{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Level
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional

-- Semantic judgments for context stacks
module MLTT.Completeness.Contexts (fext : Extensionality 0ℓ (suc 0ℓ)) where

open import Lib
open import MLTT.Completeness.LogRel

open import MLTT.Semantics.Properties.PER fext

[]-≈′ :  []  []
[]-≈′ = []-≈

-- ∷-cong-helper is separately defined to be used in MLTT.Completeness.Substitutions
∷-cong-helper :  {i} 
                Γ  T  T′  Se i 
                (Γ≈Δ :  Γ  Δ) 
                ρ  ρ′   Γ≈Δ ⟧ρ 
                RelTyp i T ρ T′ ρ′
∷-cong-helper (⊨Γ₁ , i , T≈T′) Γ≈Δ ρ≈ρ′
  with ρ≈ρ′₁⟦⟧ρ-one-sided Γ≈Δ ⊨Γ₁ ρ≈ρ′
     with T≈T′ ρ≈ρ′₁
...     | record { ↘⟦T⟧ = ⟦Se⟧ _ ; ↘⟦T′⟧ = ⟦Se⟧ _ ; T≈T′ = U j<i _ }
        , res
        rewrite 𝕌-wellfounded-≡-𝕌 _ j<i = RelExp⇒RepTyp res

∷-cong′ :  {i} 
           Γ  Δ 
          Γ  T  T′  Se i 
           T  Γ  T′  Δ
∷-cong′ {T = T} {T′} Γ≈Δ ⊨T = ∷-cong Γ≈Δ (∷-cong-helper ⊨T Γ≈Δ)