Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Definitions.
Require Import OperationProperties.
Require Import StructuralProperties.
Require Import Misc.
Require Import OpeSub.
From Equations Require Export Equations.
Definitions Related to Stare-at Subtyping
Definition subty_measure (G : env) (T : typ) : nat :=
env_measure G + typ_struct_measure T.
Arguments subty_measure G T/.
Lemma fv_deapp : forall (G1 G2 : env),
fv G2 ⊆ fv (G1 ++ G2).
induction G1; simpl; auto.
intros. destruct_conjs. specialize (IHG1 G2).
simpl in *. set simpl in *.
split; fsetdec.
Reserved Notation "G1 ⊢ S ⤊ G2 ⊢! U" (at level 90).
Inductive revealing : env -> typ -> env -> typ -> Prop :=
Inductive revealing : env -> typ -> env -> typ -> Prop :=
T is not a path
――――――――――――― Rv-Stop
G ⊢ T ⤊ G ⊢ T
――――――――――――― Rv-Stop
G ⊢ T ⤊ G ⊢ T
――――――――――――― Rv-Top*
G ⊢ T ⤊ G ⊢ ⊤
G ⊢ T ⤊ G ⊢ ⊤
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ ⊥
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Rv-Bot
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ⤊ ⋅ ⊢ ⊥
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Rv-Bot
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ⤊ ⋅ ⊢ ⊥
| rv_bot : forall G1 G2 G1' T (x : var),
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bot ->
G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1 ⊢ typ_sel (avar_f x) ⤊ nil ⊢ typ_bot
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bot ->
G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1 ⊢ typ_sel (avar_f x) ⤊ nil ⊢ typ_bot
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ {A : L .. U}
G1' ⊢ U ⤊ G1'' ⊢ U'
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Rv-Bot
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ⤊ G1'' ⊢ U'
G1' ⊢ U ⤊ G1'' ⊢ U'
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Rv-Bot
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ⤊ G1'' ⊢ U'
| rv_bnd : forall G1 G2 T G1' G1'' (x : var) L U U',
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bnd L U ->
G1' ⊢ U ⤊ G1'' ⊢ U' ->
G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1 ⊢ typ_sel (avar_f x) ⤊ G1'' ⊢ U'
where "G1 ⊢ S ⤊ G2 ⊢! U" := (revealing G1 S G2 U).
Local Hint Constructors revealing.
Local Ltac by_weakening :=
once ((reassoc 3 with 2 + reassoc 4 with 3); apply weaken_subty; eassumption).
Local Ltac wf_env :=
lazymatch goal with
| H : wf_env (_ ++ _) ⊢ _ => apply wf_deapp in H; invert H; subst
Local Ltac fv_next := etransitivity; [eassumption |].
Local Ltac fv_shrink := etransitivity; [ | apply fv_deapp].
Local Ltac fv_solve := repeat fv_next; repeat fv_shrink; auto.
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bnd L U ->
G1' ⊢ U ⤊ G1'' ⊢ U' ->
G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1 ⊢ typ_sel (avar_f x) ⤊ G1'' ⊢ U'
where "G1 ⊢ S ⤊ G2 ⊢! U" := (revealing G1 S G2 U).
Local Hint Constructors revealing.
Local Ltac by_weakening :=
once ((reassoc 3 with 2 + reassoc 4 with 3); apply weaken_subty; eassumption).
Local Ltac wf_env :=
lazymatch goal with
| H : wf_env (_ ++ _) ⊢ _ => apply wf_deapp in H; invert H; subst
Local Ltac fv_next := etransitivity; [eassumption |].
Local Ltac fv_shrink := etransitivity; [ | apply fv_deapp].
Local Ltac fv_solve := repeat fv_next; repeat fv_shrink; auto.
The following definition is a predicate that asserts the termination of revealing
as an algorithm.
Inductive revealing_termination : forall G T G' U,
G ⊢ T ⤊ G' ⊢ U -> Prop :=
| rt_stop : forall G T
(not_sel : ~is_sel T),
revealing_termination (rv_stop G T not_sel)
| rt_top : forall G T,
revealing_termination (rv_top G T)
| rt_bot : forall G1 G2 G1' T (x : var)
(Rec : G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bot),
length (G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1) > length G1 ->
revealing_termination (rv_bot G2 x Rec)
| rt_bnd : forall G1 G2 T G1' G1'' (x : var) L U U'
(Rec1 : G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bnd L U)
(Rec2 : G1' ⊢ U ⤊ G1'' ⊢ U'),
length (G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1) > length G1 ->
length (G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1) > length G1' ->
revealing_termination (rv_bnd G2 x Rec1 Rec2).
Section RevealingProperties.
Hint Resolve ope_sub_refl ope_sub_trans ope_sub_nil ope_sub_app.
Theorem revealing_sound : forall G T G' U,
G ⊢ T ⤊ G' ⊢ U ->
(G ⊢ T <: U) /\ ~is_sel U /\ (G ⊆<: G').
induction on revealing.
all:try lazymatch goal with
| ⊢ subty (?l2 ++ ?x ~ ?p ++ ?l1) _ _ /\ _ =>
pose proof (binds_for_sure l2 l1 x p)
all:try solve [repeat split; auto].
- repeat split; auto.
eapply st_sel2.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
eapply st_trans.
+ by_weakening.
+ instantiate (1 := typ_top). trivial.
- repeat split; auto.
+ eapply st_sel2.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
eapply st_trans.
* by_weakening.
* eapply st_bnd; auto.
apply ope_narrow_subty with (G' := G1) in H0; trivial.
+ eauto.
Theorem revealing_preserves_wf : forall G T G' U,
G ⊢ T ⤊ G' ⊢ U ->
wf_env G ->
fv T ⊆ dom G -> lc T ->
wf_env G' /\ fv G' ⊆ fv G /\ fv U ⊆ dom G' /\ lc U.
induction on revealing; intros.
