{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- In this module, we define the syntax of D<:
module DsubDef where

open import Data.List as List
open import Data.List.All
open import Data.Nat as 
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Empty renaming ( to False)
open import Function

open import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕₚ
open import Data.Maybe.Properties as Maybeₚ
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import Utils

infix 8 _∙A
infix 6 Π_∙_ ⟨A:_⋯_⟩

-- Types
-- Notations in Agda should be more readable than in Coq.
-- * ⊤ is a supertype of all types.
-- * ⊥ is a subtype of all types.
-- * (x ∙A) represents a path dependent type (x.A).
-- * (Π S ∙ U) represents a dependent function type (∀(x : S)U).
-- * (⟨A: S ⋯ U ⟩) represents a type declaration ({A : S .. U}).
data Typ : Set where
         : Typ
         : Typ
  _∙A     : (n : )  Typ
  Π_∙_    : (S U : Typ)  Typ
  ⟨A:_⋯_⟩ : (S U : Typ)  Typ

-- typing context
Env : Set
Env = List Typ

-- shifting operation of de Bruijn indices
infixl 7 _↑_
_↑_ : Typ    Typ
  n           = 
  n           = 
(x ∙A)  n with n ≤? x
... | yes n≤x   = suc x ∙A
... | no n>x    = x ∙A
(Π S  U)  n   = Π S  n  U  suc n
⟨A: S  U   n = ⟨A: S  n  U  n 

-- The remaining are technical setup.
infix 4 _↦_∈_
data _↦_∈_ :   Typ  Env  Set where
  hd :  {T Γ}  0  T  0  T  Γ
  tl :  {n T T′ Γ}  n  T  Γ  suc n  T  0  T′  Γ

env-lookup : Env    Maybe Typ
env-lookup Γ n = Maybe.map (repeat (suc n) (_↑ 0)) (lookupOpt Γ n)

↦∈⇒lookup :  {x T Γ}  x  T  Γ  env-lookup Γ x  just T
↦∈⇒lookup hd = refl
↦∈⇒lookup {x} {_} {Γ} (tl T∈Γ) with lookupOpt Γ x | ↦∈⇒lookup T∈Γ
... | just T′ | eq = cong (just  (_↑ zero)) (just-injective eq)
... | nothing | ()

lookup⇒↦∈ :  {x T Γ}  env-lookup Γ x  just T  x  T  Γ
lookup⇒↦∈ {x} {_} {[]} ()
lookup⇒↦∈ {zero} {_} {T  Γ} refl = hd
lookup⇒↦∈ {suc x} {_} {T  Γ} eq with lookupOpt Γ x | λ {T}  lookup⇒↦∈ {x} {T} {Γ}
lookup⇒↦∈ refl | just T′ | rec = tl $ rec refl
lookup⇒↦∈ ()   | nothing | _

⟨A:⟩-injective :  {S U S′ U′}  ⟨A: S  U   ⟨A: S′  U′   S  S′ × U  U′
⟨A:⟩-injective refl = refl , refl

↑-idx :     
↑-idx x n with n ≤? x
... | yes p = suc x
... | no ¬p = x

↑-var :  x n  x ∙A  n  ↑-idx x n ∙A
↑-var x n with n ≤? x
... | yes p = refl
... | no ¬p = refl

↑-↑-comm :  T m n  m  n  T  m  suc n  T  n  m
↑-↑-comm  m n m≤n                                  = refl
↑-↑-comm  m n m≤n                                  = refl
↑-↑-comm (x ∙A) m n m≤n with n ≤? x
... | yes n≤x
    rewrite ≤?-yes (≤-trans m≤n n≤x)
          | ≤?-yes n≤x
          | ≤?-yes (≤-step (≤-trans m≤n n≤x))       = refl
... | no n>x with m ≤? x
...             | yes m≤x rewrite proj₂ $ ≤?-no n>x = refl
...             | no m>x with suc n ≤? x
...                         | yes 1+n≤x             = ⊥-elim (m>x (≤-trans (≤-step m≤n) 1+n≤x))
...                         | no 1+n>x              = refl
↑-↑-comm (Π S  U) m n m≤n
  rewrite ↑-↑-comm S m n m≤n
        | ↑-↑-comm U (suc m) (suc n) (s≤s m≤n)      = refl
↑-↑-comm ⟨A: S  U  m n m≤n
  rewrite ↑-↑-comm S m n m≤n | ↑-↑-comm U m n m≤n   = refl

