Π-cong ≈WI (ctxeq-≈ (∺-cong (⊢≈-refl ⊢Δ) (≈-sym ([I] ⊢ITσ))) ≈WO) 
                                                         Nf⇒Exp (Π WI WO)                      )

-- Wrap up the well-founded induction.
®⇒Rty-eq :  {i} (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i) 
           Γ  T ®[ i ] A≈B 
           Δ ⊢r σ  Γ 
            λ W  Rty map len Δ - A [ mt σ ]  W × Δ  T [ σ ]  Nf⇒Exp W  Se i
®⇒Rty-eq {i = i} = <-Measure.wfRec  i   {A B Γ T Δ σ} 
                                          (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i) 
                                          Γ  T ®[ i ] A≈B 
                                          Δ ⊢r σ  Γ 
                                           λ W  Rty map len Δ - A [ mt σ ]  W × Δ  T [ σ ]  Nf⇒Exp W  Se i)
                                   Real.®⇒Rty-eq i

®↓El⇒®El :  {i} (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i) 
           Γ  t  T ®↓[ i ] c ∈El A≈B 
           Γ  t  T ®[ i ]  A c ∈El A≈B
®↓El⇒®El {i = i} = Real.®↓El⇒®El i  j _  ®⇒Rty-eq {i = j})

®El⇒®↑El :  {i} (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i) 
           Γ  t  T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B 
           Γ  t  T ®↑[ i ] a ∈El A≈B
®El⇒®↑El {i = i} = Real.®El⇒®↑El i  j _  ®⇒Rty-eq {i = j})

-- From what we have, we are ready for concluding ® ⊆ ®↑ for types.
®⇒®↑ :  {i} (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i) 
       Γ  T ®[ i ] A≈B 
       Γ  T ®↑[ i ] A≈B
®⇒®↑ A≈B T∼A = record
  { t∶T  = ®⇒ty A≈B T∼A
  ; A∈⊤  = realizability-Rty A≈B
  ; krip = λ {Δ} {σ} ⊢σ  let W , ↘W , Tσ≈ = ®⇒Rty-eq A≈B T∼A ⊢σ
                          in subst  t  _  _ [ _ ]  Nf⇒Exp t  Se _)
                                   (Rty-det ↘W (proj₁ (proj₂ (realizability-Rty A≈B (map len Δ) (mt σ)))))

v0®x :  {i} (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i) 
       Γ  T ®[ i ] A≈B 
       T  Γ  v 0  T [ wk ] ®[ i ]  A (l (len (head Γ))) ∈El A≈B
v0®x A≈B T∼A = ®↓El⇒®El A≈B (v0∼x A≈B T∼A)

-- As a corollary, if two types are related to the same semantic types, then both
-- types are equivalent.
®⇒≈ :  {i} (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i) 
      Γ  T ®[ i ] A≈B 
      Γ  T′ ®[ i ] A≈B 
      Γ  T  T′  Se i
®⇒≈ {_} {_} {_} {T} {T′} A≈B T∼A T′∼A
  with presup-tm (®⇒ty A≈B T∼A)
...  | ⊢Γ , _
    with ®⇒Rty-eq A≈B T∼A (⊢rI ⊢Γ) | ®⇒Rty-eq A≈B T′∼A (⊢rI ⊢Γ)
...    | W , ↘W , T≈W | _ , ↘W₁ , T′≈W₁
      rewrite Rty-det ↘W₁ ↘W = begin
        T        ≈⟨ [I]-≈ˡ-Se T≈W 
        Nf⇒Exp W ≈˘⟨ [I]-≈ˡ-Se T′≈W₁ 
    open ER

-- If two terms are related to the same semantic value, then both terms are
-- equivalent.
®El⇒≈ :  {i} (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i) 
        Γ  t  T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B 
        Γ  t′  T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B 
        Γ  t  t′  T
®El⇒≈ {_} {_} {Γ} {t} {_} {_} {t′} A≈B t∼a t′∼a
  with presup-tm (®El⇒ty A≈B t∼a)
...  | ⊢Γ , _
     with ®El⇒®↑El A≈B t∼a | ®El⇒®↑El A≈B t′∼a
...     | record { a∈⊤ = t∈⊤ ; krip = tkrip }
        | record { a∈⊤ = t′∈⊤ ; krip = t′krip }
        with t∈⊤ (map len Γ) vone  | tkrip (⊢rI ⊢Γ)
           | t′∈⊤ (map len Γ) vone | t′krip (⊢rI ⊢Γ)
...        | w  , ↘w  , _ | ≈w
           | w′ , ↘w′ , _ | ≈w′
           rewrite Rf-det ↘w′ ↘w = ≈-trans ([I]-≈ˡ ≈w) (≈-sym ([I]-≈ˡ ≈w′))

®El⇒≈-gen :  {i} (A≈B : A  B  𝕌 i) 
            Γ  t  T ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B 
            Γ  t′  T′ ®[ i ] a ∈El A≈B 
            Γ  t  t′  T
®El⇒≈-gen A≈B t∼a t′∼a = ®El⇒≈ A≈B t∼a (®El-resp-T≈ A≈B t′∼a (®⇒≈ A≈B (®El⇒® A≈B t′∼a) (®El⇒® A≈B t∼a)))