1-3:simpl; repeat split; set solve.
destruct IHrevealing1; auto.
pose proof (revealing_sound H3_).
destruct IHrevealing2; auto.
+ simpl in *. auto.
+ routine.
+ destruct_conjs. repeat (split; trivial).
Theorem revealing_measure : forall G T G' T',
G ⊢ T ⤊ G' ⊢ T' ->
subty_measure G T >= subty_measure G' T'.
induction on revealing; simpl; try lia.
- pose proof (typ_struct_measure_ge_1 T).
- simpl in *. autorewrite with measures.
Fixpoint revealing_terminates G S G' U (H : G ⊢ S ⤊ G' ⊢ U) {struct H} :
revealing_termination H.
destruct H; constructor;
repeat rewrite app_length;
simpl; try lia.
apply revealing_sound in H.
apply ope_sub_length in H2.
End RevealingProperties.
G ⊢ T ⤊ G' ⊢ U -> Prop :=
| rt_stop : forall G T
(not_sel : ~is_sel T),
revealing_termination (rv_stop G T not_sel)
| rt_top : forall G T,
revealing_termination (rv_top G T)
| rt_bot : forall G1 G2 G1' T (x : var)
(Rec : G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bot),
length (G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1) > length G1 ->
revealing_termination (rv_bot G2 x Rec)
| rt_bnd : forall G1 G2 T G1' G1'' (x : var) L U U'
(Rec1 : G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bnd L U)
(Rec2 : G1' ⊢ U ⤊ G1'' ⊢ U'),
length (G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1) > length G1 ->
length (G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1) > length G1' ->
revealing_termination (rv_bnd G2 x Rec1 Rec2).
Section RevealingProperties.
Hint Resolve ope_sub_refl ope_sub_trans ope_sub_nil ope_sub_app.
Theorem revealing_sound : forall G T G' U,
G ⊢ T ⤊ G' ⊢ U ->
(G ⊢ T <: U) /\ ~is_sel U /\ (G ⊆<: G').
induction on revealing.
all:try lazymatch goal with
| ⊢ subty (?l2 ++ ?x ~ ?p ++ ?l1) _ _ /\ _ =>
pose proof (binds_for_sure l2 l1 x p)
all:try solve [repeat split; auto].
- repeat split; auto.
eapply st_sel2.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
eapply st_trans.
+ by_weakening.
+ instantiate (1 := typ_top). trivial.
- repeat split; auto.
+ eapply st_sel2.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
eapply st_trans.
* by_weakening.
* eapply st_bnd; auto.
apply ope_narrow_subty with (G' := G1) in H0; trivial.
+ eauto.
Theorem revealing_preserves_wf : forall G T G' U,
G ⊢ T ⤊ G' ⊢ U ->
wf_env G ->
fv T ⊆ dom G -> lc T ->
wf_env G' /\ fv G' ⊆ fv G /\ fv U ⊆ dom G' /\ lc U.
induction on revealing; intros.
1-3:simpl; repeat split; set solve.
destruct IHrevealing1; auto.
pose proof (revealing_sound H3_).
destruct IHrevealing2; auto.
+ simpl in *. auto.
+ routine.
+ destruct_conjs. repeat (split; trivial).
Theorem revealing_measure : forall G T G' T',
G ⊢ T ⤊ G' ⊢ T' ->
subty_measure G T >= subty_measure G' T'.
induction on revealing; simpl; try lia.
- pose proof (typ_struct_measure_ge_1 T).
- simpl in *. autorewrite with measures.
Fixpoint revealing_terminates G S G' U (H : G ⊢ S ⤊ G' ⊢ U) {struct H} :
revealing_termination H.
destruct H; constructor;
repeat rewrite app_length;
simpl; try lia.
apply revealing_sound in H.
apply ope_sub_length in H2.
End RevealingProperties.
The following is an implementation of Revealing using Equations.
Equations reveal_func (G : env) (T : typ) :
{ G' : env & { T' : typ | length G' <= length G } } by wf (length G) lt :=
reveal_func G T with is_sel_dec T => {
| inleft (exist _ (avar_b _) _) => existT _ nil (exist _ typ_top _);
| inleft (exist _ (avar_f x) _) with split_at x G => {
| None => existT _ nil (exist _ typ_top _);
| Some (existT _ T' (existT _ G1 _)) with reveal_func G1 T' => {
| existT _ G1' (exist _ U _) with U => {
| typ_bot => existT _ nil (exist _ typ_bot _);
| typ_bnd _ U' with reveal_func G1' U' => {
| existT _ G1'' (exist _ T'' _) => existT _ G1'' (exist _ T'' _)
| _ => existT _ nil (exist _ typ_top _)
| inright _ => existT _ G (exist _ T _)
Local Ltac eval_obli := repeat rewrite app_length; simpl; lia.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Theorem reveal_func_sound_wrt_spec : forall G T G' T' pf,
reveal_func G T = existT _ G' (exist _ T' pf) ->
G ⊢ T ⤊ G' ⊢ T'.
intros. funelim (reveal_func G T).
all:rewrite <- Heqcall in *; progressive_inversions; auto.
- tidy_up. eapply rv_bot. eauto.
- tidy_up. eapply rv_bnd; eauto.
{ G' : env & { T' : typ | length G' <= length G } } by wf (length G) lt :=
reveal_func G T with is_sel_dec T => {
| inleft (exist _ (avar_b _) _) => existT _ nil (exist _ typ_top _);
| inleft (exist _ (avar_f x) _) with split_at x G => {
| None => existT _ nil (exist _ typ_top _);
| Some (existT _ T' (existT _ G1 _)) with reveal_func G1 T' => {
| existT _ G1' (exist _ U _) with U => {
| typ_bot => existT _ nil (exist _ typ_bot _);
| typ_bnd _ U' with reveal_func G1' U' => {
| existT _ G1'' (exist _ T'' _) => existT _ G1'' (exist _ T'' _)
| _ => existT _ nil (exist _ typ_top _)
| inright _ => existT _ G (exist _ T _)
Local Ltac eval_obli := repeat rewrite app_length; simpl; lia.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Next Obligation. eval_obli. Qed.
