{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- This module defines D<: normal form, proves its transitivity and shows its
-- equivalence to the original D<:. It turns out that D<: normal form can be used to
-- prove undecidability.
module DsubEquivSimpler where

open import Data.List as List
open import Data.List.All as All
open import Data.Nat as 
open import Data.Maybe as Maybe
open import Data.Product 
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Empty renaming ( to False)
open import Data.Vec as Vec renaming (_∷_ to _‼_ ; [] to nil) hiding (_++_)
open import Function

open import Data.Maybe.Properties as Maybeₚ
open import Data.Nat.Properties as ℕₚ
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as 

open import Induction.Nat

open import DsubDef
open import Dsub
open import Utils

-- D<: Normal Form
-- The following judgment defines D<: normal form as in Figure 4.
infix 4 _⊢″_<:_
data _⊢″_<:_ : Env  Typ  Typ  Set where
  <:⊤  :  {Γ T}  Γ ⊢″ T <: 
  ⊥<:  :  {Γ T}  Γ ⊢″  <: T
  refl :  {Γ T}  Γ ⊢″ T <: T
  bnd  :  {Γ S U S′ U′} 
           Γ ⊢″ S′ <: S 
           Γ ⊢″ U <: U′ 
           Γ ⊢″ ⟨A: S  U  <: ⟨A: S′  U′ 
  Π<:  :  {Γ S U S′ U′} 
           Γ ⊢″ S′ <: S 
           Γ  S′ ! ⊢″ U <: U′ 
           Γ ⊢″ Π S  U <: Π S′  U′
  sel₁ :  {Γ n T S} 
           env-lookup Γ n  just T 
           Γ ⊢″ T <: ⟨A: S    
           Γ ⊢″ S <: n ∙A
  sel₂ :  {Γ n T U} 
           env-lookup Γ n  just T 
           Γ ⊢″ T <: ⟨A:   U  
           Γ ⊢″ n ∙A <: U
  <:>  :  {Γ n T S U} 
           env-lookup Γ n  just T 
           Γ ⊢″ T <: ⟨A: S    
           Γ ⊢″ T <: ⟨A:   U  
           Γ ⊢″ S <: U

-- First we show that D<: normal form admits weakening.
<:″-weakening-gen :  {Γ S U} 
                      Γ ⊢″ S <: U 
                     Γ₁ Γ₂ T 
                      Γ  Γ₁  Γ₂ 
                      Γ₁  T !  Γ₂  ⊢″ S  length Γ₂ <: U  length Γ₂
<:″-weakening-gen <:⊤ Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ               = <:⊤
<:″-weakening-gen ⊥<: Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ               = ⊥<:
<:″-weakening-gen refl Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ              = refl
<:″-weakening-gen (bnd S′<:S U<:U′) Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ = bnd (<:″-weakening-gen S′<:S Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ)
                                                      (<:″-weakening-gen U<:U′ Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ)
<:″-weakening-gen (Π<: S′<:S U<:U′) Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ = Π<: (<:″-weakening-gen S′<:S Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ)
                                                      (<:″-weakening-gen U<:U′ Γ₁ (_  Γ₂) T (cong (_ ∷_) eqΓ))
<:″-weakening-gen (sel₁ {_} {n} T∈Γ T<:B) Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ
  rewrite ↑-var n (length Γ₂)                   = sel₁ (↦∈-weaken′ T∈Γ Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ)
                                                       (<:″-weakening-gen T<:B Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ) 
<:″-weakening-gen (sel₂ {_} {n} T∈Γ T<:B) Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ
  rewrite ↑-var n (length Γ₂)                   = sel₂ (↦∈-weaken′ T∈Γ Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ)
                                                       (<:″-weakening-gen T<:B Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ) 
<:″-weakening-gen (<:> {_} {n} T∈Γ T<:B T<:B′) Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ
  rewrite ↑-var n (length Γ₂)                   = <:> (↦∈-weaken′ T∈Γ Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ)
                                                      (<:″-weakening-gen T<:B Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ)
                                                      (<:″-weakening-gen T<:B′ Γ₁ Γ₂ T eqΓ)

<:″-weakening :  {Γ₁ Γ₂ S U} T 
                  Γ₁  Γ₂ ⊢″ S <: U 
                  Γ₁  T !  Γ₂  ⊢″ S  length Γ₂ <: U  length Γ₂
<:″-weakening T S<:U = <:″-weakening-gen S<:U _ _ T refl