-- These two judgments are about to capture the characteristics of the image of
-- interpretation functions from F<:⁻ to D<:.
-- Covar quantifies the types in D<: which appears in the covariant positions in the
-- image of the interpretation function.
data Covar : Typ  Set where
  cv⊤  : Covar 
  cv∙A :  n  Covar (n ∙A)
  cvΠ  :  {S U}  Covar S  Covar U  Covar (Π ⟨A:   S   U)

-- Contra quantifies the types in D<: which appears in the contravariant positions in
-- the image of the interpretation function.
data Contra : Typ  Set where
  ctt :  {T}  Covar T  Contra ⟨A:   T 

ContraEnv : Env  Set
ContraEnv = All Contra

↑-Covar :  {T} n  Covar T  Covar (T  n)
↑-Covar n cv⊤       = cv⊤
↑-Covar n (cv∙A x)
  rewrite ↑-var x n = cv∙A _
↑-Covar n (cvΠ S U) = cvΠ (↑-Covar n S) (↑-Covar (suc n) U)

↑-Contra :  {T} n  Contra T  Contra (T  n)
↑-Contra n (ctt T) = ctt (↑-Covar n T)

↑-injective :  {S U n}  S  n  U  n  S  U
↑-injective {} {} {n} eq = refl
↑-injective {} {} {n} ()
↑-injective {} {x ∙A} {n} eq
  rewrite ↑-var x n        = case eq of λ ()
↑-injective {} {Π S  U} {n} ()
↑-injective {} {⟨A: S  U } {n} ()
↑-injective {} {} {n} ()
↑-injective {} {} {n} eq = refl
↑-injective {} {x ∙A} {n} eq
  rewrite ↑-var x n        = case eq of λ ()
↑-injective {} {Π S  U} {n} ()
↑-injective {} {⟨A: S  U } {n} ()
↑-injective {x ∙A} {} {n} eq
  rewrite ↑-var x n        = case eq of λ ()
↑-injective {x ∙A} {} {n} eq
  rewrite ↑-var x n        = case eq of λ ()
↑-injective {x ∙A} {y ∙A} {n} eq
  with n ≤? x | n ≤? y
↑-injective {x ∙A} {y ∙A} {n} refl
    | yes n≤x | yes n≤y    = refl
↑-injective {x ∙A} {y ∙A} {n} refl
    | yes n≤x | no n>y     = ⊥-elim (n>y (≤-step n≤x))
↑-injective {x ∙A} {y ∙A} {n} refl
    | no n>x  | yes n≤y    = ⊥-elim (n>x (≤-step n≤y))
↑-injective {x ∙A} {y ∙A} {n} refl
    | no n>x  | no n>y     = refl
↑-injective {x ∙A} {Π S  U} {n} eq
  rewrite ↑-var x n        = case eq of λ ()
↑-injective {x ∙A} {⟨A: S  U } {n} eq
  rewrite ↑-var x n        = case eq of λ ()
↑-injective {Π S  U} {} {n} ()
↑-injective {Π S  U} {} {n} ()
↑-injective {Π S  U} {x ∙A} {n} eq
  rewrite ↑-var x n        = case eq of λ ()
↑-injective {Π S  U} {Π S′  U′} {n} eq
  with S  n | U  suc n | S′  n | U′  suc n
     | ↑-injective {S} {S′} {n} | ↑-injective {U} {U′} {suc n}
...  | _ | _ | _ | _ | rec₁ | rec₂
     with eq
...     | refl             = cong₂ Π_∙_ (rec₁ refl) (rec₂ refl)
↑-injective {Π S  U} {⟨A: _  _ } {n} ()
↑-injective {⟨A: S  U } {} {n} ()
↑-injective {⟨A: S  U } {} {n} ()
↑-injective {⟨A: S  U } {x ∙A} {n} eq
  rewrite ↑-var x n        = case eq of λ ()
↑-injective {⟨A: S  U } {Π _  _} {n} ()
↑-injective {⟨A: S  U } {⟨A: S′  U′ } {n} eq
  with S  n | U  n | S′  n | U′  n
     | ↑-injective {S} {S′} {n} | ↑-injective {U} {U′} {n}
...  | _ | _ | _ | _ | rec₁ | rec₂
     with eq
...     | refl             = cong₂ ⟨A:_⋯_⟩ (rec₁ refl) (rec₂ refl)

