
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Definitions.
Require Import Misc.
Require Import OperationProperties.
Require Import StructuralProperties.
Require Import OpeSub.
Require Import ListRelations.

Definition and Properties of (Strong) Kernel F<:

Kernel F<:

Reserved Notation "[ L ] G ⊢k T '<⦂' U" (at level 70).
Inductive k_subty : atoms -> env -> typ -> typ -> Prop :=
――――――――――― F-K-Top
G k T <:
| k_top : forall L G T,
    [ L ] G k T <: typ_top
――――――――――― F-K-TVRefl
G k X <: X
| k_tvrefl : forall L G x,
    [ L ] G k typ_var x <: typ_var x
X <: T G
G k T <: U
――――――――――― F-K-TVar
G k X <: U
| k_tvar : forall L G x T U,
    binds x T G ->
    [ L ] G k T <: U ->
    [ L ] G k typ_var (avar_f x) <: U
G k S2 <: S1
G k U1 <: U2
――――――――――――――――――――――― F-K-Fun
G k S1 U1 <: S2 U2
| k_fun : forall L G S1 U1 S2 U2,
    [ L ] G k S2 <: S1 ->
    [ L ] G k U1 <: U2 ->
    [ L ] G k typ_fun S1 U1 <: typ_fun S2 U2
G ; X <: S k U1 <: U2
―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― F-K-All
G (∀ X <: S. U1) <: (∀ X <: S. U2)
| k_all : forall L x G T U1 U2 ,
    x `notin` fv G `union` fv T
      `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` L ->
    [ L `union` singleton x `union` fv T ]
      x ~ T ++ G k open x U1 <: open x U2 ->
    [ L ] G k typ_all T U1 <: typ_all T U2
where "[ L ] G ⊢k T '<⦂' U" := (k_subty L G T U)%type.
Hint Constructors k_subty.

Strong Kernel F<:

Reserved Notation "[ L ] G1 ⊢k T '<⦂' U ⊣ G2" (at level 70).
Inductive sk_subty : atoms -> env -> typ -> typ -> env -> Prop :=
――――――――――――――――― F-SK-Top
G1 k T <: G2
| sk_top : forall L G1 T G2,
    [ L ] G1 k T <: typ_top G2
――――――――――――――――― F-SK-TVRefl
G1 k X <: X G2
| sk_tvrefl : forall L G1 x G2,
    [ L ] G1 k typ_var x <: typ_var x G2
X <: T G1
G1 k T <: U G2
――――――――――――――――― F-SK-TVRefl
G1 k X <: U G2
| sk_tvar : forall L G1 x T U G2,
    binds x T G1 ->
    [ L ] G1 k T <: U G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 k typ_var (avar_f x) <: U G2
G1 k S1 >: S2 G2
G1 k U1 <: U2 G2
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― F-SK-Fun
G1 k S1 U1 <: S2 U2 G2
| sk_fun : forall L G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2,
    [ L ] G2 k S2 <: S1 G1 ->
    [ L ] G1 k U1 <: U2 G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 k typ_fun S1 U1 <: typ_fun S2 U2 G2
G1 k S1 >: S2 G2
G1 ; X <: S1 k U1 <: U2 G2 ; X <: S2
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― F-SK-All
G1 k (∀ X <: S1. U1) <: (∀ X <: S2. U2) G2
| sk_all : forall L x G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2,
    x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv S1 `union` fv S2
      `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L ->
    [ L ] G2 k S2 <: S1 G1 ->
    [ L `union` singleton x `union` fv S2 ]
      x ~ S1 ++ G1 k open x U1 <: open x U2 x ~ S2 ++ G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 k typ_all S1 U1 <: typ_all S2 U2 G2
where "[ L ] G1 ⊢k T '<⦂' U ⊣ G2" := (sk_subty L G1 T U G2)%type.
Hint Constructors sk_subty.