<:″-weakening-hd :  {Γ S U} T 
                     Γ ⊢″ S <: U 
                     Γ  T ! ⊢″ S  0 <: U  0
<:″-weakening-hd T = <:″-weakening {Γ₂ = []} T

-- Then we work on transitivity.
module SimplerTransitivity where
  -- This predicate asserts that the first context replaces _one_ type in the second
  -- context with its subtype. That is, the first context is more "precise" than the
  -- second context.
  infix 4 _≺:[_]_
  data _≺:[_]_ : Env    Env  Set where
    ≺[_,_] :  {Γ U} S  Γ ⊢″ S <: U  Γ  S ! ≺:[ 0 ] Γ  U !
    _∷_    :  {Γ₁ n Γ₂} T  Γ₁ ≺:[ n ] Γ₂  Γ₁  T ! ≺:[ suc n ] Γ₂  T !

  <:∈-find :  {x T Γ Γ′ n} 
               x  T  Γ 
               Γ′ ≺:[ n ] Γ 
               x  n × ( λ T′  n  T′  Γ′ × Γ′ ⊢″ T′ <: T)  x  n × x  T  Γ′
  <:∈-find hd ≺[ T′ , T′<:T ]           = inj₁ (refl , T′  0 , hd , <:″-weakening-hd T′ T′<:T)
  <:∈-find hd (T  Γ′≺:Γ)               = inj₂ ((λ ()) , hd)
  <:∈-find (tl T∈Γ) ≺[ T′ , T′<:T ]     = inj₂ ((λ ()) , tl T∈Γ)
  <:∈-find (tl T∈Γ) (S  Γ′≺:Γ) with <:∈-find T∈Γ Γ′≺:Γ
  ... | inj₁ (x≡n , T′ , T′∈Γ′ , T′<:T) = inj₁ (cong suc x≡n , T′  0 , tl T′∈Γ′ , <:″-weakening-hd S T′<:T)
  ... | inj₂ (x≢n , T∈Γ′)               = inj₂ (x≢n  suc-injective , tl T∈Γ′)

  <:∈-find′ :  {x T Γ Γ′ n} 
                env-lookup Γ x  just T 
                Γ′ ≺:[ n ] Γ 
                x  n × ( λ T′  env-lookup Γ′ n  just T′ × Γ′ ⊢″ T′ <: T)  x  n × env-lookup Γ′ x  just T
  <:∈-find′ T∈Γ Γ′≺Γ with <:∈-find (lookup⇒↦∈ T∈Γ) Γ′≺Γ
  ... | inj₁ (x≡n , T′ , T′∈Γ′ , T′<:T) = inj₁ (x≡n , T′ , ↦∈⇒lookup T′∈Γ′ , T′<:T)
  ... | inj₂ (x≢n , T∈Γ′)               = inj₂ (x≢n , ↦∈⇒lookup T∈Γ′)

    trans-on : Typ  Set
    trans-on T =  {Γ S U}  Γ ⊢″ S <: T  Γ ⊢″ T <: U  Γ ⊢″ S <: U

    narrow-on : Typ  Set
    narrow-on T =  {Γ Γ′ n S U} 
                    Γ ⊢″ S <: U 
                    Γ′ ≺:[ n ] Γ 
                    env-lookup Γ n  just T 
                    Γ′ ⊢″ S <: U

  -- Per Definition 11, this defines type declaration hierarchy.
  ⟨A:⟩-layer : Typ  List Typ  Typ
  ⟨A:⟩-layer T []      = T
  ⟨A:⟩-layer T (S  l) = ⟨A: S  ⟨A:⟩-layer T l 