Theorem reveal_func_sound_wrt_spec : forall G T G' T' pf,
reveal_func G T = existT _ G' (exist _ T' pf) ->
G ⊢ T ⤊ G' ⊢ T'.
intros. funelim (reveal_func G T).
all:rewrite <- Heqcall in *; progressive_inversions; auto.
- tidy_up. eapply rv_bot. eauto.
- tidy_up. eapply rv_bnd; eauto.
Definition of Upcast
Reserved Notation "G1 ⊢ S ↗ G2 ⊢! U" (at level 90).
Inductive upcast : env -> avar -> env -> typ -> Prop :=
Inductive upcast : env -> avar -> env -> typ -> Prop :=
――――――――――――――― U-Top*
G ⊢ x.A ↗ ⋅ ⊢ ⊤
G ⊢ x.A ↗ ⋅ ⊢ ⊤
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ ⊥
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― U-Bot
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ↗ ⋅ ⊢ ⊥
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― U-Bot
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ↗ ⋅ ⊢ ⊥
| uc_bot : forall G1 G2 x T G1',
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bot ->
G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1 ⊢ avar_f x ↗ nil ⊢ typ_bot
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bot ->
G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1 ⊢ avar_f x ↗ nil ⊢ typ_bot
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ {A : L .. U}
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― U-Bnd
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ↗ G1' ⊢ U
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― U-Bnd
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ↗ G1' ⊢ U
| uc_bnd : forall G1 G2 x T G1' L U,
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bnd L U ->
G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1 ⊢ avar_f x ↗ G1' ⊢ U
where "G1 ⊢ S ↗ G2 ⊢! U" := (upcast G1 S G2 U).
Local Hint Constructors upcast.
Section UpcastProperties.
Theorem upcast_decreases_measure : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↗ G' ⊢ U ->
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' U.
destr on upcast; simpl;
autorewrite with measures; try lia.
apply revealing_measure in H.
simpl in *. lia.
Hint Resolve ope_sub_refl ope_sub_nil ope_sub_trans ope_sub_app.
Hint Constructors ope_sub.
Theorem upcast_sound : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↗ G' ⊢ U ->
(G ⊢ typ_sel x <: U) /\ (G ⊆<: G').
destr on upcast.
all:try lazymatch goal with
| ⊢ subty (?l2 ++ ?x ~ ?p ++ ?l1) _ _ /\ _ =>
pose proof (binds_for_sure l2 l1 x p)
- eapply st_sel2.
apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
eapply st_trans.
+ simpl_env. by_weakening.
+ instantiate (1 := typ_top). trivial.
- eapply st_sel2.
apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
- apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
Hint Resolve wf_nil fv_deapp.
Theorem upcast_preserves_wf : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↗ G' ⊢ U ->
wf_env G ->
fv x ⊆ dom G ->
wf_env G' /\ fv G' ⊆ fv G /\ fv U ⊆ dom G' /\ lc U.
destr on upcast; intros.
1-2:simpl; repeat split; set solve.
apply revealing_preserves_wf in H; trivial.
repeat split; trivial.
- fv_solve.
- simpl in *. auto.
- routine.
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bnd L U ->
G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1 ⊢ avar_f x ↗ G1' ⊢ U
where "G1 ⊢ S ↗ G2 ⊢! U" := (upcast G1 S G2 U).
Local Hint Constructors upcast.
Section UpcastProperties.
Theorem upcast_decreases_measure : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↗ G' ⊢ U ->
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' U.
destr on upcast; simpl;
autorewrite with measures; try lia.
apply revealing_measure in H.
simpl in *. lia.
Hint Resolve ope_sub_refl ope_sub_nil ope_sub_trans ope_sub_app.
Hint Constructors ope_sub.
Theorem upcast_sound : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↗ G' ⊢ U ->
(G ⊢ typ_sel x <: U) /\ (G ⊆<: G').
destr on upcast.
all:try lazymatch goal with
| ⊢ subty (?l2 ++ ?x ~ ?p ++ ?l1) _ _ /\ _ =>
pose proof (binds_for_sure l2 l1 x p)
- eapply st_sel2.
apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
eapply st_trans.
+ simpl_env. by_weakening.
+ instantiate (1 := typ_top). trivial.
- eapply st_sel2.
apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
- apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
Hint Resolve wf_nil fv_deapp.
Theorem upcast_preserves_wf : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↗ G' ⊢ U ->
wf_env G ->
fv x ⊆ dom G ->
wf_env G' /\ fv G' ⊆ fv G /\ fv U ⊆ dom G' /\ lc U.
destr on upcast; intros.
1-2:simpl; repeat split; set solve.
apply revealing_preserves_wf in H; trivial.
repeat split; trivial.
- fv_solve.
- simpl in *. auto.
- routine.
The following is an implementation of Upcast.
Definition upcast_func (G : env) (x : avar) : env * typ :=
match x with
| avar_b _ => (nil, typ_top)
| avar_f x =>
match split_at x G with
| None => (nil, typ_top)
| Some (existT _ T (existT _ G1 _)) =>
let '(existT _ G1' (exist _ U _)) := reveal_func G1 T in
match U with
| typ_bot => (nil, typ_bot)
| typ_bnd _ U' =>
(G1', U')
| _ => (nil, typ_top)
Theorem upcast_func_sound_wrt_spec : forall G x G' T,
upcast_func G x = (G', T) ->
G ⊢ x ↗ G' ⊢ T.
intros. unfold upcast_func in H.
execute H.
all:progressive_inversions; auto.