step-enriched strong kernel F<:
Reserved Notation "[ L , n ] G1 ⊢k T '<⦂' U ⊣ G2" (at level 70).
Inductive sk_subty' : atoms -> env -> typ -> typ -> env -> nat -> Prop :=
| sk_top' : forall L G1 T G2, [ L , 1 ] G1 k T <: typ_top G2
| sk_tvrefl' : forall L G1 x G2, [ L , 1 ] G1 k typ_var x <: typ_var x G2
| sk_tvar' : forall L G1 x T U G2 n,
    binds x T G1 ->
    [ L , n ] G1 k T <: U G2 ->
    [ L , S n ] G1 k typ_var (avar_f x) <: U G2
| sk_fun' : forall L G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2 n1 n2,
    [ L , n1 ] G2 k S2 <: S1 G1 ->
    [ L , n2 ] G1 k U1 <: U2 G2 ->
    [ L , S (n1 + n2) ] G1 k typ_fun S1 U1 <: typ_fun S2 U2 G2
| sk_all' : forall L x G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2 n1 n2,
    x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv S1 `union` fv S2
      `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L ->
    [ L , n1 ] G2 k S2 <: S1 G1 ->
    [ L `union` singleton x `union` fv S2 , n2 ]
      x ~ S1 ++ G1 k open x U1 <: open x U2 x ~ S2 ++ G2 ->
    [ L , S (n1 + n2) ] G1 k typ_all S1 U1 <: typ_all S2 U2 G2
where "[ L , n ] G1 ⊢k T '<⦂' U ⊣ G2" := (sk_subty' L G1 T U G2 n)%type.
Hint Constructors sk_subty'.

Lemma sk_subty_to_sk_subty' : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L ] G1 k S <: U G2 ->
    exists n, [ L , n ] G1 k S <: U G2.
Proof. induction on sk_subty; eroutine. Qed.

Lemma sk_subty'_to_sk_subty : forall L n G1 S U G2,
    [ L , n ] G1 k S <: U G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 k S <: U G2.
Proof. induction on sk_subty'; eroutine. Qed.

Lemma sk_subty_equiv_sk_subty' : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [ L ] G1 k S <: U G2 <->
    exists n, [ L , n ] G1 k S <: U G2.
  - apply sk_subty_to_sk_subty'.
  - intros. tidy_up.
    eapply sk_subty'_to_sk_subty.

Local Hint Extern 1 (_ <= _) => autorewrite with measures; simpl; lia.

Strong kernel F<: is reflexive.
Section Reflexivity.

  Program Fixpoint sksub_refl T {measure (typ_struct_measure T)} :
    forall L G1 G2,
      [ L ] G1 k T <: T G2 := _.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct T; routine at 3.
    pick_fresh x. eauto.

End Reflexivity.
Hint Resolve sksub_refl.

Strong kernel F<: is sound w.r.t. F<: normal form
Section Soundness.

  Theorem sk_subty_to_subty : forall L G1 S U G2,
    [L] G1 k S <: U G2 ->
    forall G,
      fv G L ->
      uniq G ->
      G <: G1 ->
      G <: G2 ->
      G F S <: U.
    induction on sk_subty; try solve [routine at 3]; intros.
    - rec_pose (IHsk_subty G) Hrec; auto.
      eapply ope_narrow_var in H; eauto.
      destruct_conjs. eauto.
    - eapply st_all; eauto.
      apply open_subst_subty with (x := x); auto; clear Fr.
      + fsetdec.
      + apply IHsk_subty2.
        * set solve.
        * constructor; trivial.
          simpl in *. fsetdec.
        * simpl; auto using os_keep.
        * simpl; auto using os_keep.

  Theorem sk_subty_sound : forall L G S U,
    [L] G k S <: U G ->
    fv G L ->
    uniq G ->
    G F S <: U.
    intros. eapply sk_subty_to_subty; eauto.
    all:apply ope_sub_refl.