  -- Now we start proving transitivity and narrowing via a mutual induction.  This
  -- mutual induction begins exactly as presented in the paper: an induction of
  -- lexicographical order of the triple (T, 𝒟₁, 𝒟₂). Notice that this is
  -- automatically handled by Agda's termination checker, which makes the problem very
  -- nice to work with.
  -- If one loads this file from Emacs, one shall see that some cases below are
  -- highlighted. The reason is that those cases are not defined
  -- _definitionally_. More details can be found in:
  -- https://agda.readthedocs.io/en/v2.5.4.2/language/function-definitions.html#case-trees.
  -- In fact, those non-definitional cases hides many cases away, as they expand to
  -- numerous definitional cases, which is necessarily the case in Coq. The fact that
  -- Agda's termination checking is permissive and Agda allows non-definitional cases
  -- has significantly improved productivity of showing transitivity. In Coq, this
  -- would have required significant amount of technical setup which can easily wipe
  -- away the main idea of the proof and might not be finished within a reasonable
  -- time interval.
    <:′-trans-rec :  T  (∀ T′  Typ-measure T′ < Typ-measure T  trans-on T′ × narrow-on T′)  trans-on T
    <:′-trans-rec (n ∙A) rec (sel₁ T∈Γ T<:B) (sel₂ T′∈Γ T<:B′)
      with ≡.trans (≡.sym T∈Γ) T′∈Γ
    ... | refl                                                           = <:> T′∈Γ T<:B T<:B′
    <:′-trans-rec ⟨A: S′  U′  rec (bnd S′<:S U<:U′) (bnd S″<:S U′<:U″) = bnd (<:′-trans-rec S′  T′ T′<S′  rec T′ (≤-step (≤-stepsʳ _ T′<S′))) S″<:S S′<:S)
                                                                               (<:′-trans-rec U′  T′ T′<U′  rec T′ (≤-step (≤-stepsˡ _ T′<U′))) U<:U′ U′<:U″)
    <:′-trans-rec (Π S′  U′) rec (Π<: S′<:S″ U″<:U′) (Π<: S‴<:S′ U′<:U‴)
      = Π<: (<:′-trans-rec S′  T′ T′<S′  rec T′ (≤-step (≤-stepsʳ _ T′<S′))) S‴<:S′ S′<:S″)
            (<:′-trans-rec U′  T′ T′<U′  rec T′ (≤-step (≤-stepsˡ _ T′<U′)))
                           (proj₂ (rec (S′  0) (s≤s $ ≤-stepsʳ _ $ ≤-reflexive (Typ-measure-↑ S′ 0)))
                                  ≺[ _ , S‴<:S′ ] 
    <:′-trans-rec T rec ⊥<: T<:U                     = ⊥<:
    <:′-trans-rec T rec refl T<:U                    = T<:U
    <:′-trans-rec T rec S<:T <:⊤                     = <:⊤
    <:′-trans-rec T rec S<:T refl                    = S<:T
    <:′-trans-rec T rec (sel₂ T′∈Γ T′<:B) T<:U       = sel₂ T′∈Γ (⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U T′<:B _ refl)
    <:′-trans-rec T rec (<:> T′∈Γ T′<:B T′<:B′) T<:U = <:> T′∈Γ T′<:B (⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U T′<:B′ _ refl)
    <:′-trans-rec T rec S<:T (sel₁ T′∈Γ T′<:B)       = sel₁ T′∈Γ (⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T T′<:B [] refl)
    <:′-trans-rec T rec S<:T (<:> T′∈Γ T′<:B T′<:B′) = <:> T′∈Γ (⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T T′<:B [] refl) T′<:B′

    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ :  T 
                        (∀ T′  Typ-measure T′ < Typ-measure T  trans-on T′ × narrow-on T′) 
                       {Γ U} 
                        Γ ⊢″ T <: U 
                       {S S′ T′} 
                        Γ ⊢″ S <: ⟨A: S′  T′  
                        T′  ⟨A:⟩-layer T l 
                        Γ ⊢″ S <: ⟨A: S′  ⟨A:⟩-layer U l 
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U ⊥<: l eqT′                        = ⊥<:
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U refl [] refl                      = bnd refl T<:U
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U refl (S′  l) refl                = bnd refl (⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U refl l refl)
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U (bnd S₂<:S₁ U₁<:T) [] refl        = bnd S₂<:S₁ (<:′-trans-rec T rec U₁<:T T<:U)
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U (bnd S₂<:S₁ U₁<:U₂) (S′  l) refl = bnd S₂<:S₁ (⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U U₁<:U₂ l refl)
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U (sel₂ T′∈Γ T′<:B) l refl          = sel₂ T′∈Γ (⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U T′<:B (_  l) refl)
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U (<:> T′∈Γ T′<:B T′<:B′) l refl    = <:> T′∈Γ T′<:B (⟨A<:⟩-traverseʳ T rec T<:U T′<:B′ (_  l) refl)