- apply reveal_func_sound_wrt_spec in Heqs2.
tidy_up. eapply uc_bot. eauto.
- apply reveal_func_sound_wrt_spec in Heqs2.
tidy_up. eapply uc_bnd; eauto.
Lemma upcast_func_decreases_measure : forall G x G' T,
upcast_func G x = (G', T) ->
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' T.
intros. apply upcast_func_sound_wrt_spec in H.
apply upcast_decreases_measure. trivial.
Definition upcast_f_u G (x : avar) (tup : env * typ)
(H : upcast_func G x = tup) :
{ G'' & {T'' |
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G'' T'' } }.
refine (existT _ (fst tup) (exist _ (snd tup) _)).
abstract (destruct tup; simpl fst; simpl snd;
apply upcast_func_decreases_measure; trivial).
Lemma upcast_f_u_eq : forall G x tup pf G'' T'' pf',
@upcast_f_u G x tup pf = existT _ G'' (exist _ T'' pf') ->
G'' = fst tup /\ T'' = snd tup.
intros. unfold upcast_f_u in H. tidy_up.
Definition upcast_f_dep (G : env) (x : avar) :
{ G' & {T' |
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' T' } }
:= @upcast_f_u G x (upcast_func G x) eq_refl.
Lemma upcast_f_dep_eq_upcast_f : forall G x G' T' pf,
upcast_f_dep G x = existT _ G' (exist _ T' pf) ->
upcast_func G x = (G', T').
intros. unfold upcast_f_dep in H.
apply upcast_f_u_eq in H.
destruct (upcast_func G x); tidy_up.
End UpcastProperties.
match x with
| avar_b _ => (nil, typ_top)
| avar_f x =>
match split_at x G with
| None => (nil, typ_top)
| Some (existT _ T (existT _ G1 _)) =>
let '(existT _ G1' (exist _ U _)) := reveal_func G1 T in
match U with
| typ_bot => (nil, typ_bot)
| typ_bnd _ U' =>
(G1', U')
| _ => (nil, typ_top)
Theorem upcast_func_sound_wrt_spec : forall G x G' T,
upcast_func G x = (G', T) ->
G ⊢ x ↗ G' ⊢ T.
intros. unfold upcast_func in H.
execute H.
all:progressive_inversions; auto.
- apply reveal_func_sound_wrt_spec in Heqs2.
tidy_up. eapply uc_bot. eauto.
- apply reveal_func_sound_wrt_spec in Heqs2.
tidy_up. eapply uc_bnd; eauto.
Lemma upcast_func_decreases_measure : forall G x G' T,
upcast_func G x = (G', T) ->
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' T.
intros. apply upcast_func_sound_wrt_spec in H.
apply upcast_decreases_measure. trivial.
Definition upcast_f_u G (x : avar) (tup : env * typ)
(H : upcast_func G x = tup) :
{ G'' & {T'' |
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G'' T'' } }.
refine (existT _ (fst tup) (exist _ (snd tup) _)).
abstract (destruct tup; simpl fst; simpl snd;
apply upcast_func_decreases_measure; trivial).
Lemma upcast_f_u_eq : forall G x tup pf G'' T'' pf',
@upcast_f_u G x tup pf = existT _ G'' (exist _ T'' pf') ->
G'' = fst tup /\ T'' = snd tup.
intros. unfold upcast_f_u in H. tidy_up.
Definition upcast_f_dep (G : env) (x : avar) :
{ G' & {T' |
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' T' } }
:= @upcast_f_u G x (upcast_func G x) eq_refl.
Lemma upcast_f_dep_eq_upcast_f : forall G x G' T' pf,
upcast_f_dep G x = existT _ G' (exist _ T' pf) ->
upcast_func G x = (G', T').
intros. unfold upcast_f_dep in H.
apply upcast_f_u_eq in H.
destruct (upcast_func G x); tidy_up.
End UpcastProperties.
Reserved Notation "G1 ⊢ S ↘ G2 ⊢! U" (at level 90).
Inductive downcast : env -> avar -> env -> typ -> Prop :=
Inductive downcast : env -> avar -> env -> typ -> Prop :=
――――――――――――――― D-Bot*
G ⊢ x.A ↘ ⋅ ⊢ ⊥
G ⊢ x.A ↘ ⋅ ⊢ ⊥
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ ⊥
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― D-Top
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ↘ ⋅ ⊢ ⊤
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― D-Top
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ↘ ⋅ ⊢ ⊤
| dc_top : forall G1 G2 x T G1',
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bot ->
downcast (G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1) (avar_f x) nil typ_top
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ typ_bot ->
downcast (G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1) (avar_f x) nil typ_top
G1 ⊢ T ⤊ G1' ⊢ {A : L .. U}
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― D-Bnd
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ↘ G1' ⊢ L
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― D-Bnd
G1 ; x : T ; G2 ⊢ x.A ↘ G1' ⊢ L
| dc_bnd : forall G1 G2 x T G1' L U,
revealing G1 T G1' (typ_bnd L U) ->
downcast (G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1) (avar_f x) G1' L
where "G1 ⊢ S ↘ G2 ⊢! U" := (downcast G1 S G2 U).
Local Hint Constructors downcast.
Section DowncastProperties.
Theorem downcast_decreases_measure : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↘ G' ⊢ U ->
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' U.
destr on downcast; simpl;
autorewrite with measures; try lia.
apply revealing_measure in H.
simpl in *. lia.
Hint Resolve ope_sub_refl ope_sub_nil ope_sub_trans ope_sub_app.
Hint Constructors ope_sub.
Theorem downcast_sound : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↘ G' ⊢ U ->
(G ⊢ U <: typ_sel x) /\ (G ⊆<: G').
destr on downcast.
all:try lazymatch goal with
| ⊢ subty (?l2 ++ ?x ~ ?p ++ ?l1) _ _ /\ _ =>
pose proof (binds_for_sure l2 l1 x p)
- eapply st_sel1.
apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
eapply st_trans.