End Soundness.

Strong kernel F<: admits weakening.
Section Weakening.

  Theorem sksub_weaken_gen : forall L' G1 G2 S U G3 G4,
    [ L' ] G1 ++ G2 k S <: U G3 ++ G4 ->
    forall G G' L,
      L `union` fv G' `union` fv G L' ->
      [ L ] G1 ++ G ++ G2 k S <: U G3 ++ G' ++ G4.
    dep induction on sk_subty; intros; try solve [routine].
    - specialize (IHsk_subty _ _ _ _ ltac:(reflexivity) ltac:(reflexivity) _ _ _ H2).
      eauto using binds_weaken.
    - set solve.
    - econstructor.
      + instantiate (1 := x).
        autorewrite with meta_ext in *.
        destruct_conjs. rewrite <- in_subset_singleton in *.
      + set solve.
      + specialize (IHsk_subty2 (x ~ S1 ++ H0) _ (x ~ S2 ++ H4) _ ltac:(reflexivity) ltac:(reflexivity)).
        set solve.

  Theorem sksub_weaken_l : forall L' L G G' S U G2,
    [ L' ] G k S <: U G2 ->
      L `union` fv G' L' ->
      [ L ] G' ++ G k S <: U G2.
    eapply sksub_weaken_gen with (G1:=nil) (G3:=nil) (G':=nil);
    simpl in *. fsetdec.

End Weakening.

Kernel F<: is weaker than strong kernel F<:
Theorem k_subty_to_sk_subty : forall L G S U,
    k_subty L G S U ->
    [ L ] G k S <: U G.
Proof. induction on k_subty; eroutine. Qed.

Stare-at subtyping for F<:

The difference between stare-at subtyping and strong kernel is little in F<:, because type variables are not as rich as in D<:. This phenomenon is captured by the concept of "higher-dimensional subtyping" in my thesis.
Reserved Notation "[ L ] G1 >> T '<⦂' U << G2" (at level 70).
Inductive stareat : atoms -> env -> typ -> typ -> env -> Prop :=
| sa_top : forall L G1 T G2, [ L ] G1 >> T <: typ_top << G2
| sa_tvrefl : forall L G1 x G2, [ L ] G1 >> typ_var x <: typ_var x << G2
| sa_tvar : forall L G G' x T U G2,
    [ L ] G >> T <: U << G2 ->
    [ L ] G' ++ x ~ T ++ G >> typ_var (avar_f x) <: U << G2
| sa_fun : forall L G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2,
    [ L ] G2 >> S2 <: S1 << G1 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> U1 <: U2 << G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> typ_fun S1 U1 <: typ_fun S2 U2 << G2
| sa_all : forall L x G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2,
    x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv S1 `union` fv S2
      `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L ->
    [ L ] G2 >> S2 <: S1 << G1 ->
    [ L `union` singleton x `union` fv S2 ]
      x ~ S1 ++ G1 >> open x U1 <: open x U2 << x ~ S2 ++ G2 ->
    [ L ] G1 >> typ_all S1 U1 <: typ_all S2 U2 << G2
where "[ L ] G1 >> T '<⦂' U << G2" := (stareat L G1 T U G2)%type.
Hint Constructors stareat.

Theorem ope_sub_stareat_sound : forall L G1 T U G2,
    [ L ] G1 >> T <: U << G2 ->
    forall G,
      fv G L ->
      uniq G ->
      G <: G1 ->
      G <: G2 ->
      G F T <: U.
  induction on stareat; eauto 4; intros.
  - pose proof H1.
    do 2 apply ope_sub_app_r in H1.
    apply ope_narrow_var with (x := x) (T := T) in H3; auto.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    cofinite. apply open_subst_subty with (x := x); auto 1.
    + clear Fr. fsetdec.
    + apply IHstareat2.
      3,4:apply os_keep; auto.
      * set solve.
      * constructor; simpl in *; auto. clear Fr. fsetdec.