    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ :  T 
                        (∀ T′  Typ-measure T′ < Typ-measure T  trans-on T′ × narrow-on T′) 
                       {Γ S} 
                        Γ ⊢″ S <: T 
                       {S′ T′} 
                        Γ ⊢″ S′ <: T′ 
                       {U} l 
                        T′  ⟨A:⟩-layer ⟨A: T  U  l 
                        Γ ⊢″ S′ <: ⟨A:⟩-layer ⟨A: S  U  l
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T <:⊤ [] ()
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T <:⊤ (_  l) ()
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T ⊥<: l eqT′                        = ⊥<:
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T refl [] refl                      = bnd S<:T refl
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T refl (S′  l) refl                = bnd refl (⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T refl l refl)
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T (bnd T<:S₁ U₁<:U₂) [] refl        = bnd (<:′-trans-rec T rec S<:T T<:S₁) U₁<:U₂
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T (bnd S₂<:S₁ U₁<:U₂) (S′  l) refl = bnd S₂<:S₁ (⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T U₁<:U₂ l refl)
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T (Π<: S₂<:S₁ U₁<:U₂) [] ()
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T (Π<: S₂<:S₁ U₁<:U₂) (_  l) ()
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T (sel₁ T′∈Γ T′<:B) [] ()
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T (sel₁ T′∈Γ T′<:B) (_  l) ()
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T (sel₂ T′∈Γ T′<:B) {U} l refl      = sel₂ T′∈Γ (⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T T′<:B {U} (_  l) refl)
    ⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T (<:> T′∈Γ T′<:B T′<:B′) l refl    = <:> T′∈Γ T′<:B (⟨A<:⟩-traverseˡ T rec S<:T T′<:B′ (_  l) refl)

  <:″-narrow-on :  T  (∀ T′  Typ-measure T′  Typ-measure T  trans-on T′)  narrow-on T
  <:″-narrow-on T trans <:⊤ Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ               = <:⊤
  <:″-narrow-on T trans ⊥<: Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ               = ⊥<:
  <:″-narrow-on T trans refl Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ              = refl
  <:″-narrow-on T trans (bnd S′<:S U<:U′) Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ = bnd (<:″-narrow-on T trans S′<:S Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ)
                                                         (<:″-narrow-on T trans U<:U′ Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ)
  <:″-narrow-on T trans {Γ} {Γ′} {n} (Π<: {S′ = S′} S′<:S U<:U′) Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ
    = Π<: (<:″-narrow-on T trans S′<:S Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ)
          (<:″-narrow-on (T  0)
                          T′ eq  trans T′ (≡.trans eq (Typ-measure-↑ T 0)))
                         U<:U′ (_  Γ′≺Γ)
                         (↦∈⇒lookup (tl {n} {T′ = S′} {Γ} (lookup⇒↦∈ T∈Γ))))
  <:″-narrow-on T trans (sel₁ T′∈Γ T′<:B) Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ
    with <:∈-find′ T′∈Γ Γ′≺Γ
  ...  | inj₁ (refl , T″ , T″∈Γ′ , T″<:T)
    rewrite just-injective (≡.trans (≡.sym T′∈Γ) T∈Γ) = sel₁ T″∈Γ′ (trans T refl T″<:T (<:″-narrow-on T trans T′<:B Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ))
  ... | inj₂ (x≢n , T′∈Γ′)                            = sel₁ T′∈Γ′ (<:″-narrow-on T trans T′<:B Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ)
  <:″-narrow-on T trans (sel₂ T′∈Γ T′<:B) Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ
    with <:∈-find′ T′∈Γ Γ′≺Γ
  ...  | inj₁ (refl , T″ , T″∈Γ′ , T″<:T)
    rewrite just-injective (≡.trans (≡.sym T′∈Γ) T∈Γ) = sel₂ T″∈Γ′ (trans T refl T″<:T (<:″-narrow-on T trans T′<:B Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ))
  ... | inj₂ (x≢n , T′∈Γ′)                            = sel₂ T′∈Γ′ (<:″-narrow-on T trans T′<:B Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ)
  <:″-narrow-on T trans (<:> T′∈Γ T′<:B T′<:B′) Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ
    with <:∈-find′ T′∈Γ Γ′≺Γ
  ...  | inj₁ (refl , T″ , T″∈Γ′ , T″<:T)
    rewrite just-injective (≡.trans (≡.sym T′∈Γ) T∈Γ) = <:> T″∈Γ′
                                                            (trans T refl T″<:T (<:″-narrow-on T trans T′<:B Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ))
                                                            (trans T refl T″<:T (<:″-narrow-on T trans T′<:B′ Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ))
  ... | inj₂ (x≢n , T′∈Γ′)                            = <:> T′∈Γ′
                                                            (<:″-narrow-on T trans T′<:B Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ)
                                                            (<:″-narrow-on T trans T′<:B′ Γ′≺Γ T∈Γ)