↑-⊥-inv :  {S n}  S  n    S  
↑-⊥-inv {} {n} ()
↑-⊥-inv {} {n} refl = refl
↑-⊥-inv {x ∙A} {n} eq
  rewrite ↑-var x n  = case eq of λ ()
↑-⊥-inv {Π _  _} {n} ()
↑-⊥-inv {⟨A: _  _ } {n} ()

⟨A:⟩-↑-inv :  {T n S U}  ⟨A: S  U   T  n  ∃₂ λ S′ U′  T  ⟨A: S′  U′  × S  S′  n × U  U′  n
⟨A:⟩-↑-inv {} ()
⟨A:⟩-↑-inv {} ()
⟨A:⟩-↑-inv {x ∙A} {n} eq
  rewrite ↑-var x n             = case eq of λ ()
⟨A:⟩-↑-inv {Π _  _} ()
⟨A:⟩-↑-inv {⟨A: S′  U′ } refl = S′ , U′ , refl , refl , refl

↦∈ContraEnv :  {Γ n T}  n  T  Γ  ContraEnv Γ  Contra T
↦∈ContraEnv hd (T  cT)       = ↑-Contra 0 T
↦∈ContraEnv (tl T∈Γ) (_  cT) = ↑-Contra 0 (↦∈ContraEnv T∈Γ cT)

lookupContraEnv :  {Γ n T}  env-lookup Γ n  just T  ContraEnv Γ  Contra T
lookupContraEnv lk cT = ↦∈ContraEnv (lookup⇒↦∈ lk) cT

lookupContraBot :  {Γ n}  ContraEnv Γ  ¬ env-lookup Γ n  just 
lookupContraBot all eq with lookupContraEnv eq all
... | ()

lookupContraBndBot :  {Γ n S}  ContraEnv Γ  ¬ env-lookup Γ n  just ⟨A: S   
lookupContraBndBot all eq with lookupContraEnv eq all
... | ctt ()

lookupContraBndBnd :  {Γ n T S U}  ContraEnv Γ 
                       ¬ env-lookup Γ n  just ⟨A: T  ⟨A: S  U  
lookupContraBndBnd all eq with lookupContraEnv eq all
... | ctt ()

lookupContra⊥Lb :  {Γ n S U}  ContraEnv Γ 
                    env-lookup Γ n  just ⟨A: S  U   S  
lookupContra⊥Lb all eq with lookupContraEnv eq all
... | ctt _ = refl

Typ-measure : Typ  
Typ-measure            = 1
Typ-measure            = 1
Typ-measure (_ ∙A)      = 2
Typ-measure (Π S  U)   = 1 + Typ-measure S + Typ-measure U
Typ-measure ⟨A: S  U  = 1 + Typ-measure S + Typ-measure U

Typ-measure-↑ :  T n  Typ-measure (T  n)  Typ-measure T
Typ-measure-↑  n                 = refl
Typ-measure-↑  n                 = refl
Typ-measure-↑ (x ∙A) n
  rewrite ↑-var x n               = refl
Typ-measure-↑ (Π S  U) n
  rewrite Typ-measure-↑ S n
        | Typ-measure-↑ U (suc n) = refl
Typ-measure-↑ ⟨A: S  U  n
  rewrite Typ-measure-↑ S n
        | Typ-measure-↑ U n       = refl

-- Definition of Invertible Contexts
-- As per Definition 9, we define a predicate for invertible contexts.
record InvertibleEnv (P : Env  Set) : Set where
    no-⊥       :  {Γ n}  P Γ  ¬ env-lookup Γ n  just 
    no-bnd-⊥   :  {Γ n S}  P Γ  ¬ env-lookup Γ n  just ⟨A: S   
    no-bnd-bnd :  {Γ n T S U}  P Γ  ¬ env-lookup Γ n  just ⟨A: T  ⟨A: S  U  
    ⊥-lb       :  {Γ n S U}  P Γ  env-lookup Γ n  just ⟨A: S  U   S  

contraInvertible : InvertibleEnv ContraEnv
contraInvertible = record
  { no-⊥       = lookupContraBot
  ; no-bnd-⊥   = lookupContraBndBot
  ; no-bnd-bnd = lookupContraBndBnd
  ; ⊥-lb       = lookupContra⊥Lb