Theorem stareat_sound : forall G T U,
    [ fv G ] G >> T <: U << G ->
    uniq G ->
    G F T <: U.
  intros. eauto using ope_sub_stareat_sound, ope_sub_refl.

Equivalence between strong kernel and stare-at subtyping
Section Equivalence.

soundness of stare-at subtyping w.r.t. strong kernel F<:

  Theorem stareat_to_sk_subty : forall L' G1 S U G2,
    [ L' ] G1 >> S <: U << G2 ->
    forall L,
      fv G1 `union` fv G2 `union` fv S `union` fv U `union` L L' ->
      [ L ] G1 k S <: U G2.
    induction on stareat; try solve [eroutine at 2]; intros.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      autorewrite with meta_ext in *.
      eapply sksub_weaken_l.
      eapply sksub_weaken_l.
      apply IHstareat.
      simpl in *. fsetdec.
    - constructor; eauto.
      + apply IHstareat1.
        simpl in *. fsetdec.
      + apply IHstareat2.
        simpl in *. fsetdec.
    - econstructor.
      + instantiate (1 := x).
      + apply IHstareat1.
        clear H. simpl in *. fsetdec.
      + apply IHstareat2.
        autorewrite with meta_ext in *.
        repeat split; set solve.
        * pose proof (fv_open_typ U1 x 0).
          simpl in *. fsetdec.
        * pose proof (fv_open_typ U2 x 0).
          simpl in *. fsetdec.

  Local Ltac wf_env :=
    lazymatch goal with
    | H : wf_env (_ ++ _) ⊢ _ => apply wf_deapp in H; invert H; subst

  Ltac destruct_env_by x G :=
    let H := fresh "H" in
    assert (H : x `in` dom G) by set solve;
    apply in_to_binds in H; destruct_conjs;
    match goal with
    | H' : binds x _ G_ =>
      apply binds_app in H'; destruct_conjs;
      subst G

  Lemma ope_list_fv_env_subset : forall (G1 G2 : env),
      ope_list G1 G2 ->
      fv G1 fv G2.
    induction on @ope_list; set solve.
    all:destruct_conjs; simpl in *; fsetdec.

  Local Hint Constructors ope_list.

  Theorem stareat_strengthening : forall L G1 S U G2,
      [ L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2 ->
      forall G1' G2',
        ope_list G1' G1 ->
        wf_env G1 -> wf_env G1' ->
        fv S dom G1' -> lc S ->
        ope_list G2' G2 ->
        wf_env G2 -> wf_env G2' ->
        fv U dom G2' -> lc U ->
        [ L ] G1' >> S <: U << G2'.
    induction on stareat; intros; eauto.
    - destruct_env_by x G1'.
      pose proof (wf_uniq H0).
      pose proof (ope_list_witness_uniq H H13).
      destruct_conjs. subst.
      wf_env. do 2 apply wf_deapp in H0. progressive_inversions.
      eapply IHstareat; eauto.
    - progressive_inversions; simpl in *.
      auto 6.
    - pose proof (ope_list_dom H0).
      pose proof (ope_list_dom H5).
      pose proof (ope_list_fv_env_subset H0).
      pose proof (ope_list_fv_env_subset H5).
      pose proof (fv_open_typ U1 x 0).
      pose proof (fv_open_typ U2 x 0).

      + instantiate (1 := x).
      + simpl in *. auto 6.
      + apply IHstareat2; simpl in *;
          try apply open_lc_typ;
        3,6:clear H; fsetdec.
        all:constructor; simpl in *; auto; fsetdec.