  -- The previous functions achieve the inductive hypotheses of the well-founded
  -- induction on the size of the type T, and the following function combines those
  -- inductive hypotheses and conclude transitivity and narrowing.
  <:″-trans-narrow :  T  trans-on T × narrow-on T
  <:″-trans-narrow = wfRec _ aux
    where open Measure <-wellFounded Typ-measure
          aux :  T  (∀ T′  Typ-measure T′ < Typ-measure T  trans-on T′ × narrow-on T′)  trans-on T × narrow-on T
          aux T rec = <:′-trans-rec T rec
                    , <:″-narrow-on T  T′ T′≡T 
                                         <:′-trans-rec T′ λ T″ T″<T′  rec T″ (≤-trans T″<T′ (≤-reflexive T′≡T)))

  <:″-trans :  {T}  trans-on T
  <:″-trans {T} = proj₁ (<:″-trans-narrow T)

  <:″-narrow :  {T}  narrow-on T
  <:″-narrow {T} = proj₂ (<:″-trans-narrow T)

open SimplerTransitivity using (<:″-trans ; <:″-narrow) public

-- the following two functions show that the original D<: and D<: normal form are
-- equivalent.
<:⇒<:″ :  {Γ S U}  Γ  S <: U  Γ ⊢″ S <: U
<:⇒<:″ dtop                 = <:⊤
<:⇒<:″ dbot                 = ⊥<:
<:⇒<:″ drefl                = refl
<:⇒<:″ (dtrans T S<:T T<:U) = <:″-trans (<:⇒<:″ S<:T) (<:⇒<:″ T<:U)
<:⇒<:″ (dbnd S′<:S U<:U′)   = bnd (<:⇒<:″ S′<:S) (<:⇒<:″ U<:U′)
<:⇒<:″ (dall S′<:S U<:U′)   = Π<: (<:⇒<:″ S′<:S) (<:⇒<:″ U<:U′)
<:⇒<:″ (dsel₁ T∈Γ T<:B)     = sel₁ T∈Γ (<:⇒<:″ T<:B)
<:⇒<:″ (dsel₂ T∈Γ T<:B)     = sel₂ T∈Γ (<:⇒<:″ T<:B)

<:″⇒<: :  {Γ S U}  Γ ⊢″ S <: U  Γ  S <: U
<:″⇒<: <:⊤                  = dtop
<:″⇒<: ⊥<:                  = dbot
<:″⇒<: refl                 = drefl
<:″⇒<: (bnd S′<:S U<:U′)    = dbnd (<:″⇒<: S′<:S) (<:″⇒<: U<:U′)
<:″⇒<: (Π<: S′<:S U<:U′)    = dall (<:″⇒<: S′<:S) (<:″⇒<: U<:U′)
<:″⇒<: (sel₁ T∈Γ T<:B)      = dsel₁ T∈Γ (<:″⇒<: T<:B)
<:″⇒<: (sel₂ T∈Γ T<:B)      = dsel₂ T∈Γ (<:″⇒<: T<:B)
<:″⇒<: (<:> T∈Γ T<:B S<:B′) = dtrans _ (dsel₁ T∈Γ (dtrans _ (<:″⇒<: T<:B) (dbnd drefl dtop)))
                                       (dsel₂ T∈Γ (dtrans _ (<:″⇒<: S<:B′) (dbnd dbot drefl)))
-- D<: subtyping is undecidable.
module Undecidability′ where
  open import DsubReduced
  open FsubMinusToDsubR using (⟦_⟧ ; ⟪_⟫ ; D<:ᵣ⇒F<: ; F<:⇒D<:ᵣ ; ⟪⟫-contraEnv ; ⟦⟧-covar)
  open DsubInvProperties contraInvertible
  open import FsubMinus