+ simpl_env. by_weakening.
+ instantiate (1 := typ_top). trivial.
- eapply st_sel1.
apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
- apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
Hint Resolve wf_nil fv_deapp.
Theorem downcast_preserves_wf : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↘ G' ⊢ U ->
wf_env G ->
fv x ⊆ dom G ->
wf_env G' /\ fv G' ⊆ fv G /\ fv U ⊆ dom G' /\ lc U.
destr on downcast; intros.
1-2:simpl; repeat split; set solve.
apply revealing_preserves_wf in H; trivial.
repeat split; trivial.
- fv_solve.
- simpl in *. auto.
- routine.
revealing G1 T G1' (typ_bnd L U) ->
downcast (G2 ++ x ~ T ++ G1) (avar_f x) G1' L
where "G1 ⊢ S ↘ G2 ⊢! U" := (downcast G1 S G2 U).
Local Hint Constructors downcast.
Section DowncastProperties.
Theorem downcast_decreases_measure : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↘ G' ⊢ U ->
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' U.
destr on downcast; simpl;
autorewrite with measures; try lia.
apply revealing_measure in H.
simpl in *. lia.
Hint Resolve ope_sub_refl ope_sub_nil ope_sub_trans ope_sub_app.
Hint Constructors ope_sub.
Theorem downcast_sound : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↘ G' ⊢ U ->
(G ⊢ U <: typ_sel x) /\ (G ⊆<: G').
destr on downcast.
all:try lazymatch goal with
| ⊢ subty (?l2 ++ ?x ~ ?p ++ ?l1) _ _ /\ _ =>
pose proof (binds_for_sure l2 l1 x p)
- eapply st_sel1.
apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
eapply st_trans.
+ simpl_env. by_weakening.
+ instantiate (1 := typ_top). trivial.
- eapply st_sel1.
apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply ty_sub. eauto.
- apply revealing_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
Hint Resolve wf_nil fv_deapp.
Theorem downcast_preserves_wf : forall G x G' U,
G ⊢ x ↘ G' ⊢ U ->
wf_env G ->
fv x ⊆ dom G ->
wf_env G' /\ fv G' ⊆ fv G /\ fv U ⊆ dom G' /\ lc U.
destr on downcast; intros.
1-2:simpl; repeat split; set solve.
apply revealing_preserves_wf in H; trivial.
repeat split; trivial.
- fv_solve.
- simpl in *. auto.
- routine.
The following is an implementation of Downcast.
Definition downcast_func (G : env) (x : avar) : env * typ :=
match x with
| avar_b _ => (nil, typ_bot)
| avar_f x =>
match split_at x G with
| None => (nil, typ_bot)
| Some (existT _ T (existT _ G1 _)) =>
let '(existT _ G1' (exist _ U _)) := reveal_func G1 T in
match U with
| typ_bot => (nil, typ_top)
| typ_bnd L _ =>
(G1', L)
| _ => (nil, typ_bot)
Theorem downcast_func_sound_wrt_spec : forall G x G' T,
downcast_func G x = (G', T) ->
downcast G x G' T.
intros. unfold downcast_func in H.
execute H.
all:progressive_inversions; auto.
- apply reveal_func_sound_wrt_spec in Heqs2.
tidy_up. eapply dc_top. eauto.
- apply reveal_func_sound_wrt_spec in Heqs2.
tidy_up. eapply dc_bnd; eauto.
Lemma downcast_func_decreases_measure : forall G x G' T,
downcast_func G x = (G', T) ->
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' T.
intros. apply downcast_func_sound_wrt_spec in H.
apply downcast_decreases_measure. trivial.
Definition downcast_f_u G (x : avar) (tup : env * typ)
(H : downcast_func G x = tup) :
{ G'' & {T'' |
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G'' T'' } }.
refine (existT _ (fst tup) (exist _ (snd tup) _)).
abstract (destruct tup; simpl fst; simpl snd;
apply downcast_func_decreases_measure; trivial).
Lemma downcast_f_u_eq : forall G x tdown pf G'' T'' pf',
@downcast_f_u G x tdown pf = existT _ G'' (exist _ T'' pf') ->
G'' = fst tdown /\ T'' = snd tdown.
intros. unfold downcast_f_u in H. tidy_up.
Definition downcast_f_dep (G : env) (x : avar) :
{ G' & {T' |
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' T' } }
:= @downcast_f_u G x (downcast_func G x) eq_refl.
Lemma downcast_f_dep_eq_downcast_f : forall G x G' T' pf,
downcast_f_dep G x = existT _ G' (exist _ T' pf) ->
downcast_func G x = (G', T').
intros. unfold downcast_f_dep in H.
apply downcast_f_u_eq in H.
destruct (downcast_func G x); tidy_up.
End DowncastProperties.
(* Arguments upcast_f_dep G x/. *)
(* Arguments downcast_f_dep G x/. *)
(* Arguments upcast_f_u G x tup H/. *)
(* Arguments downcast_f_u G x tup H/. *)
match x with
| avar_b _ => (nil, typ_bot)
| avar_f x =>
match split_at x G with
| None => (nil, typ_bot)
| Some (existT _ T (existT _ G1 _)) =>
let '(existT _ G1' (exist _ U _)) := reveal_func G1 T in
match U with
| typ_bot => (nil, typ_top)
| typ_bnd L _ =>
(G1', L)
| _ => (nil, typ_bot)
Theorem downcast_func_sound_wrt_spec : forall G x G' T,
downcast_func G x = (G', T) ->
downcast G x G' T.
intros. unfold downcast_func in H.
execute H.
all:progressive_inversions; auto.
- apply reveal_func_sound_wrt_spec in Heqs2.
tidy_up. eapply dc_top. eauto.