-- Properties of Invertible Contexts
-- Just by knowing the contexts being invertible, we can already derive many
-- properties of D<:. In the following module, we show that in invertible contexts,
-- inversion properties are recovered. For technical reasons, we leave the subtyping
-- judgment open in order to accomodate multiple definition of subtyping in D<:.
-- These properties are discussed in Section 4.4.
module InvertibleProperties {P : Env  Set}
                            (invertible : InvertibleEnv P)
                            (_⊢_<:_ : Env  Typ  Typ  Set) where
  open InvertibleEnv invertible public

  -- We define <:ᵢ to describe a fragment of <: under the restriction of invertible contexts.
  infix 4 _⊢ᵢ_<:_
  data _⊢ᵢ_<:_ : Env  Typ  Typ  Set where
    ditop   :  {Γ T}  Γ ⊢ᵢ T <: 
    dibot   :  {Γ T}  Γ ⊢ᵢ  <: T
    direfl  :  {Γ T}  Γ ⊢ᵢ T <: T
    ditrans :  {Γ S U} T 
                (S<:T : Γ ⊢ᵢ S <: T) 
                (T<:U : Γ ⊢ᵢ T <: U) 
                Γ ⊢ᵢ S <: U
    dibnd   :  {Γ S U S′ U′} 
                (S′<:S : Γ ⊢ᵢ S′ <: S) 
                (U<:U′ : Γ ⊢ᵢ U <: U′) 
                Γ ⊢ᵢ ⟨A: S  U  <: ⟨A: S′  U′ 
    diall   :  {Γ S U S′ U′} 
                (S′<:S : Γ ⊢ᵢ S′ <: S) 
                (U<:U′ : (Γ  S′ !)  U <: U′) 
                Γ ⊢ᵢ Π S  U <: Π S′  U′
    disel   :  {Γ n U} 
                (T∈Γ : env-lookup Γ n  just ⟨A:   U ) 
                Γ ⊢ᵢ n ∙A <: U

  module _ where
    ⊤<: :  {Γ T}  Γ ⊢ᵢ  <: T  T  
    ⊤<: ditop  = refl
    ⊤<: direfl = refl
    ⊤<: (ditrans T S<:T T<:U) with ⊤<: S<:T
    ... | refl = ⊤<: T<:U

    <:⊥ :  {Γ T}  Γ ⊢ᵢ T <:   P Γ  T  
    <:⊥ dibot        = refl
    <:⊥ direfl       = refl
    <:⊥ (ditrans T S<:T T<:U)  with <:⊥ T<:U 
    ... | refl         = <:⊥ S<:T 
    <:⊥ (disel T∈Γ)  = ⊥-elim (no-bnd-⊥  T∈Γ)

    ⟨A:⟩<: :  {Γ T S U}  Γ ⊢ᵢ ⟨A: S  U  <: T  T    ∃₂  S′ U′  T  ⟨A: S′  U′ )
    ⟨A:⟩<: ditop            = inj₁ refl
    ⟨A:⟩<: direfl           = inj₂ (-, -, refl)
    ⟨A:⟩<: (ditrans T S<:T T<:U) with ⟨A:⟩<: S<:T
    ... | inj₁ refl         = inj₁ (⊤<: T<:U)
    ... | inj₂ (_ , _ , refl) with ⟨A:⟩<: T<:U
    ... | inj₁ eq           = inj₁ eq
    ... | inj₂ (_ , _ , eq) = inj₂ (-, -, eq)
    ⟨A:⟩<: (dibnd D₁ D₂)    = inj₂ (-, -, refl)

    <:⟨A:⟩ :  {Γ T S U}  Γ ⊢ᵢ T <: ⟨A: S  U   P Γ 
               T    ∃₂  S′ U′  T  ⟨A: S′  U′ )
    <:⟨A:⟩ dibot            = inj₁ refl
    <:⟨A:⟩ direfl           = inj₂ (-, -, refl)
    <:⟨A:⟩ (ditrans T S<:T T<:U)  with <:⟨A:⟩ T<:U 
    ... | inj₁ refl           = inj₁ (<:⊥ S<:T )
    ... | inj₂ (S′ , U′ , refl) with <:⟨A:⟩ S<:T 
    ... | inj₁ eq             = inj₁ eq
    ... | inj₂ (S″ , U″ , eq) = inj₂ (S″ , U″ , eq)
    <:⟨A:⟩ (dibnd D₁ D₂)    = inj₂ (-, -, refl)
    <:⟨A:⟩ (disel T∈Γ)      = ⊥-elim (no-bnd-bnd  T∈Γ)

    ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩ :  {Γ S S′ U U′}  Γ ⊢ᵢ ⟨A: S  U  <: ⟨A: S′  U′   P Γ 
                   Γ ⊢ᵢ S′ <: S × Γ ⊢ᵢ U <: U′
    ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩ direfl                   = direfl , direfl
    ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩ (ditrans T S<:T T<:U)  with ⟨A:⟩<: S<:T
    ... | inj₁ refl with ⊤<: T<:U
    ... | ()
    ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩ (ditrans T S<:T T<:U)  | inj₂ (_ , _ , refl)
      with ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩ S<:T  | ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩ T<:U 
    ... | S″<:S , U<:U″ | S′<:S″ , U″<:U′ = ditrans _ S′<:S″ S″<:S , ditrans _ U<:U″ U″<:U′
    ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩ (dibnd D₁ D₂)            = D₁ , D₂

    infix 4 _reach_from_
    data _reach_from_ : Env  Typ    Set where
      /_/ :  {Γ n T} 
              env-lookup Γ n  just ⟨A:   T  
              Γ reach T from n
      _∷_ :  {Γ n m T} 
              env-lookup Γ n  just ⟨A:   m ∙A  
              Γ reach T from m 
              Γ reach T from n
    rf-concat :  {Γ T m n}  Γ reach T from m  Γ reach m ∙A from n  Γ reach T from n
    rf-concat m↝T / B∈Γ /       = B∈Γ  m↝T
    rf-concat m↝T (B∈Γ  n↝m∙A) = B∈Γ  rf-concat m↝T n↝m∙A

    ∙A<: :  {Γ n T}  Γ ⊢ᵢ n ∙A <: T 
             T    T  n ∙A   λ T′  Γ reach T′ from n × Γ ⊢ᵢ T′ <: T
    ∙A<: ditop                            = inj₁ refl
    ∙A<: direfl                           = inj₂ (inj₁ refl)
    ∙A<: (ditrans T S<:T T<:U) with ∙A<: S<:T
    ... | inj₁ refl                       = inj₁ (⊤<: T<:U)
    ... | inj₂ (inj₁ refl)                = ∙A<: T<:U
    ... | inj₂ (inj₂ (T′ , n↝T′ , T′<:T)) = inj₂ (inj₂ (T′ , n↝T′ , ditrans _ T′<:T T<:U))
    ∙A<: (disel T∈Γ)                      = inj₂ (inj₂ (-, / T∈Γ / , direfl))

    <:∙A :  {Γ n T}  Γ ⊢ᵢ T <: n ∙A  P Γ 
             T  n ∙A 
               m  T  m ∙A × Γ reach n ∙A from m)
    <:∙A dibot                              = inj₁ refl
    <:∙A direfl                             = inj₂ (inj₁ refl)
    <:∙A (ditrans T S<:T T<:U)  with <:∙A T<:U 
    ... | inj₁ refl                           = inj₁ (<:⊥ S<:T )
    ... | inj₂ (inj₁ refl)                    = <:∙A S<:T 
    ... | inj₂ (inj₂ (m , refl , m↝n∙A))
        with <:∙A S<:T 
    ...    | inj₁ refl                        = inj₁ refl
    ...    | inj₂ (inj₁ refl)                 = inj₂ (inj₂ (-, refl , m↝n∙A))
    ...    | inj₂ (inj₂ (m′ , refl , m′↝m∙A)) = inj₂ (inj₂ (-, refl , rf-concat m↝n∙A m′↝m∙A))
    <:∙A (disel T∈Γ)                        = inj₂ (inj₂ (-, refl , / T∈Γ /))

    Π<: :  {Γ S U T}  Γ ⊢ᵢ Π S  U <: T 
            T    ∃₂  S′ U′  T  Π S′  U′)
    Π<: ditop                 = inj₁ refl
    Π<: direfl                = inj₂ (-, -, refl)
    Π<: (ditrans T S<:T T<:U) with Π<: S<:T
    ... | inj₁ refl           = inj₁ (⊤<: T<:U)
    ... | inj₂ (_ , _ , refl) = Π<: T<:U
    Π<: (diall D₁ D₂)         = inj₂ (-, -, refl)