  <:″⇒<:ᵣ :  {Γ S U} 
              Γ ⊢″ S <: U 
              ContraEnv Γ  Covar S  Covar U 
              Γ ⊢ᵣ S <: U
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ <:⊤  cS cU                                           = drtop cS
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ ⊥<:  () cU
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ refl  cS cU                                          = drrefl cU
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (bnd S′<:S U<:U′)  cS ()
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (Π<: <:⊤ U<:U′)  () cU
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (Π<: ⊥<: U<:U′)  cS ()
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (Π<: refl U<:U′)  (cvΠ cS cU) (cvΠ cS′ cU′)          = drall cS′ cU cS′ cU′
                                                                         (drrefl cS′)
                                                                         (<:″⇒<:ᵣ U<:U′ (ctt cS′  ) cU cU′)
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (Π<: (bnd _ S′<:S) U<:U′)  (cvΠ cS cU) (cvΠ cS′ cU′) = drall cS cU cS′ cU′
                                                                         (<:″⇒<:ᵣ S′<:S  cS′ cS)
                                                                         (<:″⇒<:ᵣ U<:U′ (ctt cS′  ) cU cU′)
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (Π<: (Π<: S′<:S S′<:S₁) U<:U′)  () cU
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (Π<: (sel₁ x S′<:S) U<:U′)  () cU
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (Π<: (sel₂ x S′<:S) U<:U′)  cS ()
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (Π<: (<:> T∈Γ T<:B T<:B′) U<:U′)  (cvΠ _ _) (cvΠ _ _)
    with lookupContraEnv T∈Γ 
  ... | ctt _                                                    = case ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩′ (<:″⇒<: T<:B)  of λ ()
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (sel₁ T∈Γ T<:B)  cS cU
    with lookupContraEnv T∈Γ 
  ... | ctt _  rewrite ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩′ (<:″⇒<: T<:B)               = case cS of λ ()
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (sel₂ T∈Γ T<:B)  cS cU
    with lookupContraEnv T∈Γ 
  ... | ctt cT                                                   = drsel T∈Γ cT (aux T<:B  cT cU)
    where aux :  {Γ T S U}  Γ ⊢″ ⟨A:   T  <: ⟨A: S  U   ContraEnv Γ  Covar T  Covar U  Γ ⊢ᵣ T <: U
          aux refl  cT cU                                      = drrefl cU
          aux (bnd _ T<:U)  cT cU                              = <:″⇒<:ᵣ T<:U  cT cU
          aux (<:> T′∈Γ T′<:B _)  cT cU
            with lookupContraEnv T′∈Γ 
          ... | ctt _                                            = case ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩′ (<:″⇒<: T′<:B)  of λ ()
  <:″⇒<:ᵣ (<:> T∈Γ T<:B T<:B′)  cS cU
    with lookupContraEnv T∈Γ 
  ... | ctt _  rewrite ⟨A:⟩<:⟨A:⟩′ (<:″⇒<: T<:B)               = case cS of λ ()

  <:ᵣ⇒<: :  {Γ S U}  Γ ⊢ᵣ S <: U  Γ  S <: U
  <:ᵣ⇒<: (drtop _)                   = dtop
  <:ᵣ⇒<: (drrefl _)                  = drefl
  <:ᵣ⇒<: (drall _ _ _ _ S′<:S U<:U′) = dall (dbnd dbot (<:ᵣ⇒<: S′<:S)) (<:ᵣ⇒<: U<:U′)
  <:ᵣ⇒<: (drsel T∈Γ _ T<:B)          = dtrans _ (dsel₂ T∈Γ drefl) (<:ᵣ⇒<: T<:B)

  open FsubMinus.FsubMinus

  F<:⇒D<: :  {Γ S U}  Γ ⊢F S <: U   Γ    S  <:  U 
  F<:⇒D<: = <:ᵣ⇒<:  F<:⇒D<:ᵣ

  D<:⇒F<: :  {Γ S U}   Γ    S  <:  U   Γ ⊢F S <: U
  D<:⇒F<: S<:U = D<:ᵣ⇒F<: (<:″⇒<:ᵣ (<:⇒<:″ S<:U) (⟪⟫-contraEnv _) (⟦⟧-covar _) (⟦⟧-covar _))
                          refl refl refl