-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties of constructions over unary relations

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Relation.Unary.Properties where

open import Data.Product using (_×_; _,_; swap; proj₁)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Unit using (tt)
open import Relation.Binary.Core hiding (Decidable)
open import Relation.Unary
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes; no)
open import Relation.Nullary.Product using (_×-dec_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Sum using (_⊎-dec_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬?)
open import Function using (_$_; _∘_)

-- The empty set

module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

  ∅? : Decidable {A = A} 
  ∅? _ = no λ()

  ∅-Empty : Empty {A = A} 
  ∅-Empty x ()

  ∁∅-Universal : Universal {A = A} ( )
  ∁∅-Universal = λ x x∈∅  x∈∅

-- The universe

module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

  U? : Decidable {A = A} U
  U? _ = yes tt

  U-Universal : Universal {A = A} U
  U-Universal = λ _  _

  ∁U-Empty : Empty {A = A} ( U)
  ∁U-Empty = λ x x∈∁U  x∈∁U _

-- Subset properties

module _ {a } {A : Set a} where

  ∅-⊆ : (P : Pred A )    P
  ∅-⊆ P ()

  ⊆-U : (P : Pred A )  P  U
  ⊆-U P _ = _

  ⊆-refl : Reflexive (_⊆_ {A = A} {})
  ⊆-refl x∈P = x∈P

  ⊆-trans : Transitive (_⊆_ {A = A} {})
  ⊆-trans P⊆Q Q⊆R x∈P = Q⊆R (P⊆Q x∈P)

  ⊂-asym : Asymmetric (_⊂_ {A = A} {})
  ⊂-asym (_ , Q⊈P) = Q⊈P  proj₁

-- Decidability properties

module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

  ∁? :  {} {P : Pred A }  Decidable P  Decidable ( P)
  ∁? P? x = ¬? (P? x)

  _∪?_ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {P : Pred A ℓ₁} {Q : Pred A ℓ₂} 
         Decidable P  Decidable Q  Decidable (P  Q)
  _∪?_ P? Q? x = (P? x) ⊎-dec (Q? x)

  _∩?_ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {P : Pred A ℓ₁} {Q : Pred A ℓ₂} 
         Decidable P  Decidable Q  Decidable (P  Q)
  _∩?_ P? Q? x = (P? x) ×-dec (Q? x)

module _ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where

  _×?_ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {P : Pred A ℓ₁} {Q : Pred B ℓ₂} 
         Decidable P  Decidable Q  Decidable (P ⟨×⟩ Q)
  _×?_ P? Q? (a , b) = (P? a) ×-dec (Q? b)

  _⊙?_ :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} {P : Pred A ℓ₁} {Q : Pred B ℓ₂} 
         Decidable P  Decidable Q  Decidable (P ⟨⊙⟩ Q)
  _⊙?_ P? Q? (a , b) = (P? a) ⊎-dec (Q? b)

  _⊎?_ :  {} {P : Pred A } {Q : Pred B } 
         Decidable P  Decidable Q  Decidable (P ⟨⊎⟩ Q)
  _⊎?_ P? Q? (inj₁ a) = P? a
  _⊎?_ P? Q? (inj₂ b) = Q? b

  _~? :  {} {P : Pred (A × B) } 
        Decidable P  Decidable (P ~)
  _~? P? = P?  swap