  Hint Resolve ope_list_refl ope_list_trans ope_list_append2.

completeness of stare-at subtyping w.r.t. strong kernel F<:

  Theorem sk_subty_to_stareat : forall L G1 S U G2,
      [ L ] G1 k S <: U G2 ->
      wf_env G1 -> wf_env G2 ->
      fv S dom G1 -> lc S ->
      fv U dom G2 -> lc U ->
      [ L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2.
    induction on sk_subty; try solve [routine]; intros.
    - apply binds_witness in H.
      destruct_conjs. subst.
      pose proof H0. wf_env.
      rec_pose IHsk_subty Hrec; auto.
      + set solve.
      + apply stareat_strengthening with (G1':=H7) (G2':= G2) in Hrec;
    - econstructor.
      + instantiate (1 := x).
      + progressive_inversions.
        simpl in *.
        apply IHsk_subty1; auto.
      + pose proof (fv_open_typ U1 x 0).
        pose proof (fv_open_typ U2 x 0).
        progressive_inversions; simpl in *.
        apply IHsk_subty2;
          try apply open_lc_typ;
        3-4:clear H; fsetdec.
        1-2:constructor; auto.

  Theorem sk_subty_equiv_stareat : forall L G1 S U G2,
      wf_env G1 -> wf_env G2 ->
      fv S dom G1 -> lc S ->
      fv U dom G2 -> lc U ->
      [ fv G1 `union` fv G2 `union` fv S `union` fv U `union` L ] G1 k S <: U G2 <->
      [ fv G1 `union` fv G2 `union` fv S `union` fv U `union` L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2.
    split; intros.
    - auto using sk_subty_to_stareat.
    - eapply stareat_to_sk_subty; eauto.

End Equivalence.

Termination of Stare-at Subtyping

Section Termination.

  Definition measure G T :=
    env_measure G + typ_struct_measure T.
  Arguments measure G T/.

  Inductive stareat_termination : forall L G1 S U G2, [ L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2 -> Prop :=
  | st_top : forall L G1 T G2,
      stareat_termination (sa_top L G1 T G2)
  | st_tvrefl : forall L G1 x G2,
      stareat_termination (sa_tvrefl L G1 x G2)
  | st_tvar : forall L G G' x T U G2
                (Rec : [ L ] G >> T <: U << G2),
                measure (G' ++ x ~ T ++ G) (typ_var (avar_f x)) +
                measure G2 U >
                measure G T + measure G2 U ->
                stareat_termination (sa_tvar G' x Rec)
  | st_fun : forall L G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2
               (Rec1 : [ L ] G2 >> S2 <: S1 << G1)
               (Rec2 : [ L ] G1 >> U1 <: U2 << G2),
      measure G1 (typ_fun S1 U1) + measure G2 (typ_fun S2 U2) >
      measure G1 S1 + measure G2 S2 ->
      measure G1 (typ_fun S1 U1) + measure G2 (typ_fun S2 U2) >
      measure G1 U1 + measure G2 U2 ->
      stareat_termination (sa_fun Rec1 Rec2)
  | st_all : forall L x G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2
               (NI : x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv S1 `union` fv S2
                       `union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L)
               (Rec1 : [ L ] G2 >> S2 <: S1 << G1)
               (Rec2 : [ L `union` singleton x `union` fv S2 ]
                         x ~ S1 ++ G1 >> open x U1 <: open x U2 << x ~ S2 ++ G2),
      measure G1 (typ_all S1 U1) + measure G2 (typ_all S2 U2) >
      measure G1 S1 + measure G2 S2 ->
      measure G1 (typ_all S1 U1) + measure G2 (typ_all S2 U2) >
      measure (x ~ S1 ++ G1) (open x U1) + measure (x ~ S2 ++ G2) (open x U2) ->
      stareat_termination (sa_all U1 U2 NI Rec1 Rec2).
  Hint Constructors stareat_termination.

  Fixpoint stareat_terminates L G1 S U G2
           (D : [ L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2) {struct D} :
    stareat_termination D.
    destruct D; constructor; auto.
    all:simpl in *; autorewrite with measures in *; lia.

End Termination.