Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Definitions.
Require Import OperationProperties.
Require Import StructuralProperties.
―――――― Ope-Nil
⋅ ⊆<: ⋅
⋅ ⊆<: ⋅
G2 ⊆<: G1
―――――――――――――――― Ope-Drop
G2 ; x : T ⊆<: G1
―――――――――――――――― Ope-Drop
G2 ; x : T ⊆<: G1
G2 ⊆<: G1
G2 ⊢ T1 <: T2
―――――――――――――――― Ope-Keep
G2 ; x : T1 ⊆<: G1 ; x : T2
G2 ⊢ T1 <: T2
―――――――――――――――― Ope-Keep
G2 ; x : T1 ⊆<: G1 ; x : T2
| os_keep : forall G1 G2 x T1 T2,
G2 ⊆<: G1 ->
G2 ⊢ T1 <: T2 ->
(x, T1) :: G2 ⊆<: (x, T2) :: G1
where "G1 ⊆<⦂ G2" := (ope_sub G2 G1).
Local Hint Constructors ope_sub.
Section OpeProperties.
Lemma ope_sub_length : forall G1 G2,
G2 ⊆<: G1 ->
length G1 <= length G2.
induction on ope_sub; routine.
Hint Resolve weaken_subty.
Lemma ope_narrow_var :
forall G G' x T,
G' ⊆<: G ->
binds x T G ->
G' ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : T.
induction on ope_sub; intros.
- routine.
- apply IHope_sub in H.
reassoc 2 with 1. apply weaken_typing.
- tidy_up.
+ eapply ty_sub; simpl_env; eauto.
+ apply IHope_sub in H0.
simpl_env. apply weaken_typing.
Hint Resolve ope_narrow_var.
Lemma ope_narrow_trm : forall G t T,
G ⊢ t : T ->
forall G',
G' ⊆<: G ->
G' ⊢ t : T
with ope_narrow_subty : forall G T U,
G ⊢ T <: U ->
forall G',
G' ⊆<: G ->
G' ⊢ T <: U.
- clear ope_narrow_trm.
induction on typing; intros; eauto.
+ econstructor. cofinite.
apply H0; simpl; auto.
+ econstructor; auto. cofinite.
apply H0; simpl; auto.
+ eapply ty_sub; eauto.
- clear ope_narrow_subty.
induction on subty; intros; eauto.
eapply st_all. auto.
apply H0; simpl; auto.
Hint Resolve ope_narrow_subty.
Lemma ope_sub_trans : forall G1 G2 G3,
G2 ⊆<: G1 ->
G3 ⊆<: G2 ->
G3 ⊆<: G1.
intros. gen G1. induction H0; intros; auto.
invert H1; subst; eauto.
Lemma ope_sub_refl : forall G,
G ⊆<: G.
Proof. induction on env; routine. Qed.
Lemma ope_sub_nil : forall G,
G ⊆<: nil.
Proof. induction on env; routine. Qed.
Lemma ope_sub_app : forall G G1 G2,
G2 ⊆<: G ->
G1 ++ G2 ⊆<: G.
Proof. induction G1; routine. Qed.
End OpeProperties.
G2 ⊆<: G1 ->
G2 ⊢ T1 <: T2 ->
(x, T1) :: G2 ⊆<: (x, T2) :: G1
where "G1 ⊆<⦂ G2" := (ope_sub G2 G1).
Local Hint Constructors ope_sub.
Section OpeProperties.
Lemma ope_sub_length : forall G1 G2,
G2 ⊆<: G1 ->
length G1 <= length G2.
induction on ope_sub; routine.
Hint Resolve weaken_subty.
Lemma ope_narrow_var :
forall G G' x T,
G' ⊆<: G ->
binds x T G ->
G' ⊢ trm_var (avar_f x) : T.
induction on ope_sub; intros.
- routine.
- apply IHope_sub in H.
reassoc 2 with 1. apply weaken_typing.
- tidy_up.
+ eapply ty_sub; simpl_env; eauto.
+ apply IHope_sub in H0.
simpl_env. apply weaken_typing.
Hint Resolve ope_narrow_var.
Lemma ope_narrow_trm : forall G t T,
G ⊢ t : T ->
forall G',
G' ⊆<: G ->
G' ⊢ t : T
with ope_narrow_subty : forall G T U,
G ⊢ T <: U ->
forall G',
G' ⊆<: G ->
G' ⊢ T <: U.
- clear ope_narrow_trm.
induction on typing; intros; eauto.
+ econstructor. cofinite.
apply H0; simpl; auto.
+ econstructor; auto. cofinite.
apply H0; simpl; auto.
+ eapply ty_sub; eauto.
- clear ope_narrow_subty.
induction on subty; intros; eauto.
eapply st_all. auto.
apply H0; simpl; auto.
Hint Resolve ope_narrow_subty.
Lemma ope_sub_trans : forall G1 G2 G3,
G2 ⊆<: G1 ->
G3 ⊆<: G2 ->
G3 ⊆<: G1.
intros. gen G1. induction H0; intros; auto.
invert H1; subst; eauto.
Lemma ope_sub_refl : forall G,
G ⊆<: G.
Proof. induction on env; routine. Qed.
Lemma ope_sub_nil : forall G,
G ⊆<: nil.
Proof. induction on env; routine. Qed.
Lemma ope_sub_app : forall G G1 G2,
G2 ⊆<: G ->
G1 ++ G2 ⊆<: G.
Proof. induction G1; routine. Qed.
End OpeProperties.