{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Level
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional

-- Proof of the soundness theorem
-- If a term is well-typed, then it is equivalent to its βη normal form.
module MLTT.Soundness (fext : Extensionality 0ℓ (suc 0ℓ)) where

open import Lib

open import MLTT.Statics.Properties
open import MLTT.Semantics.Readback
open import MLTT.Semantics.Properties.PER fext
open import MLTT.Completeness.Fundamental fext
open import MLTT.Soundness.LogRel
open import MLTT.Soundness.Properties.Substitutions fext
open import MLTT.Soundness.Realizability fext
open import MLTT.Soundness.Fundamental fext

soundness : Γ  t  T 
             λ w  NbE Γ t T w × Γ  t  Nf⇒Exp w  T
soundness {Γ} {t} {T} ⊢t
  with record { ⊩Γ = ⊩Γ ; krip = krip }fundamental-⊢t⇒⊩t ⊢t
    with ρ , _ , ρinit , _InitEnvs-related (fundamental-⊢Γ (⊩⇒⊢ ⊩Γ))
     with record { ⟦T⟧ = ⟦T⟧ ; ⟦t⟧ = ⟦t⟧ ; ↘⟦T⟧ = ↘⟦T⟧ ; ↘⟦t⟧ = ↘⟦t⟧ ; T∈𝕌 = T∈𝕌 ; t∼⟦t⟧ = t∼⟦t⟧ }krip (InitEnvs⇒s®I ⊩Γ ρinit)
        with record { a∈⊤ = a∈⊤ ; krip = krip }®El⇒®↑El T∈𝕌 t∼⟦t⟧
           with w , ↘w , _a∈⊤ (len Γ)
              | eqkrip (⊢wI (⊩⇒⊢ ⊩Γ)) = w , nbe , [I]-≈ˡ ([I]-≈ˡ eq)
  where nbe : NbE Γ t T w
        nbe = record
          { envs = ρ
          ; init = ρinit
          ; nbe  = record
            { ⟦t⟧  = ⟦t⟧
            ; ⟦T⟧  = ⟦T⟧
            ; ↘⟦t⟧ = ↘⟦t⟧
            ; ↘⟦T⟧ = ↘⟦T⟧
            ; ↓⟦t⟧ = ↘w