    <:Π :  {Γ S U T}  Γ ⊢ᵢ T <: Π S  U  P Γ 
              n  T  n ∙A) 
            ∃₂  S′ U′  T  Π S′  U′)
    <:Π dibot                        = inj₁ refl
    <:Π direfl                       = inj₂ (inj₂ (-, -, refl))
    <:Π (ditrans T S<:T T<:U)  with <:Π T<:U 
    ... | inj₁ refl                    = inj₁ (<:⊥ S<:T )
    ... | inj₂ (inj₁ (_ , refl)) with <:∙A S<:T 
    ... | inj₁ eq                      = inj₁ eq
    ... | inj₂ (inj₁ eq)               = inj₂ (inj₁ (-, eq))
    ... | inj₂ (inj₂ (_ , eq , _))     = inj₂ (inj₁ (-, eq))
    <:Π (ditrans T S<:T T<:U)  | inj₂ (inj₂ (_ , _ , refl))
                                       = <:Π S<:T 
    <:Π (diall D₁ D₂)                = inj₂ (inj₂ (-, -, refl))
    <:Π (disel T∈Γ)                  = inj₂ (inj₁ (-, refl))

-- Terms and Values
infix 6 var_ val_
infix 6 ⟨A=_⟩ _$$_
infixr 7 lt_inn_
infixr 6 Λ_∙_

  -- Values
  -- * (⟨A= T ⟩) represents a type tag ({A = T}).
  -- * (Λ T ∙ t) represents a lambda expression (λ(x : T)t)
  data Val : Set where
    ⟨A=_⟩  : (T : Typ)  Val
    Λ_∙_   : (T : Typ)  (t : Trm)  Val

  -- Terms
  -- * (var x) represents a variable.
  -- * (val v) represents a value as a term.
  -- * (x $$ y) is an application of two variables.
  -- * (lt t inn u) represents let binding (let x = t in u).
  data Trm  : Set where
    var_    :   Trm
    val_    : (v : Val)  Trm
    _$$_    : (x y : )  Trm
    lt_inn_ : Trm  Trm  Trm

-- substitution operation
record Subst (T : Set) : Set where
  infixl 5 _[_/_]
    _[_/_] : T      T

open Subst {{...}} public

infixl 5 _[_/_]ᵥ _[_/_]ₜ _[_/_]T

ℕsubst :       
ℕsubst x n m with x  m
... | yes x≡m = n
... | no x≢m  = x

  substℕ : Subst 
  substℕ = record { _[_/_] = ℕsubst }

_[_/_]T : Typ      Typ
 [ n / m ]T           = 
 [ n / m ]T           = 
x ∙A [ n / m ]T        = (x [ n / m ]) ∙A
Π S  U [ n / m ]T     = Π S [ n / m ]T  (U [ suc n / suc m ]T)
⟨A: S  U  [ n / m ]T = ⟨A: S [ n / m ]T  U [ n / m ]T 

  substTyp : Subst Typ
  substTyp = record { _[_/_] = _[_/_]T }

  _[_/_]ᵥ : Val      Val
  ⟨A= T  [ n / m ]ᵥ = ⟨A= T [ n / m ] 
  Λ T  t [ n / m ]ᵥ = Λ T [ n / m ]  (t [ suc n / suc m ]ₜ)

  _[_/_]ₜ : Trm      Trm
  var x [ n / m ]ₜ      = var (x [ n / m ])
  val v [ n / m ]ₜ      = val (v [ n / m ]ᵥ)
  x $$ y [ n / m ]ₜ     = (x [ n / m ]) $$ (y [ n / m ])
  lt t inn u [ n / m ]ₜ = lt (t [ n / m ]ₜ) inn (u [ suc n / suc m ]ₜ)

  substVal : Subst Val
  substVal = record { _[_/_] = _[_/_]ᵥ }

  substTrm : Subst Trm
  substTrm = record { _[_/_] = _[_/_]ₜ }

data Closed :   Typ  Set where
  cl-⊤   :  {n}  Closed n 
  cl-⊥   :  {n}  Closed n 
  cl-∙A  :  {n m} (m≥n : m  n)  Closed n (m ∙A)
  cl-Π   :  {n S U}  Closed n S  Closed (suc n) U  Closed n (Π S  U)
  cl-⟨A⟩ :  {n S U}  Closed n S  Closed n U  Closed n ⟨A: S  U 

infix 7 _↓
_↓ :  {n T}  Closed (suc n) T  Typ
cl-⊤               = 
cl-⊥               = 
cl-∙A {_} {m} m≥n  = pred m ∙A
cl-Π S U           = Π S   (U )
cl-⟨A⟩ S U         = ⟨A: S   U