- apply reveal_func_sound_wrt_spec in Heqs2.
tidy_up. eapply dc_bnd; eauto.
Lemma downcast_func_decreases_measure : forall G x G' T,
downcast_func G x = (G', T) ->
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' T.
intros. apply downcast_func_sound_wrt_spec in H.
apply downcast_decreases_measure. trivial.
Definition downcast_f_u G (x : avar) (tup : env * typ)
(H : downcast_func G x = tup) :
{ G'' & {T'' |
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G'' T'' } }.
refine (existT _ (fst tup) (exist _ (snd tup) _)).
abstract (destruct tup; simpl fst; simpl snd;
apply downcast_func_decreases_measure; trivial).
Lemma downcast_f_u_eq : forall G x tdown pf G'' T'' pf',
@downcast_f_u G x tdown pf = existT _ G'' (exist _ T'' pf') ->
G'' = fst tdown /\ T'' = snd tdown.
intros. unfold downcast_f_u in H. tidy_up.
Definition downcast_f_dep (G : env) (x : avar) :
{ G' & {T' |
subty_measure G (typ_sel x) > subty_measure G' T' } }
:= @downcast_f_u G x (downcast_func G x) eq_refl.
Lemma downcast_f_dep_eq_downcast_f : forall G x G' T' pf,
downcast_f_dep G x = existT _ G' (exist _ T' pf) ->
downcast_func G x = (G', T').
intros. unfold downcast_f_dep in H.
apply downcast_f_u_eq in H.
destruct (downcast_func G x); tidy_up.
End DowncastProperties.
(* Arguments upcast_f_dep G x/. *)
(* Arguments downcast_f_dep G x/. *)
(* Arguments upcast_f_u G x tup H/. *)
(* Arguments downcast_f_u G x tup H/. *)
Reserved Notation "[ L ] G1 >> T '<⦂' U << G2" (at level 70).
Inductive stareat : atoms -> env -> typ -> typ -> env -> Prop :=
Inductive stareat : atoms -> env -> typ -> typ -> env -> Prop :=
―――――――――――――――― SA-Bot
G1 ≫ ⊥ <: T ≪ G2
G1 ≫ ⊥ <: T ≪ G2
―――――――――――――――― SA-Top
G1 ≫ T <: ⊤ ≪ G2
G1 ≫ T <: ⊤ ≪ G2
―――――――――――――――――――― SA-VRefl
G1 ≫ x.A <: x.A ≪ G2
G1 ≫ x.A <: x.A ≪ G2
G1 ⊢ x.A ↗ G1' ⊢ T
G1' ≫ T <: U ≪ G2
―――――――――――――――――― SA-Sel2
G1 ≫ x.A <: U ≪ G2
G1' ≫ T <: U ≪ G2
―――――――――――――――――― SA-Sel2
G1 ≫ x.A <: U ≪ G2
| sa_sel_left : forall L G1 x G2 T U G1',
G1 ⊢ x ↗ G1' ⊢ T ->
[ L ] G1' >> T <: U << G2 ->
[ L ] G1 >> typ_sel x <: U << G2
G1 ⊢ x ↗ G1' ⊢ T ->
[ L ] G1' >> T <: U << G2 ->
[ L ] G1 >> typ_sel x <: U << G2
G2 ⊢ x.A ↘ G2' ⊢ U
G1 ≫ T <: U ≪ G2'
―――――――――――――――――― SA-Sel1
G1 ≫ T <: x.A ≪ G2
G1 ≫ T <: U ≪ G2'
―――――――――――――――――― SA-Sel1
G1 ≫ T <: x.A ≪ G2
| sa_sel_right : forall L G1 x G2 T U G2',
G2 ⊢ x ↘ G2' ⊢ U ->
[ L ] G1 >> T <: U << G2' ->
[ L ] G1 >> T <: typ_sel x << G2
G2 ⊢ x ↘ G2' ⊢ U ->
[ L ] G1 >> T <: U << G2' ->
[ L ] G1 >> T <: typ_sel x << G2
G1 ≫ T2 >: T1 ≪ G2'
G1 ; x : T1 ≫ U1 <: U2 ≪ G2 ; x : T2
―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SA-All
G1 ≫ ∀(x : T1)U1 <: ∀(x : T2)U2 ≪ G2
G1 ; x : T1 ≫ U1 <: U2 ≪ G2 ; x : T2
―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SA-All
G1 ≫ ∀(x : T1)U1 <: ∀(x : T2)U2 ≪ G2
| sa_all : forall L G1 T1 U1 G2 T2 U2 x,
x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv T1 `union` fv T2
`union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L ->
[ L ] G2 >> T2 <: T1 << G1 ->
[ L `union` singleton x `union` fv T2 ]
x ~ T1 ++ G1 >> open x U1 <: open x U2 << x ~ T2 ++ G2 ->
[ L ] G1 >> typ_all T1 U1 <: typ_all T2 U2 << G2
x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv T1 `union` fv T2
`union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L ->
[ L ] G2 >> T2 <: T1 << G1 ->
[ L `union` singleton x `union` fv T2 ]
x ~ T1 ++ G1 >> open x U1 <: open x U2 << x ~ T2 ++ G2 ->
[ L ] G1 >> typ_all T1 U1 <: typ_all T2 U2 << G2
G1 ≫ S2 >: S1 ≪ G2
G1 ≫ U1 <: U2 ≪ G2
―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SA-Bnd
G1 ≫ {A : S1 .. U1} <: {A : S2 .. U2} ≪ G2
G1 ≫ U1 <: U2 ≪ G2
―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― SA-Bnd
G1 ≫ {A : S1 .. U1} <: {A : S2 .. U2} ≪ G2
| sa_bnd : forall L G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2,
[ L ] G2 >> S2 <: S1 << G1 ->
[ L ] G1 >> U1 <: U2 << G2 ->
[ L ] G1 >> typ_bnd S1 U1 <: typ_bnd S2 U2 << G2
where "[ L ] G1 >> T '<⦂' U << G2" := (stareat L G1 T U G2)%type.
Local Hint Constructors stareat.
Definition bsubtyp (G : env) (T U : typ) : Prop :=
uniq G /\ [ fv G ] G >> T <: U << G.
Arguments bsubtyp G T U/.
Notation "G ⊢S T <⦂ U" := (bsubtyp G T U)%type (at level 70).
Section BiSubtyProperties.
Hint Resolve ope_sub_trans.
Theorem ope_sub_stareat_sound : forall L G1 T U G2,
[ L ] G1 >> T <: U << G2 ->
forall G,
fv G ⊆ L ->
uniq G ->
G ⊆<: G1 ->
G ⊆<: G2 ->
G ⊢ T <: U.
induction on stareat; intros; auto.
- apply upcast_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply st_trans.
+ eapply ope_narrow_subty; eassumption.
+ apply IHstareat; eauto.
- apply downcast_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply st_trans.
+ apply IHstareat; eauto.
+ eapply ope_narrow_subty; eassumption.
- eapply st_all; auto.
assert (x `notin` fv G). {
eapply notin_subset_relax. eassumption. auto.
cofinite. apply open_subst_subty with (x := x); trivial.
+ repeat (apply notin_union_3; auto).
+ auto.
+ apply IHstareat2.
* assert (fv (x ~ T2 ++ G) [=] singleton x `union` fv G `union` fv T2). {
simpl. set solve.
rewrite H5. set solve.
* routine.
* apply os_keep; auto.
* apply os_keep; auto.
Program Fixpoint stareat_refl (T : typ) {measure (typ_struct_measure T)}
: forall L G1 G2,
[ L ] G1 >> T <: T << G2 := _.
Next Obligation.
destruct T; auto.
- pick_fresh x. econstructor.
+ eauto.
+ eapply stareat_refl; eauto.
simpl. lia.
+ eapply stareat_refl; eauto.
rewrite open_typ_same_measure. simpl. lia.
- constructor; eapply stareat_refl; eauto.
all:simpl; lia.
End BiSubtyProperties.
Definition eq_typ_sel (x : avar) (y : avar)
: {x = y} + {x <> y}.
destruct (x == y); subst; eauto.
Local Hint Resolve ope_sub_refl.
Theorem bsubtyp_sound : forall G T U,
G ⊢S T <: U ->
G ⊢ T <: U.
simpl. intros. tidy_up.
eapply ope_sub_stareat_sound; eauto.
[ L ] G2 >> S2 <: S1 << G1 ->
[ L ] G1 >> U1 <: U2 << G2 ->
[ L ] G1 >> typ_bnd S1 U1 <: typ_bnd S2 U2 << G2
where "[ L ] G1 >> T '<⦂' U << G2" := (stareat L G1 T U G2)%type.
Local Hint Constructors stareat.
Definition bsubtyp (G : env) (T U : typ) : Prop :=
uniq G /\ [ fv G ] G >> T <: U << G.
Arguments bsubtyp G T U/.
Notation "G ⊢S T <⦂ U" := (bsubtyp G T U)%type (at level 70).
Section BiSubtyProperties.
Hint Resolve ope_sub_trans.
Theorem ope_sub_stareat_sound : forall L G1 T U G2,
[ L ] G1 >> T <: U << G2 ->
forall G,
fv G ⊆ L ->
uniq G ->
G ⊆<: G1 ->
G ⊆<: G2 ->
G ⊢ T <: U.
induction on stareat; intros; auto.
- apply upcast_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply st_trans.
+ eapply ope_narrow_subty; eassumption.
+ apply IHstareat; eauto.
- apply downcast_sound in H. destruct_conjs.
eapply st_trans.
+ apply IHstareat; eauto.
+ eapply ope_narrow_subty; eassumption.
- eapply st_all; auto.
assert (x `notin` fv G). {
eapply notin_subset_relax. eassumption. auto.
cofinite. apply open_subst_subty with (x := x); trivial.
+ repeat (apply notin_union_3; auto).
+ auto.
+ apply IHstareat2.
* assert (fv (x ~ T2 ++ G) [=] singleton x `union` fv G `union` fv T2). {
simpl. set solve.
rewrite H5. set solve.
* routine.
* apply os_keep; auto.
* apply os_keep; auto.
Program Fixpoint stareat_refl (T : typ) {measure (typ_struct_measure T)}
: forall L G1 G2,
[ L ] G1 >> T <: T << G2 := _.
Next Obligation.
destruct T; auto.
- pick_fresh x. econstructor.
+ eauto.
+ eapply stareat_refl; eauto.
simpl. lia.
+ eapply stareat_refl; eauto.
rewrite open_typ_same_measure. simpl. lia.
- constructor; eapply stareat_refl; eauto.
all:simpl; lia.
End BiSubtyProperties.
Definition eq_typ_sel (x : avar) (y : avar)
: {x = y} + {x <> y}.
destruct (x == y); subst; eauto.
Local Hint Resolve ope_sub_refl.
Theorem bsubtyp_sound : forall G T U,
G ⊢S T <: U ->
G ⊢ T <: U.
simpl. intros. tidy_up.
eapply ope_sub_stareat_sound; eauto.
Termination of Stare-at Subtyping
Inductive stareat_termination : forall L G1 S U G2, [ L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2 -> Prop :=
| bt_bot : forall L G1 T G2, stareat_termination (sa_bot L G1 T G2)
| bt_top : forall L G1 T G2, stareat_termination (sa_top L G1 T G2)
| bt_sel_refl : forall L G1 x G2, stareat_termination (sa_sel_refl L G1 x G2)
| bt_sel_left : forall L G1 x G2 T U G1'
(Uc : upcast G1 x G1' T)
(Rec : [ L ] G1' >> T <: U << G2),
subty_measure G1' T + subty_measure G2 U <
subty_measure G1 (typ_sel x) + subty_measure G2 U ->
stareat_termination (sa_sel_left Uc Rec)
| bt_sel_right : forall L G1 x G2 T U G2'
(Dc : downcast G2 x G2' U)
(Rec : [ L ] G1 >> T <: U << G2'),
subty_measure G1 T + subty_measure G2' U <
subty_measure G1 T + subty_measure G2 (typ_sel x) ->
stareat_termination (sa_sel_right Dc Rec)
| bt_all : forall L G1 T1 U1 G2 T2 U2 x
(F : x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv T1 `union` fv T2
`union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L)
(Rec1 : [ L ] G2 >> T2 <: T1 << G1)
(Rec2 : [ L `union` singleton x `union` fv T2 ]
x ~ T1 ++ G1 >> open x U1 <: open x U2 << x ~ T2 ++ G2),
subty_measure G2 T2 + subty_measure G1 T1 <
subty_measure G1 (typ_all T1 U1) + subty_measure G2 (typ_all T2 U2) ->
subty_measure (x ~ T1 ++ G1) (open x U1) + subty_measure (x ~ T2 ++ G2) (open x U2) <
subty_measure G1 (typ_all T1 U1) + subty_measure G2 (typ_all T2 U2) ->
stareat_termination (sa_all U1 U2 F Rec1 Rec2)
| bt_bnd : forall L G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2
(Rec1 : [ L ] G2 >> S2 <: S1 << G1)
(Rec2 : [ L ] G1 >> U1 <: U2 << G2),
subty_measure G2 S2 + subty_measure G1 S1 <
subty_measure G1 (typ_bnd S1 U1) + subty_measure G2 (typ_bnd S2 U2) ->
subty_measure G1 U1 + subty_measure G2 U2 <
subty_measure G1 (typ_bnd S1 U1) + subty_measure G2 (typ_bnd S2 U2) ->
stareat_termination (sa_bnd Rec1 Rec2).
Local Hint Constructors stareat_termination.
| bt_bot : forall L G1 T G2, stareat_termination (sa_bot L G1 T G2)
| bt_top : forall L G1 T G2, stareat_termination (sa_top L G1 T G2)
| bt_sel_refl : forall L G1 x G2, stareat_termination (sa_sel_refl L G1 x G2)
| bt_sel_left : forall L G1 x G2 T U G1'
(Uc : upcast G1 x G1' T)
(Rec : [ L ] G1' >> T <: U << G2),
subty_measure G1' T + subty_measure G2 U <
subty_measure G1 (typ_sel x) + subty_measure G2 U ->
stareat_termination (sa_sel_left Uc Rec)
| bt_sel_right : forall L G1 x G2 T U G2'
(Dc : downcast G2 x G2' U)
(Rec : [ L ] G1 >> T <: U << G2'),
subty_measure G1 T + subty_measure G2' U <
subty_measure G1 T + subty_measure G2 (typ_sel x) ->
stareat_termination (sa_sel_right Dc Rec)
| bt_all : forall L G1 T1 U1 G2 T2 U2 x
(F : x `notin` fv G1 `union` fv T1 `union` fv T2
`union` fv U1 `union` fv U2 `union` fv G2 `union` L)
(Rec1 : [ L ] G2 >> T2 <: T1 << G1)
(Rec2 : [ L `union` singleton x `union` fv T2 ]
x ~ T1 ++ G1 >> open x U1 <: open x U2 << x ~ T2 ++ G2),
subty_measure G2 T2 + subty_measure G1 T1 <
subty_measure G1 (typ_all T1 U1) + subty_measure G2 (typ_all T2 U2) ->
subty_measure (x ~ T1 ++ G1) (open x U1) + subty_measure (x ~ T2 ++ G2) (open x U2) <
subty_measure G1 (typ_all T1 U1) + subty_measure G2 (typ_all T2 U2) ->
stareat_termination (sa_all U1 U2 F Rec1 Rec2)
| bt_bnd : forall L G1 S1 U1 S2 U2 G2
(Rec1 : [ L ] G2 >> S2 <: S1 << G1)
(Rec2 : [ L ] G1 >> U1 <: U2 << G2),
subty_measure G2 S2 + subty_measure G1 S1 <
subty_measure G1 (typ_bnd S1 U1) + subty_measure G2 (typ_bnd S2 U2) ->
subty_measure G1 U1 + subty_measure G2 U2 <
subty_measure G1 (typ_bnd S1 U1) + subty_measure G2 (typ_bnd S2 U2) ->
stareat_termination (sa_bnd Rec1 Rec2).
Local Hint Constructors stareat_termination.
One can compare this termination proof with the one in Step.v and see how the setup of Revealing has shortened the
proof drastically.
Section Termination.
Hint Rewrite -> open_typ_same_measure : measures.
Fixpoint stareat_terminates L G1 S U G2
(D : [ L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2) {struct D} :
stareat_termination D.
destruct D; constructor;
lazymatch goal with
| H : upcast _ _ _ _ ⊢ _ =>
apply upcast_decreases_measure in H
| H : downcast _ _ _ _ ⊢ _ =>
apply downcast_decreases_measure in H
| _ => idtac
simpl in *; auto; try lia.
autorewrite with measures.
End Termination.
Hint Rewrite -> open_typ_same_measure : measures.
Fixpoint stareat_terminates L G1 S U G2
(D : [ L ] G1 >> S <: U << G2) {struct D} :
stareat_termination D.
destruct D; constructor;
lazymatch goal with
| H : upcast _ _ _ _ ⊢ _ =>
apply upcast_decreases_measure in H
| H : downcast _ _ _ _ ⊢ _ =>
apply downcast_decreases_measure in H
| _ => idtac
simpl in *; auto; try lia.
autorewrite with measures.
End Termination.